Institute of Measurement Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (IMS SAS) is a scientific institution of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Its activities encompass following basic domains of fundamental and applied research:
- Measurement theory and mathematical- statistical methods for experimental results processing;
- Systems for measuring of selected physical quantities;
- Measuring systems for biomedicine, mathematical and computer modelling of bionic structures and processes, processing of biosignals;
- Design of methods and measuring systems for non-standard problems of measurement in science and industry. Development and realization of unique measuring systems as materialized result of scientific research activity.
Since 2009 the Institute participated in several projects that allowed to exploit the support from the European Regional Development Fund. The Institute was a partner in projects CENTE and CENTE II, Center of Competence for New Materials, Advanced Technologies and Power Engineering. The institute is partner of the University Research Park for Biomedicine in Bratislava.