Comparison of different voxel traversal techniques

Algorithm comparison

A performance comparison of various algorithms from the data published by their authors is impossible, since different test scenes as well as hardware platforms and operating systems were usually used for their implementation. Therefore a computer experiment was set up, based on the rendering of phantom scenes with randomly positioned spheres of various size and number.

Background traversal speed comparison

On the basis of this experiment we see that the distance based algorithms can significantly speed up the background traversal phase of rendering by ray tracing. For a simple scene, the speed up can reach values around 10 in comparison to the FRT. Although this ratio decreases with growing scene complexity, the CD algorithm is faster than FRT even for such complex scenes, as e.g., that in Figure 1 with 1331 simulated objects.

Hit-miss test and surface detection

The choice of the background traversal algorithm can influence the hit-miss test and ray-surface intersection computation. From this point of view, we compared two ways of the continuous line definition, based on

For comparison purposes, a scene with a voxelized sphere was generated and rendered with such parameters that all rays hit the surface.

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