Volume Visualization by Ray Tracing


Ray tracing is now common in the field of computer graphics, and the technique has also gained popularity in volumetric visualization. This is due to its ability to enhance spatial perception of the scene using such effects as transparency, mirroring and shadow casting. Correct understanding of the nature of the processed data further necessitates usage of various visualization techniques. In the framework of its basic scheme, ray tracing enables the implementation of various surface as well as volume rendering techniques (color compositing, reprojection, MIP), which makes it an ideal tool for data exploration.

Advantages of the ray tracing approach:

Disadvantages of the ray tracing approach:

Due to the fact that the scene is defined within a 3D discrete raster the ray should be represented as a discrete ray, i.e., as an ordered sequence of voxels pierced by the given ray with the following properties:

The necessity to process large amounts of data implies the following demand:


Figure 1: Enhancement of spatial relationships of different views by mirrors and shadows. The object (cca 3 cm long, scanned by a NMR scanner) is a cast of a human hearth ventricle cavity.

Skin Skull Brain
(a) (b) (c)
Skull Skin Brain
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 2: Example of different volume rendering techniques: surface rendering (a,d), (b,e) volume volume rendering by ray tracing and (c, f) reprojection.

Binary Volume Rendering by Ray Tracing


Figure 3: Background traversal, hit-miss test and surface detection

Probabilistic Volume Rendering by Ray Tracing


Figure 4: Background traversal and accumulation

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