
Project selection:

National projects

Research of properties of magnetic nanoparticles for imaging purposes in biomedical diagnostics based on magnetic resonance methods
Výskum vlastností magnetických nanočastíc pre účely zobrazovania v biomedicínskej diagnostike na báze metód magnetickej rezonancie
Program: VEGA
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
Project leader: Dr. Ing. Přibil Jiří, (PhD.)
Annotation: The project focuses on experimental and theoretical research in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)methods. The following issues will be addressed in the project: 1. Research of properties of magneticnanoparticles in external magnetic fields regarding creation of a theoretical model and its subsequentexperimental verification. 2. Analysis of MRI scanning effect on cardiovascular system of a tested person in orderto find appropriate methods of detection, quantification, and design of measures to minimize them. 3. Analysis ofmetabolic processes in order to map the rate of energy production in the human heart and muscles in order todiagnose the slowing down of energy production in the heart. 4. Automated processing of MR images of thehuman knee in order to obtain quantitative characteristics and morphological quantities of individual tissues. 5.Calibration of gradient fields to ensure undistorted morphology in measured MR images. Mapping ofinhomogeneities into magn. fields using MRI methods