The Importance of ECG Offset Correction for Noninvasive Premature Ventricular Contraction Origin Localization from Clinical Data

Investigators: Jana Švehlíková, Anna Přibilová, Ján Zelinka, Beáta Ondrušová, Katarína Kromková, Peter Hlivák, Robert Hatala, Milan Tyšler

The input data for localization of the source of premature ventricular activity (PKA) were averaged ECG signals obtained from a 5-20 minute recording of multi-lead ECG measured in 14 patients diagnosed with PKA. During its standard processing, the so-called “swimming the zero line” in the entire signal using a high-pass filter (HP), or by applying a cubic spline (CS) to predefined zero points of the signal, then the time sections with PKA were averaged. However, the average representative of the PKA signal had a residual non-zero signal (offset) at the time of onset of ventricular activity. We therefore investigated the effect of keeping, or removal of this offset on the results of localization of the PKA source by solving the inverse task of electrocardiography using a simple dipole for 4 combinations of homogeneous or inhomogeneous individualized chest model created from CT scan and HP resp. CS methods of removing “zero line swimming”. The removal of the offset in the averaged signal significantly improved the stability of PKA localization, when the average mutual distance of the results for the patient decreased from 17-18 mm to 1-2 mm, regardless of the characteristics of the chest model or the method of removing “zero line swimming”. 

Related projects: VEGA 2/0109/22, APVV-14-0875, APVV-19-0531, COST CA19137


1) ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana** – PŘIBILOVÁ, Anna – ZELINKA, Ján – ONDRUŠOVÁ, Beáta – KROMKOVÁ, K. – HLIVAK, P. – HATALA, R. – TYŠLER, Milan. The importance of ECG offset correction for premature ventricular contraction origin localization from clinical data. In Measurement Science Review, 2022, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 202-208. (2021: 1.697 – IF, Q3 – JCR, 0.376 – SJR, Q3 – SJR). ISSN 1335-8871. Available at: Type: ADDA

2) J. Svehlikova, J. Zelinka, B. Ondrusova, K. Kromkova, P. Hlivak, R. Hatala, M. Tysler, “Residual PVC Offset Correction for Inverse Localization of PVC Origin Using a Single Dipole,” 45th Annual ISCE Conference. Available on:











Fig. left: Mean values of mutual distances of results of each patient for 4 combinations of calculations (NOFC/OFC without/with offset correction, inh/hom ne/homogeneous torso model). Right: Example of patient P002 results for 4 calculation combinations without/with offset correction (scattered stars/stable squares).