Non-invasive localization of the ventricular arrhythmia lesion

Non-invasive preoperative localization of the site of premature ventricular activation can significantly shorten the time and increase the success of ablation therapy. A method was proposed to locate the lesion by solving the inverse problem of electrocardiography as finding the position of the dipole representing the onset of ectopic activation. The method requires surface ECG mapping and a 3D model of the patient’s chest obtained from CT. It was tested on 5 patients in Prague (96 ECG leads) and 2 patients in Bratislava (128 ECG leads). In solving the problem, an inhomogeneous (NT) or homogeneous (HT) chest model and potential maps from all measured, or only from 64, 48, 32 selected leads were used. The calculated dipole positions were compared to the catheter position during successful ablation of the arrhythmogenic lesion. In 3 patients in Prague and both patients in Bratislava the lesion was in the outflow tract of the right ventricle (RVOT), in the other 2 patients it was in the left ventricle (LV). The proposed method determined the lesion in the correct area of ​​the heart with an error of up to 2 cm in all patients, except one, where the lesion in the RVOT was located in the LV, while the error was also less than 2 cm. The use of HT did not show a significant increase in localization error, leading to less variance of results from different ectopic cycles. The use of 48 or fewer leads increased the number of incorrect locations, and the use of NT also increased the number of incorrect locations out of 64 leads.



Fig. 1: Example of localization of an ectopic activation locus in the basal inferior region of the left ventricle of the heart (rear view). Left: chest and heart model with ablation catheter positions. Right: localization of the lesion from 5 ectopic cycles using different numbers of leads and different heart models.


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• APVV-14-0875 “Non-invasive localization of ectopic ventricular arrhythmias using ECG mapping and its use for causal treatment.”
• VEGA 2/0071/16 “Modeling of the electric field of the heart to investigate the manifestations of functional and structural changes of the myocardium in the measured ECG signals.”



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