Projects of Department of Optoelectronic Measuring Methods

Project selection:

International projects

PhoBioS – Understanding interaction light – biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices
Pochopenie interakcie svetlo – biologické povrchy: možnosti pre nové elektronické materiály a zariadenia
Program: COST
Duration: 19.10.2022 – 18.10.2026
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: It is known that various biological surfaces are covered with micro- and nano-structures that perform a variety of functions (e.g., anti-reflective, structural coloration, anti-fouling, pro- or anti-adhesion …) and inspire us to many industrial applications. In recent years, there has been a significant upsurge of research in this field. The main objective of the COST Action "Understanding light-biological surface interactions: opportunities for new electronic materials and devices" is to bring together scientists coming from different disciplines in this lively area of research, focusing on the photonic effects of nano- and micro-structures of biological surfaces and their bionic applications. The consortium will ensure cross-inspiration between participants coming from different research fields and foster research innovation and possible industrial development.
Project website:

National projects

ARAM – Research of reference standards and measurement methods ensuring determination of the relationship of geometric specifications and qualitative indicators of 3D objects created by additive technologies
Výskum referenčného etalónu a meracích metód zabezpečujúcich určenie vzťahu geometrických špecifikácií a kvalitatívnych ukazovateľov 3D objektov vytvorených aditívnymi technológiami
Program: APVV
Duration: 1.7.2024 – 31.12.2027
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The present project is aimed at evaluating the quality of additive manufacturing, a reference test artefact designed and developed for this purpose. The development of the reference artefact and the quantification of its parameters will make use of the latest knowledge in additive manufacturing, state-of-the-art measurement strategies implemented using X-ray microtomography, magnetometry, coordinate measuring devices, optical and electron scanning microscopes and methods of mathematical-statistical processing of measured data. Additive manufacturing technologies are capable of producing parts with very complex geometries that conform to the desired design without further machining. It is for this reason that they are very promising and their use in industry is growing. In order for additive manufacturing products to fully replace conventionally machined parts, they must meet the required quality criteria such as shape and dimensional accuracy, surface roughness, internal defects, residual stresses, etc. The final quality of parts produced by additive manufacturing technology is influenced by the characteristics of the raw material and the parameters and settings of the system. The aim of the project is to investigate the production of modified monofilaments and the measurement methods necessary for the realization of a stable and reproducible reference test artifact, which would be used to assess not only the geometric capability of additive manufacturing systems but also the internal structure and selected properties of the final product.
METIM – Design of a Methodology and its Verification for the Measurement of Selected Parameters of Ti Implants in the Manufacturing Process
Návrh metodiky a jej overenie pre meranie vybraných parametrov Ti implantátov vo výrobnom procese
Program: APVV
Duration: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2027
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project focuses on the development and application of measurement and non-destructive testing methods inthe manufacturing of titanium dental implants. Dental implants are medical devices that have to comply with thetechnical requirements given by regulation of the European Parliament and Council EU 2017/745 from 5 Apr 2017.Under this regulation, among other obligations, the manufacturer must ensure that these devices are safe andeffective and do not compromise the clinical condition or patients safety. The dental implants should also meet ahigh level of health and safety protection, taking into account the generally accepted state of the art in science andtechnology. In this project we will address the requirements related to the design and manufacturing and inparticular: the compatibility of the different parts of the device, the influence of processes on the properti es of thematerials, the mechanical properties of the materials used such as strength, ductility, resistance to wear andfatigue, the properties of the surfaces, and confirmation that the device meets all defined physical specifications aswell as the identification of contaminants in the manufacturing process. To ensure these requirements, we intend touse state-of-the-art measurement methods such as X-ray microtomography (microCT), scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM), optical measurement of surface roughness, SQUID magnetometry. Since the abovemeasurement methods are time consuming and do not allow their full application in the production, the solution willalso include the design of effective methods of statistical quality control, which will be applied at the manufacturerof dental titanium implants MARTIKAN, s.r.o. The objectives of the proposed project correlate with the Researchand Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Slovak Republic 2021-2027 (SK RIS3 2021+), while theyaffect two defined domains, namely Innovative Industry for the 21st Century and Healthy Society.
Changes in fossil lizard communities at older and younger Cenozoic sites in and around Europe as a result of dramatic global climate change – the key to understanding our future is in the past
Zmeny v spoločenstvách fosílnych jašterov na lokalitách staršieho a mladšieho kenozoika v Európe a okolí ako dôsledok dramatických globálnych klimatických zmien – kľúčom k budúcnosti je chápanie minulosti
Program: VEGA
Duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2026
Project leader: RNDr. Hain Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Terrestrial ecosystems in Europe, but practically everywhere, changed significantly during the Cenozoic due toglobal climatic changes. The importance of their better understanding is magnified by present global climatechange. In that respect, lizards are widely regarded as excellent indicators of past climates, particularly ambienttemperatures. The project is focused on the research of new, often complete finds from localities of different agessuch as the Paleocene site of Walbeck in Germany, the Lower Eocene sites of Dormaal in Belgium, Cos,Pasturat and Viélase in France. We also include new complete finds from the Middle Eocene German Messellocality (Unesco). Furthermore, fossils from the Oligocene and Lower Miocene sites of Phosphorites du Quercy(France), Miocene to Pliocene sites in Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, but also in Africa (Kenya) will bestudied. The aim is this research using CT is an interpretation of the phylogenetic relationships of studied taxaand changes in their communities.