Projects of Department of Biomeasurements

Project selection:

International projects

PARQ – Sudden cardiac arrest prediction and resuscitation network: Improving the quality of care
Predikcia náhlej srdcovej zástavy a systém resuscitácie: Zvýšenie kvality zdravotnej starostlivosti
Program: COST
Duration: 26.10.2020 – 25.10.2024
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) causes 2 million deaths each year in Europe alone. Since SCA strikes unexpectedly and is lethal within minutes if untreated, solving this problem requires (1) recognizing individuals at risk and designing preventive strategies, (2) providing timely and effective treatment. Because SCA mostly occurs out-of-hospital, SCA victims rely on first-response treatment provided by citizens, firefighters and emergency medical services. There are large regional differences in SCA survival rates across Europe (1-30%). This suggests that regional differences in individual risk prediction, prevention and treatment have a major impact on the chance to survive. To improve survival rates across Europe it is imperative to study: 1) inherited, acquired, and environmental risk factors of SCA across European regions; 2) regional differences in preventive measures and first-response treatment strategies and their effectiveness. The PARQ Action will facilitate this research by forming a pan-European network of excellence in SCA and resuscitation science. This network includes investigators from different disciplines including cardiology, molecular biology, resuscitation science, emergency medicine, general practice and health economics. The main objectives of the Action are to promote development of standards for collection of clinical data and biological samples and to harmonize data analysis. This will aid in development of risk prediction models based on inherited, acquired and environmental risks. The PARQ action will focus on European differences in first-response treatment and develop guidelines. In summary, the PARQ Action investigators will enable breakthrough developments to decrease the incidence of SCA and improve survival, while reducing the vast regional European differences in survival rates.
Project website:

National projects

Use of multi-lead ECG measurement and modeling of the electric field of the heart in non-invasive diagnostics and therapy of ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure
Využitie mnohozvodového merania EKG a modelovania elektrického poľa srdca pri neinvazívnej diagnostike a terapii komorových arytmií a zlyhávajúceho srdca
Program: VEGA
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2024
Project leader: Ing. Švehlíková Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The proposed project follows the previous one, in which we addressed signal processing and the inverse problem for the first clinical data from patients with arrhythmias. In the following period, we would like to expand the number of processed measurements to standardize the most suitable procedures for the processing of the measured signals. In addition to the diagnosis of premature ventricular contraction, we plan to process and evaluate multi-lead ECG signals of patients with heart failure and contribute to the methodology of evaluation of resynchronization therapy. We will also focus on the direct evaluation of the parameters of the measured potential maps. Personalized models of patients\’ hearts will be created and pathological processes will be simulated in them for a better understanding of the processes in the activation of heart ventricles. The simulated signals will be compared with clinical measurements. Within the international cooperation, we will compare our results with other inverse methods.