Mapping and analysis of noise and vibration produced by low field MRI devices and their impact on physiology and psychology of an examined person
PhD study program: Measurement Technology
Akademic year: 2019-020
Advisor: Dr. Ing. Jiří Přibil (
External educational institution: Institute of Measurement Science SAS
Accepting university: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Institute of Electrical Engineering
Max. number of students: 1
Study language: Slovak/English
Mapping of noise and vibration distribution in the open-air and whole-body MRI device (Esaote Opera and TMR96), statistical analysis of their energy relations in the scanning area. Research of noise and vibration impact on physiological and psychological changes in an examined person depending on the intensity and duration of exposure (change in blood pressure and heart rate, width of vascular vessels detected from MR images of the human hand, stress factor in the audio signal recorded in parallel, etc.).
The applicant is expected to have knowledge of the theory of vibration and acoustic noise, basic human physiology, numerical methods for signal and image processing and the ability of Matlab programming. During the study the PhD student will extend his/her knowledge of acoustics, signal processing, statistics, medical imaging methods, and modeling of biological objects.