
Ústav merania SAV, Oddeleneie biomeraní

Domov Zameranie Pracovníci Publikácie Výsledky Realizácie

Vybrané publikácie


      1. TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., TIŇOVÁ M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J, HEBLÁKOVÁ E., SZATHMÁRY V., FILIPOVÁ S.: Use of body surface potential maps for model-based assessment of local pathological changes in the heart. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, vol. 53, No. 3, 2005, 207-215. ISSN 0239-7582.

      2. ROSÍK V., KNEPPO P., TYŠLER M., ŽDIŇÁK J., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J.: Modular system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state - BIOLAB. In: 3rd European Medical Biological Engineering Conference, IFMBE European Conference on Biomedical Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 11, 2005, 2210. (CD-ROM, ISSN 1727-1983) (Rosik_EMBEC05.pdf, 281 kB)

      3. HUBKA P., ROSÍK V., ŽDIŇÁK J., TYŠLER M., HULÍN I.:  Electrogastrographic signals analyzed by independent component analysis. In: 3rd European Medical Biological Engineering Conference, IFMBE European Conference on Biomedical Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 11, 2005, 2211. (CD-ROM, ISSN 1727-1983) (Hubka_EMBEC05.pdf, 180 kB)

      4. TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J., HEBLÁKOVÁ E.: Noninvasive identification of ischemic lesions in the heart. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol.4, 2005, 124-127. ISSN 1336-1376. ( )

      5. TYSLER M., TURZOVA M., TINOVA M., SZATHMARY V., FILIPOVA S.: Possible use of high resolution BSPM data for model-based methods for heart state assessment. In: Lecture Notes of the ICB Seminars: High Resolution  ECG and MCG Mapping, Eds. De Ambroggi, L., Katila T., Maniewski R., MCB PAN, Warszaw, 2004, 27-38. ( Tysler_War04.pdf, 383 kB)

      6. TYŠLER M., SZATHMÁRY V., TURZOVÁ M.: Model study of assessment of local heart repolarization changes by several ECG methods. In International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism. ISSN 1456-7857. Vol. 5, no. 1, 2003, p. 252-253.(http://www.ijbem.org/volume5/number1/104.htm)

      7. FILIPOVÁ S., TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., ROSÍK V.: Reference ECG – mapping etalons improve the diagnostic accuracy of myocardial ischemia according to departure isointegral surface maps. In International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism. ISSN 1456-7857. Vol. 5, no. 1, 2003, p. 369-370. (http://www.ijbem.org/volume5/number1/158.htm)

      8. TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J.: Modeling of heart repolarization using realistic action potentials. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 3, 2003, p. 37-40. (http://www.measurement.sk/2003/S2/Tysler.pdf, 164 kB)

      9. TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J.: Repolarization Changes Displayed in Surface ARI Maps. A Simulation Study. ICE  2002. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, vol.4, No.2, 2002, S. 99-100. (Tysler_ICE02.pdf, 38 kB)

      10. ROSÍK V., RÁŠO R., TYŠLER M.: System For Measurement of Human Stomach Electrical Activity. 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC'02. IFMBE Proceedings, Vol.3, 2002, S.1480-1481.

      11. TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J.: Heart Repolarization Changes Projected to Surface Distribution of Activation - Recovery Intervals. 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC'02. IFMBE Proceedings, Vol.3, 2002, S.1176-1177.

      12. ROSÍK V., TYŠLER M., JURKO Š., RÁŠO R., TURZOVÁ  M.:  Cardio 7 - Portable System for High Resolution ECG Mapping. In: Health Data in the Information Society, Proceedings of MIE 2002, Ed.: Surján G., Engelbrecht R., Mc Nair P, S.41-46.

      13. TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., FILIPOVÁ S.: Spatial distribution of QT-intervals in body surface potential maps from limited leads. In: Electrocardiology 2000, Proceedings of the XXVII international Congress on Electrocardiology, Ed. Luigi De Ambroggi, Casa Editrice Scientifica Internazionale, Roma, 2001, S.149-154.

      14. Tyšler M., Turzová M., Szathmáry V.: Assessment of heart repolarization properties from body surface potential maps. Measurement Science Review, 1, 2001, 23-26. (http://www.measurement.sk/PAPERS/Tysler.pdf)

      15. Rosík V., Tyšler M., Jurko Š., Rášo R., Turzová M.: Portable system for high resolution ECG mapping. Measurement Science Review, 1, 2001, 27-30. (http://www.measurement.sk/PAPERS/Rosik.pdf)

      16. RášoR., Rosík V., Tyšler M.: Multichannel measurement of human intestinal tract electrical activity. Measurement Science Review, 1, 2001, 31-34. (http://www.measurement.sk/PAPERS/Raso.pdf)

      17. Tyšler M., Turzová M., Szathmáry V.: Projection of local changes of ventricular action potential to surface distribution of activation-recovery intervals. Biomedizinische Technik, Band 46, Ergänzungsband 2, 2001, 60-62. (Tysler_NFSI01.pdf, 155 kB)

      18. Tyšler M., Turzová M., Filipová S.: Spatial distribution of QT-intervals in body surface potential maps from limited leads. In: Electrocardiology 2000, Proceedings of the XXVII international Congress on Electrocardiology, Ed. Luigi De Ambroggi, Casa Editrice Scientifica Internazionale, Roma, 2001, 149-154. (Tysler_ICE00.pdf, 195 kB)

      19. Tyšler M., Turzová M., Tiňová M., Kneppo P.: Noninvasive Localization of cardiac Arrhythmias. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 37, Supplement 2 (Proceedings of the European Medical &Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC'99, Vienna, Austria), 1999, 1630-1631. (Tysler_EMBEC99.pdf, 76 kB)

      20. Tyšler M., Kneppo P., Turzová M., Švehlíková J.: Localization of accessory pathway in the heart using body surface potentials. Automatika, Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communication, 40, (1-2), 1999, 11-17.

      21. Tyšler M., Turzová M., Tiňová M., Švehlíková M.: Noninvasive localization of cardiac arrhythmia sources from multichannel ecg measurements. In: Measurement'99, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Measurement. Eds.: Frollo I., Plačková A., Bratislava, Institute of Measurement Science SAS, 1999, 107-110. (Tysler_MEAS99.pdf, 111 kB)

      22. Tyšler M., Rosík V., Turzová M.: Practical system for BSP mapping studies. In: Electrocardiology '98, Proceedings of the XXVth international congress on electrocardiology. Eds.: Préda I., Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, World Scientific,1999, 81-84. (Tysler_ICE98.pdf, 84 kB)

      23. Filipová S., Tyšler M., Turzová M., Rosík V., Kneppo P.: Reference sample with appropriately adjusted characteristics improves the diagnostic accuracy of departure isointegral maps. In: Electrocardiology '97, Proceedings of the XXVth international congress on electrocardiology. Eds.: Bacharova l., Macfarlane P.W., Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, World Scientific,1998, 231-234.

      24. Tyšler M., Kneppo P., Turzová M., Švehlíková J.: Localization of accessory pathway in the heart using body surface potentials. In: Biomedical measurement and instrumentation. Proceedings of the 8th international IMEKO conference on measurement in clinical medicine. Ed.: Magjarevic R. Dubrovnik, IMEKO, CROMBES & KoREMA, 1998, 3.31- 3.34. (Tysler_IMEKO98.pdf, 166 kB)

      25. Tiňová M., Tyšler M., Turzová M., Švehlíková J.: Inverse localization of preexcitation sites using "Jumping dipole". In: Electrocardiology '97, Proceedings of the XXVth international congress on electrocardiology. Eds.: Bacharova l., Macfarlane P.W., Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, World Scientific,1998, 59-62.

      26. Rosík V., Tyšler M., Turzová M.: PC-based device for ECG mapping. Biomediziniscshe Technik, 42, Ergänzungsband 1, 1997, 159-162. (Rosik_NFSI97.pdf, 244 kB)

      27. Tyšler M., Turzová M., Švehlíková J., Tiňová M.: Accuracy of inverse localization of preexcitation sites. A simulation study. In: Electrocardiology '96, From the Cell to the Body Surface. Ed. J. Liebman. World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, london, Hong Kong, 1997,69-72. (Tysler_ICE96.pdf, 78 kB)

      28. Tiňová M., Huiskamp G.J., Turzová M., Tyšler M.: The uniform double layer model and myocardial infarction: forward solution consideration. Brat Lek Listy 1996; 97,9, 558-561.

      29. Turzová M., Tyšler M., Švehlíková J., Tiňová M. : Model study of the influence of extracardial factors on the inverse localization of preexcitation sites. Brat Lek Listy 1996; 97,9, 562-566.

      30. Cserjés Zs., Kozmann Gy., Tyšler M., Tiňová M., Turzová M., Szathmáry V.: Noninvasive spatio-temporal detection of epicardial breakthroughs and septal vawe collisions. Japanese Heart Journal 35, Suppl.1, 1994, 93-94.

      31. Turzová, M., Tyšler, M., Kneppo, P.: A Model Study of Sensitivity of Body Surface Potential Distribution to Variations of Electrode Placement. Journal of Electrocardiology, Vol.27, 3, 1994, 255-262.

      32. Tyšler, M., Tiňová, M., Kužmová, J., Kneppo, P.: Modelling of the influence of cardial and extracardial factors on generated surface potentials. In: Electrocardiology'92, Macfarlane, P.W., de Padua, F., Eds., World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1993, 11-14.

      33. Kneppo, P., Tyšler, M., Turzová, M.: Simulation study of possibilities of using limited lead mapping data for inverse solution based on multipole cardiac generator. In: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology. Eds. J.P. Morucci, R. Plonsey, J.L. Coatrieux, S. Laxminarayan. Piscataway, IEEE Inc. 1992, 2002-2003.

      34. Tyšler, M., Rosík, V., Turzová, M.: A personal computer based system for cardiac electric field investigation in the clinic and inresearch. Advances in Biomedical Research. Ed. E.R. Carson, P.Kneppo, I.Krekule. Plenum press, New York and London, 1988, 21-30.

      35. Kneppo, P., Tyšler, M., Zrubec, V.: Topographical measurement and displaying of bioelectromagnetic fields. In: IMEKO 11. Proceedings of the 11th Triennial Congress of the International Measurementation Confederetion Plenaries, invited papers, computers and intelligent systems. Houston, International Measurementation Confederation 1988, 115-129.

      36. Kneppo, P., Rosík, V., Tyšler, M.: A new method for measuring the cardiac electric field and the geometrical configuration of the chest. In: Progress in Electrocardiology. Glasgow, Ed. P. MacFarlane. Pitman Medical 1979, 212-214.
