Vplyv architektúry spánku na konsolidáciu emocionálnej a ne-emociálnej pamäte
Pozývame Vás na prednášku „The Impact of Sleep Architecture on Emotional and Non-emotional Memory Consolidation“, ktorú prednesie Saman Seifpour, doktorand Oddelenia teoretických metód Ústavu merania SAV v Bratislave. Prednáška sa uskutoční dňa 20. júna 2019 (štvrtok), o 14:00 hod. v zasadacej miestnosti ÚM SAV.
Saman Seifpour
The Impact of Sleep Architecture on Emotional and Non-emotional Memory Consolidation – An Exploratory Study of Cyclic Alternating Patterns
Although converging evidence from recent studies support the notion that newly encoded declarative memories can be optimally consolidated during a period of sleep, the question of how sleep architecture might be contributed to emotional memory processing has remained a matter of controversy. Introducing and developing the term of cyclic alternating patterns (CAP) as a more recent and sophisticated sleep microstructure has opened a new horizon in sleep science research. This study with an emphasis on the dynamic structure of sleep by employing the CAP theory concept attempts to provide new insights into the field of sleep-dependent memory consolidation and expound the neural mechanisms of NREM sleep involved in cognitive processes. Following a baseline day, participants viewed a set of emotionally negative and neutral stimuli before a 120-min nap opportunity monitored with PSG. After 4 hours, they participated in a memory recognition task. This study identified two fundamentally distinct neural oscillations in delta (0.5-2.5Hz) and alpha (7.0-11.0Hz) frequency bands of CAP A subtypes associated reciprocally with the successful recognition of emotionally negative stimuli, whereas there was no apparent relationships be tween long continuous NREM activities in the frequency bands of interest and memory benefit for emotional or neutral information. Furthermore, this inverse relationship was observed during CAPA subtypes so that there was a significant decrease/increase in the slow/fast relative power on the day following learning, as compared to the baseline. This study shows not only subcontinuous slow wave activities included in the activation phases of CAP, but also those transitional fast activities may have an important and functionally complementary role in human neurocognitive processing during sleep. Moreover, the findings can also provide further support for the substantial contribution of NREM sleep physiology, especially its transient activities expressed by CAP, to the consolidation of declarative emotional memories.