Robust Texture Recognition with Color Invariance |
Pozývame Vás na seminár Oddelenia teoretických metód ÚM SAV s názvom Robust Texture Recognition with Color Invariance, ktorý sa uskutoční v piatok, 10. októbra 2014, o 10:00 v zasadacej miestnosti ÚM SAV v Bratislave. Prednášať bude RNDr. Pavel Vácha, PhD, mladý
pracovník ÚTIA AV ČR v Prahe.
Srdečne pozývam všetkých záujemcov!
prof. RNDr. Ing. Ivan Bajla, CSc.
vedúci projektu VEGA
Part 1 (~30 min):
Recognition of natural and
artificial materials is an essential part of image understanding and computer
vision. Unfortunately, it is highly dependent on real illumination conditions
and camera position. We proposed novel textural features based on Markovian
modelling of textures, which are invariant to illumination color, local
intensity variation and robust to illumination direction changes. The features
were applied to ceramic tile recognition with a smart phone.
Part 2 (~10 min):
Future plans for further research
into Markovian feature models in 2D pattern recognition and 1D biosignal