Odhad poklesu s metrologickými aplikáciami |
Prednáška Dr. Robina Willinka.
Dňa 1.júna 2009 o 14:00 hod. sa v zasadačke ÚM SAV uskutoční seminár Oddelenia teoretických metód, na ktorom Dr. Robin Willink,PhD, Industrial Research Ltd., New Zealand, prednesie prednášku na tému: "Shrinkage Estimation with Metrological Applications".
Shrinkage estimation is a statistical technique that can be used toreduce the root-mean-square error of an estimator. In this talk Idiscuss the kind of shrinkage estimation that involves moving('shrinking') the estimate from the sample mean partway toward aguessed value that was available in advance. If the guess issufficiently close to the true mean the root-mean-square error isreduced and the width of a confidence interval for the mean can bereduced. Possible uses for this technique in metrology are discussed.