Modeling Water Waves: From Deep to Shallow Waters |
Seminár Oddelenia teoretickým metód ÚM SAV
Dňa 15. júla 2010 o 10:00 hod. sa v zasadačke ÚM SAV uskutočnil seminár Oddelenia teoretických metód, na ktorom Bc. Alan Jamieson (Glasgow, U.K.) prezentoval výsledky svojej bakalárskej práce a predniesol prednášku na tému: "Modeling Water Waves: From Deep to Shallow Waters".
Alan Jamieson je študentom štvrtého ročníka University of Strathclyde (špecializácia matematika a štatistika). V rámci výmenného programu organizovanom združením IAESTE Slovakia (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience), Alan Jamieson absolvoval pracovnú stáž na Ústave merania SAV v dňoch 21. 6. - 30. 7. 2010.
A wave can be decribed as a disturbance or variation which travels through a medium. Water waves are caused by water reacting through gravity or surface tension to return surface to its initial level. At sea, waves can be the reaction from wind blowing on the surface or in more extreme events such as tsunamis generated from earthquakes. The aim of this project was to explore mathematical models of water waves at sea.