Methods for Combining Information |
Pozývame Vás na seminár Oddelenia teoretických metód ÚM SAV s názvom Methods for Combining Information, ktorý sa uskutoční vo štvrtok, 18. júla 2013, o 10:00 v zasadacej miestnosti ÚM SAV v Bratislave. Prednáša Dr. Guido Knapp, Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany.
Methods for Combining Information
Guido Knapp
Institute of Applied Stochastics and Operations Research
TU Clausthal, Germany
In this talk, we consider several methods for combining results from independent experiments addressing the same question. Besides the classical likelihood approach using a fixed or random effects model, a higher order likelihood approach and a generalized inference approach are discussed. Real data examples and simulation results illustrate the different methods. Moreover, the relevant R packages for conducting the analyses are presented.