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Ústav arrow Semináre arrow Bioelektrodynamika: Elektrodynamika proteinových štruktúr a fotonické biosignály
Bioelektrodynamika: Elektrodynamika proteinových štruktúr a fotonické biosignály


 Pozývame Vás na seminár ÚM SAV s názvom "Bioelektrodynamika: Elektrodynamika proteinových štruktúr a fotonické biosignály", ktorý sa uskutoční v stredu, 17. Júna 2015, o 10:00 v zasadacej miestnosti ÚM SAV v Bratislave.
Výskum svojho výskumného týmu predstaví Ing. Michal Cifra, Ph.D. z Ústavu fotoniky a elektroniky AV ČR vrámci spoločného výskumného projektu MAD medzi ÚM SAV a AV ČR s názvom "Skúmanie fyzikálnych základov interakcií elektromagnetických polí s biomolekulami, bunkami a tkanivom".


Activities of the Bioelectrodynamics research team at the Institute of Photonics and Electronics, The Czech Academy of Sciences, will be briefly described in the talk. Our long term vision is to discover novel paths to future electrodynamic and electronic therapeutic and diagnostic methods in biotechnology and medicine. We are driven by the curiosity about the role of endogenous electrodynamic phenomena and properties in cellular physiology and signaling. To fulfil our mission and to satisfy our curiosity, we develop novel tools and methods to explore both active and passive electrodynamic and electronic properties of biomaterials from the level of molecules to tissues. Specifically, we analyze electromagnetic properties of biological, protein nanostructures with the focus on cellular fibers - microtubules. Furthermore, we focus on endogenous radiofrequency and optical electromagnetic biosignals. Our activities cover experimental and theoretical work, together with a development of experimental equipment. Using nanotechnology fabrication methods we develop micro/nanosensors for our measurement systems of very weak electromagnetic molecular and cellular signals. Experimental work is followed by the modeling of biophysical processes which generate electromagnetic field at a cellular, primarily supra-molecular, level.

Measurement Science Review (on-line časopis)