Ústav Oddelenia Odd. teoretických metód Pracovníci oddelenia Teplan, Michal, Mgr. PhD.
Teplan, Michal, Mgr. PhD. |
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Informačná stránka zamestnanca SAV
Michal Teplan, SAV
Aktuálne zameranie výskumu
meranie, spracovanie a analýza bioelektrických signálov
diagnostika a terapia pomocou elektromagnetických polí
biologické účinky slabých elektromagnetických polí
impedančná analýza v biomedicínskych aplikáciach
biomedicínske a matematické modelovanie
psychofyziológia a biofeedback tréning
Bežiace projekty
COST projekt: Európska sieť pre využitie EMP v
biomedicínskych aplikáciach, 2013 - 2017 (člen MC)
MAD bilaterálny projekt: Skúmanie fyzikálnych základov interakcií
elektromagnetických polí s biomolekulami, bunkami a tkanivom, 2015- 2017
(zodpovedný riešiteľ)
Vega projekt: Meranie biologickej odozvy slabých nízkofrekvenčných
elektromagnetických polí, 2016 - 2018 (zodpovedný riešiteľ)
APVV projekt: Rozhranie mozog-počítač s adaptívnym
robotickým ramenom na neurorehabilitáciu, 2013 – 2017 (riešiteľ)
APVV projekt: Neinvazívna
lokalizácia ektopických arytmií srdcových komôr pomocou EKG mapovania a jej
využitie pre účely kauzálnej liečby, 2015 - 2018 (riešiteľ)
Vybrané publikácie
- M. Teplan, I. Bajla, R. Rosipal
and M. Rusnak (2017): Feature clustering of intracranial pressure time series for
alarm function estimation in traumatic brain injury, Physiological Measurement,
38, 2015–2043.
- R. Rosipal, N.
Porubcová, P. Barančok, B. Cimrová, M. Teplan, I. Farkaš (2017): Brain–computer
interface with robot-assisted training for neurorehabilitation, International
Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Alghero, Italy, 11.-14.9.2017, p.
- M. Masárová, A. Krafčík, M. Teplan , O. Štrbák,
D. Gogola , P. Boruta , D. Dobrota and I. Frollo (2017): Comparison of Iron
Oxide-Related MRI Artifacts in Healthy and Neuropathological Human Brain
Tissue, 131 (2017) Acta Physica Polonica A No. 4, 1108-1110.
- M. Teplan, I. Bajla, Štrbák O., Cifra M. (2017): Development of experimental platform for investigation of biological response of cells to weak low frequency electromagnetic fields, In: MEASUREMENT 2017. 11th International Conference on Measurement, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2017, p. 237-240.
- I. Bajla, R. Škoviera and M. Teplan (2017): An alternative of the sliding window approach in time series clustering of intracranial pressure for patients with traumatic brain injury, In: MEASUREMENT 2017. 11th International Conference on Measurement, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2017, p. 47-50.
- Teplan M., Štrbák O., Cifra M., Bajla I. (2017): Electromagnetic resonance in biological systems, COST EMF-MED Workshop on Non-Thermal EMF Cancer Treatment, Warsaw.
- Teplan M. (2015): Od biosignálov po akupunktúru, Quark, 4.
- Švehlíková J., Teplan M., Tyšler, M. (2015): Noninvasive identification of two lesions with local repolarization changes using two dipoles in inverse solution. Stimulation study, Computers in biology and medicine, 57, 96-102.
- Teplan M., Krakovská A., Špajdel M. (2014): EEG features of psycho-physiological relaxation, Measurement science review, 14, 237-242.
- Teplan M., Bajla I., Rosipal R., Rusnák M. (2014): Intracranial pressure of patients after severe traumatic brain injury: a pilot study for lethality estimation from time series, 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering YBERC, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- Štrbák O., Krafčík A., Teplan M., Gogola D., Kopčanský P., Frollo I. (2014): Biogenic
Magnetite Nanoparticle Ensemble Use in MRI Diagnostics, Acta Physica Polonica
A, 126, 388-389.
- Teplan M., Švehlíková J., Tyšler M. (2014): Assessment of number of lesions from integral body surface potential maps, 41st International congress of electrocardiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, 225-228.
- Teplan, M. - Kukučka, M. - Ivanič, B. - Ondrejkovičová, A. (2013): Impedance maps of
acupuncture points. ICMART 2013 - Conference of International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques, 29.11.-1.12., Vienna, Austria.
- Švehlíková J., Teplan M., Tyšler, M. (2013): Classification of Inverse Solutions to Two
Dipoles, Computing in Cardiology, 40, 1127-1130.
- Molčan L.,Teplan M., Veselá A., Zeman M. (2013): Long-term effects of phase advanced shifts of lights on cardiovascular parameters measured by telemetry in rats, Physiological measurement 34, 1623-1632.
- Švehlíková J., Teplan M., Tyšler, M. (2013): Classification of Inverse Solutions to Two
Dipoles, International Conference Computing in Cardiology,Zaragoza, Spain, 22.-25.9., 310.
- Švehlíková J., Teplan M., Tyšler, M. (2013): Identification of Two Lesions with Local Repolarization Changes Using Two Dipoles in the Inverse Solution, In: Measurement 2013. 9th International Conference on Measurement, Bratislava, Slovakia, p. 93-96. ISBN 978-80-969-672-5-4.
- Molčan L.,Teplan M., Veselá A., Zeman M. (2012): Long-term effects of phase advanced shifts of lights on cardiovascular parameters measured by telemetry in rats, 9th Symposium of the International Society of Biotelemetry, 24-26 May Graz, Austria, s. 22-24.
- Teplan M., Kukučka M., Ondrejkovičová A. (2011): Impedance analysis of acupuncture points and pathways, Journal of Physics: Conference series, vol. 329 (pdf).
Teplan M., Molčan L., Zeman M. (2011): Spectral Analysis of Cardiovascular Parameters of Rats Under Irregular Light-Dark Regime, In: MEASUREMENT 2011. 8th International Conference on Measurement, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 343-346.
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2011): Direct and transient effects of audio-visual stimulation on EEG. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 102:17-24.
Karas S., Teplan M., Tyšler M. (2009): Detection of Variations in Biomedical Signals Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima, In: MEASUREMENT 2009. 7th International Conference on Measurement, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 153-156.
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2009): EEG characterization of psycho-physiological rest and relaxation, In: MEASUREMENT 2009. 7th International Conference on Measurement, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of MeasurementScience, SAS, 161-164.
Teplan M., Šušmáková K., Paluš M., Vejmělka M. (2009): Phase synchronization in human EEG during audio-visual stimulation. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 28: 80-84.
Teplan M. (2009): Akupunktúra: princípy, prístupy a perspektívy výskumu. Fyziologický Ústav LF UK. ( pdf 1081 kB)
Teplan M., Šušmáková K., Paluš M., Vejmělka M. (2008): Detection of phase synchronization applied to audio-visual stimulation EEG. International CIANS conference Higher brain functions, September 28 – October 2, 2008, Smolenice. Conference abstracts in: Activitas Nervosa Superior 50, 2008, p. 85.
Teplan M., Šušmáková K., Paluš M., Vejmělka M. (2008): Phase synchronization in human EEG during audio-visual stimulation. International symposium Biophysical aspects of cancer, electromagnetic mechanisms. July 1-3, 2008, Praha.
Teplan M. (2007): EEG analysis for application of mind machines, relaxation, and meditation. In: Proceedings 7th European SSE Meeting 2007. Roros, Norway, 160-170, ISBN: 978-82-992639-1-7
Teplan M., Štolc S. (2007): Determination of betatron tune from beam trajectory registration. In: MEASUREMENT 2007. 6th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 73-76. (pdf 92 kB)
Teplan M.(2006): Audio-visual stimulation and relaxation, linear and nonlinear EEG measures. Dizertačná práca, Ústav merania SAV, Bratislava, Slovenská republika. ( pdf 1827 kB)
Teplan M.(2006): Audio-vizuálna stimulácia a relaxácia, lineárne a nelineárne EEG miery. Autoreferát dizertačnej práce. ( pdf 340 kB)
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2006): EEG responses to long-term audio-visual stimulation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 59, 2006, 81-90.
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2005): Long-term effects of audio-visual stimulation on human EEG. In: Coherence and Electromagnetic fields in Biological Systems. Praha, Czech Republic, July 1-4, Abstract book, 60-62.
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2005): Measures of EEG in the context of long-term audio-visual stimulation. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005, 225-228.( poster pdf 85 kB)
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2003): Audiovisual Stimulation Of Human Brain And EEG Measures. Dynamics Days, 2003. International Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. ( poster pdf 189 kB )
Štolc S., Krakovská A., Teplan M. (2003): Audiovisual Stimulation Of Human Brain. Linear And Nonlinear Measures. Measurement, 2003. International Conference, Smolenice, Slovak Republic. ( poster pdf 197 kB)
Teplan, M. (2002): Fundamentals of EEG measurement. In: Measurement Science Review, Section 2, Vol. 2 ( pdf 375 kB)
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc, S. (2002): Linear and nonlinear EEG measures in the context of brain training. 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering conference, 2002. International Conference, Vienna. ( article pdf 148 kB / poster pdf 202 kB)
Krakovská A., Teplan M., Štolc, S. (2002): Nonlinear filtering of EEG and its effect on complex measures estimation. In: Book of abstracts, 22nd European Dynamics Days, 2002. International Conference, Heidelberg, p. 66.
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc, S. (2002): Dynamics of EEG during brain training. In: Book of abstracts, 22nd European Dynamics Days, 2002. International Conference, Heidelberg, p. 91.
Teplan M.(1998): Vplyv dynamiky na tvar rezonancií v interakciách hadrónov a jadier. Diplomová práca.
1998: Matematicko-fyzikálna fakulta Univerzity Komenského Bratislava, študijný odbor "Teoretická a matematická fyzika"
2006: udelenie titulu PhD, dizertačná práca s názvom "Audio-vizuálna stimulácia a relaxácia, lineárne a nelineárne EEG miery", Ústav merania SAV
Publikácie a citácie
Pracovníci Oddelenia teoretických metód |
- Bereta, Martin, Ing. PhD.
- Rošťáková, Zuznana, Mgr.
- Jakubík, Jozef, Mgr.
- Budáčová, Hana, Mgr.
- Bajla, Ivan, prof. RNDr. Ing. PhD.
- Bartošová, Katarína, Ing. PhD.
- Chvosteková, Martina, Mgr. PhD.
- Grendár, Marián, Mgr. PhD.
- Krakovská, Anna, RNDr. CSc.
- Mezeiová, Kristína, Mgr. PhD.
- Rosipal, Roman, Ing. Mgr., PhD
- Rublík, František, Doc. RNDr. CSc.
- Štolc, Svorad, Mgr. PhD.
- Teplan, Michal, Mgr. PhD.
- Witkovský, Viktor, Doc. RNDr. CSc.