Statistical Papers

Participants of the Probastat 2024 conference are invited to submit manuscripts to the conference proceedings, which will be published as a topical collection in the journal Statistical Papers; see the journal website:

The submission deadline is October 31, 2024. We expect that the accepted papers will be published online during the first three months of 2025. Note that starting in 2025, due to the new publication system of Statistical Papers, all accepted papers will be published online with the final bibliographic data.

The recommended length for each submission is 20 pages, with a maximum limit of 23 pages. Additional results can be published as online supplementary material. Please ensure that the manuscripts adhere to the journal's requirements, as outlined on the journal's website.

To submit your manuscript, use Springer's online submission system by following the "Submit your manuscript" hyperlink on the journal's website. If you have not already done so, register with the system, then log in as an author. Start a new submission and, when prompted, select the article type "S.I. : PROBASTAT 2024." Continue with the submission process as guided by the system.

All submissions will undergo a thorough review by at least two anonymous referees. Based on the referees' reports, the best submissions will be selected for publication.

Radoslav Harman
Lead Guest Editor of the special issue of Statistical Papers