About the Conference

PROBASTAT 2024, the 8th international conference on Probability and Statistics, marks the culmination of a 50-year history of fostering the exchange of ideas and research across the diverse landscape of statistics. Originating from the first Czechoslovak conference in 1974 and evolving into an international event since 1991, PROBASTAT has consistently provided a friendly and relaxed academic atmosphere. Collaboratively organized by the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Institute of Measurement Science and Mathematical Institute) and Comenius University in Bratislava (the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics), subsequent conferences in 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, and 2015 have become synonymous with excellence.

PROBASTAT 2024 promises a diverse and highly attractive program, featuring invited and contributed talks, as well as poster presentations addressing both traditional and contemporary topics in the theory and applications of advanced statistical methods. The traditional research areas of PROBASTAT include, but are not limited to:

• Statistical Inference in Parametric and Nonparametric Models
• Multivariate Analysis, Regression and Mixed Models
• Optimal Experimental Design
• Applied Statistics

In addition to distinguished keynote lectures, the conference will host invited Organized Sessions curated by leading researchers in their respective fields.

A selection of papers presented at PROBASTAT 2024 will be published in a special issue of Statistical Papers (Springer).


Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,

It is unbelievable, but the conference named PROBASTAT started precisely 50 years ago, in 1974.

At that time, we got the idea that emerging probabilistic and statistical activities in Slovakia needed conference support. We proposed the name “PROBASTAT” and organized the first set of such meetings, which until 1990 was limited to Czechoslovak participants only. Since the organization was much simpler than today, only two of us, Silvia Pulmannova and I organized PROBASTAT almost every year: once in Bratislava and five times in the beautiful Smolenice Castle. A little later, PROBASTAT was held twice in the lovely mountain town of Liptovský Mikuláš, organized by local people. You can see the years and places of these meetings on the slide.

It would be tedious to list the titles of all contributions, even of the invited lectures, and I consider it more important to list a few names of the most prominent speakers. Pioneering names from our country appeared at the first conferences. Anton Huťa, a specialist in numerical mathematics, was the first to introduce lectures in probability at our university. Tibor Newbrunn and Beloslav Riečan later did significant work in the measure theory, probability, and the education of capable students. Lubomír Kubáček founded the first serious, very successful department of mathematical statistics in Slovakia, namely the Institute of Measurement of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. I came from this department, and it is worth mentioning that today, the leader of this department and this institute is just Viktor Witkovsky.

Significant participants in all PROBASTAT conferences were Czech probabilists and statisticians, most from Prague. Their importance, especially in the first years, has been twofold: They were members of the emerging essential Prague school of statistics, grounded by the famous Professor Hajek. Secondly, they enjoyed the surroundings of this castle and organized famous social evenings and trips to Záruby, the highest peak of the Little Carpathians. I still remember very well the perfect evening singer Josef Machek, the young Josef Štepán who had a brilliant mind not only for probability but also for common social discussions, the very sympatric Marie Hušková, the active Jan Hurt, who initiated a night visit to the village Smolenice, and so on.

We had well-known Czech speakers at all conferences, including international ones. The list of their names is long; let us mention at least some of them: Jana Jurečková, Zuzana Prášková, Jiří Anděl, Karel Winkelbauer, Peter Mandl, Zbyněk Šidák, Albert Perez, Igor Vajda, and later the well-known but much, much younger Jaromír Antoch.

In 1991, after the political changes, we organized the first international PROBASTAT in Bratislava in the University buildings. The organizing team was now much bigger, and the number of participants and sections was even too significant. Therefore, it was decided to split PROBASTAT into two separate conferences in the future: one focused on probability theory and the other on statistics. Only the conference on statistics kept its original name, and returned back to Smolenice, this time for good. We organized 6 international PROBASTATs in Smolenice, the last one in 2015. Because of a lack of time, I shall speak briefly just about the 1994 conference, which may be the most impressive one. This was mainly due to the fact that we invited Professor C.R. Rao, who was 74 years old at that time. His work had a great impact on research in statistics in Slovakia, and therefore, the SAS awarded him the honorary title of Doctor of Sciences.

In general, we welcomed at this conference a truly international participation of almost 80 distinguished scholars from Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, the UK, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, Poland, Russia, South Africa, USA, and, of course, Slovakia. Just a few names of participants: A. C. Atkinson, T. Calinski, Ch. Mueller, F. Pukelsheim, N. Gaffke, L. LaMotte, S. R. Searle, P. K. Sen, A. LeBreton, L. Pronzato, J. A. Víšek, I. Vincze, M. Janžura.

It is interesting to notice that Friedrich Pukelsheim from Germany liked the conference so much that he proposed to edit a special issue of the journal Metrika with selected presentations from the conference in addition to the regular proceedings.

In the end, it was a social curiosity. Two women participants from the eastern part of Europe, Julia Volaufová from Slovakia and Barbara Bogacka from Poland left their home countries practically immediately after the conference to join “forever” prominent participants from the west, Lynn LaMotte from the USA and Anthony Atkinson from London, UK. They all remained regulars at other PROBASTATs, but unfortunately, not this year.

Please note that the 1994 conference was just 30 years ago. Was it a long time ago, or was it just yesterday? In any case, it is time for me to stop speaking about PROBASTAT and leave the later history to the incisive colleagues younger than myself.

I wish you a lovely week in Smolenice.

Andrej Pázman,
May 20, 2024


May 24, 2024 Results of Student and Young Investigator Award competition
Matej Benko
Matej Benko
Iryna Zabaikina
Iryna Zabaikina
Pál Somogyi
Pál Somogyi
May 13, 2024 Book of Abstract
DOWNLOAD Abstracts
Scientific Program
DOWNLOAD Scientific Program
Social Program
DOWNLOAD Social Program
May 1, 2024 Extension of lectures:
    25 minutes with discussion for presenters,
    60 minutes with discussion for invited lectures
April 30, 202 Departure from the bus station AS NIVY - platform 11 (see map).
April 10, 2024 3nd Announcement
January 15, 2024 2nd Announcement
October 3, 2023 1st Announcement
DOWNLOAD 1<sup>st</sup> Announcement
October 1, 2023 The conference web page was initiated


Conference sessions

• Statistical Inference in Parametric and Nonparametric Models
• Multivariate Analysis, Regression and Mixed Models
• Optimal Experimental Design
• Applied Statistics

Keynote and Invited Speakers

Christian Genest  Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Montréal, Canada

Ulrike Schneider   Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria

Germain Van Bever   Department of Mathematics, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium
       Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Ostap Okhrin   Institute of Transport and Economics, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany

Martin Wendler   Institute for Mathematical Stochastics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg,
     Magdeburg, Germany

Radoslav Harman   Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Comenius University Bratislava,
       Bratislava, Slovakia

Wolf-Dieter Richter   Institute of Mathematics, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany


January 15, 2024 Regular registration
Abstract submission opens
May 1, 2024 Late registration opens
May 10, 2024 Deadline for abstract submission
May 16, 2024 Deadline for registration and online payment
May 20, 2024  Special (conference) free bus from Bratislava (main bus station AS NIVY) to Smolenice leaves at 10:00.
May 20 - 24, 2024  Conference
May 20, 2024  13:30 Opening session
May 24, 2024  Special (conference) free bus from Smolenice to Bratislava (main bus station AS NIVY) leaves at 13:00.
  • Location Smolenice Castle, SK
  • DateMay 20 - 24, 2024
  • SpeakersOn the way
  • Seats 100 People


The 8th International Conference on Probability and Statistics is prepared in the Congress Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the Smolenice Castle situated in Little Carpathians about 60 km from Bratislava (GPS: N48.51359, E17.43232). See the global map and overview map to locate Smolenice relative to the cities Vienna, Bratislava and Trnava or the local map to see the vicinity of the conference center with bus stops and railway station in Smolenice. You can view short movie or presentation about Smolenice and surrounding (with Slovak comments).

The original Smolenice Castle was rebuilt at the beginning of the previous century in romantic style. Now, after a large renovation it offers full comfort in several well equipped conference rooms including videoconferencing or wireless network connection. Accommodation is in suites, single, double or more-bed rooms, all with their own bathrooms. Participants can rest in the quiet corners of the castle or in its garden or can walk in nice parks surrounding the castle. Additional information about the castle is available at


Program Committee


Honorary Chair
Comenius University

Viktor Witkovský

Viktor Witkovský

Executive Chair
Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava

Committee Executive Board

Eva FIŠEROVÁ Palacký University Olomouc
Radoslav HARMAN Comenius University Bratislava
Daniel HLUBINKA Charles University Prague
Šárka HUDECOVÁ Charles University Prague
Martina CHVOSTEKOVÁ  Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
Stanislav KATINA Masaryk University Brno
Barbora KESSEL University of Gothenburg
Daniel KLEIN Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Matúš MACIAK Charles University Prague
Ján MAČUTEK Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
Stanislav NAGY Charles University Prague
Michal PEŠTA Charles University Prague

Committee Advisory Board

Prof. Dietrich von Rosen Professor at the Department of Energy and Technology
Division of Biometry and Systems Analysis & Linköping University
Prof. Werner G. Müller Institute for Applied Statistics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Prof. Lynn R. LaMotte LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, Biostatistics

Local Organizing Committee

Andrej Dvurečenskij

Andrej Dvurečenskij

Organizing Committee

Eva Gurišová

Eva Gurišová

Organizing Committee

Laura Hajzoková

Laura Hajzoková

Organizing Committee

Lívia Rosová

Lívia Rosová

Organizing Committee

Samuel Rosa

Samuel Rosa

Organizing Committee

Zuzana Rošťáková

Zuzana Rošťáková

Organizing Committee

Pál Somogyi

Pál Somogyi

Organizing Committee

Gábor Szűcs

Gábor Szűcs

Organizing Committee


Late registration fees after April 30, 2024 will be increased, see details.


€ 350

  • Welcome Meeting
  • Conference Materials
  • Conference Sessions
  • Coffee-Breaks
  • Social program
  • Conference Dinner
  • Conference Bus

€ 100

  • Welcome Meeting
  • Conference Materials (electronic)
  • Conference Sessions
  • Coffee-Breaks
  • Social program (optional)
  • Conference Dinner (optional)
  • Conference Bus

€ 100

  • Welcome Meeting (optional)
  • Conference Materials (electronic)
  • Conference Sessions
  • Coffee-Breaks
  • Social program (optional)
  • Conference Dinner (optional)
  • Conference Bus

€ 150

  • Welcome Meeting
  • Conference Materials (*)
  • Social program
  • Conference Dinner
  • Conference Bus


(Meals served in Smolenice Castle)


  • 5x Lunch (€ 15)    € 75
  • 3x Dinner (€ 15)    € 45


(Accommodation in Smolenice Castle with breakfast)

• 2x Family Apartment (€200/night)€ 800
• 5x Apartment (for two persons, €145/night)€ 580
• 7x Single room (€75/night) € 300
• 20x Shared room in a 2-bed room (€50/night)€ 200
• 6x Shared room in a 3-bed room (€37.50/night)  € 150
• 2x Shared room in a 4-bed room (€30/night)€ 120


To participate in the PROBASTAT 2024 conference you have to make five simple steps:

1) Registration

Create your personal conference account by filling and uploading a form with your basic personal information and email address. Your login and password will be sent to your email address in few seconds. Then you can log into your account to select proper registration type or upload your abstract. You can update your registration until the registration deadline.

Read detailed information on the registration procedure.

2) Abstract submission

Each registered author can register for one oral presentation or poster. For abstract submission you will be navigated to your conference registration where you can upload your abstract and select desired session and type of presentation. Selections can be changed and corrected text can be uploaded until the abstract submission deadline.

Read instructions for preparation of your contributions before submitting your abstract.

3) Payment

Conference fee can be paid by card or by bank transfer. Before payment, go to your conference account, select proper registration type and your fee will be computed. The payment can be postponed until your paper is accepted for the conference. After we receive your payment, the paid amount will be shown in your conference account.

Read detailed information on the possible payment methods.

4) Presentation preparation

For oral contributions 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion will be allowed. For invited lectures 60 minutes including discussion will be allocated. Oral contributions should be prepared as PDF or MS PowerPoint presentation in 4:3 or 16:9 format.

Posters can be 85 cm wide and 120 cm high (format A0) as a maximum. Posters on single sheet of paper are preferred.

5) Conference proceedings

Participants of PROBASTAT 2024 are invited to submit an original manuscript based on their PROBASTAT presentation to the conference proceedings. These proceedings will be published as a special issue of Statistical Papers by Springer.

To maintain the high standards of the journal, all submissions will undergo a thorough review by at least two anonymous referees. Based on the referees' reports, the best submissions will be selected for publication.

Please, remember that your abstract will be included in the conference program and in the Book of Abstract
only after it is accepted by the International Program Committee and proper conference fee is paid until May 16, 2024.

Sponsors & Media Partners

Gold Sponsors
SLSP     Zurich     Euro Pain Clinic

Silver Sponsor
Media Partners
International Conference Alerts     COMS     TRNAVA

  • Institute of Measurement Science
  • PROBASTAT 2024 Secretariat
  • Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava

  • Slovakia

  • +421 2 5910 4511

  • +421 2 5910 4591