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Knižné odborné publikácie vydané doma: 1. WIMMER, G. - PALENČÁR, R. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Spracovanie a vyhodnocovanie meraní. Bratislava: VEDA, vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2002. 190 s. ISBN 80-224-0734-8. | ||||||
Kapitoly vo vedeckých monografiách vydaných v zahraničí: 1. BAJLA, Ivan - HOLLÄNDER, Igor - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Task-based evaluation of image filtering within a class of geometry-driven-diffusion algorithms. In: Empirical Evaluation Methods in Computer Vision. Singapore: World Scientific, 2002. P. 89-115. 2. GRENDÁR, Marian - GRENDÁR, Marian Jr. Why maximum entropy? A non-axiomatic approach. In: Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2002. P. 375-379. 3. GRENDÁR, Marian Jr. - GRENDÁR, Marian. Randomness as an equilibrium. Potential and probability density. In: Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2002. P. 405-410. ![]() 4. LI, P. – FARKAŠ, Igor. A self-organizing connectionist model of bilingual processing. In: Bilingual Sentence Processing. North-Holland: Elsevier Science Publisher, 2002. P. 59-85. | ||||||
Vedecké práce v časopisoch evidovaných v Current Contents: 1. BARTL, Ján. Preparation of depth-setting standards of type A1 at the Slovak Institute of Metrology. In: Metrologia. Vol. 39, 2002, pp. 355-360. I.F.: 0,945. 2. GRITZNER, G. - EDER, M. - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - MAŇKA, Ján - PLESCH, G. - ZRUBEC, Vladimír. The effect of rare earth oxide substitution on the magnetic properties of Tl-based superconductors. In: Physica C. Vol. 366, 2002, pp. 169-175. I.F.: 0,806. 3. CHROMIK, Š. - DE BARROS, D. - ŠTRBÍK, V. - ODIER, P. - SIN, A. - HANIC, František - KOSTIČ, I. Hg-cuprate thin films prepared using Re and fluorides based precursor thin films. In: Journal de Physique IV. Vol. 11, 2001, pp. 175-179. I.F.: 0,401. 4. CHROMIK, Š. - JERGEL, M. - GAŽI, Š. - ŠTRBÍK, V. - HANIC, František - FALCONY, C. - VAŠKO, M. - BEŇAČKA, Š. Influence of substrate and precursor film composition on morphology and superconducting transition of Tl-2212 thin films characterized by microwaves. In: Physica C. Vol. 354, 2001, pp. 429-433. I.F.: 0,806. 5. KALIVODA, H. - GRENDÁR, Marian Jr. Influence of anthropological factors on diversity of grassland butterfly communities in the Morava river alluvium. In: Ekológia : medzinárodný časopis pre ekologické problémy biosféry. Vol. 20, 2001, no. 3, pp. 217-225. I.F.: 0,192. 6. ROSIPAL, Roman - TREJO, L.J. Kernel partial least squares regression in RKHS. In: Journal of Machine Learning Research. Vol. 2, 2001, pp. 97-123. 7. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Exact distribution of positive linear combinations of inverted chi-square random variables with odd degrees of freedom. In: Statistics & Probability Letters. Vol. 56, 2002, pp. 45-50. I.F.: 0,357. ![]() 8. ROSIPAL, Roman - GIROLAMI, M. An expectation-maximization approach to nonlinear component analysis. In: Neural Computation. Vol. 13, 2001, pp. 505-510. I.F.: 2,727. 9. ROSIPAL, Roman - GIROLAMI, M. - TREJO, L.J. - CICHOCKI, A. Kernel PCA for feature extraction and de-noising in non-linear regression. In: Neural Computing & Applications, Vol. 10, 2001, no. 3, pp. 231-243. I.F.: 0,273. | ||||||
Vedecké práce v ostatných časopisoch: 1. BARTKOVJAK, Jozef - KAROVIČOVÁ, Margarita. Aproximácia lomenými funkciami. In: Metrológia a skúšobníctvo: odborný časopis pre prax. Roč. 7, 2002, č. 1, s. 7-9. 2. BARTL, Ján. Interferometer na kalibráciu nástavných krúžkov. In: Metrológia a skúšobníctvo: odborný časopis pre prax. Roč. 7, 2002, č. 3, s. 3-6. 3. BARTL, Ján. Optické meranie rozmerov a tvaru. In: Metrologické listy. Roč. 25, 2002, č. 2, s. 7-12. 4. BARTL, Ján. Surface roughness calibration specimens of type A. In: Jemná mechanika a optika : technický oborový časopis. Roč. 47, 2002, č. 8, s. 231-233. 5. BARTL, Ján – FÍRA, R. – JACKO, Vlado. Tuning of the laser diode. In: Measurement Science Review, Vol. 2, 2002, pp. 9-15. http://www.measurement.sk/ 6. BARTL, Ján - HAIN, Miroslav. Krása odhalená infražiarením. In: Quark: mesačník o vede a technike. č. 2, 2002, s. 6-7. 7. BOHÁKOVÁ, Fatima – ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan. Estimation of the ferromagnetic particle contamination in human lungs by magnetopneumography. In: Journal of Electrical Engineering. Vol. 53, 2002, no. 10/S, pp. 153-157. 8. FROLLO, Ivan - BANIC, Branislav – MRAVEC, B. - JURANI, M. – GREKSAK, M. – MACHO, L. - KVETNANSKY, R. Remote controlled equipment for multiple blood withdrawal in gravitational physiology experiments. In: Journal of Gravitational Physiology : A Journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. Vol. 9, 2002, pp. 339-340. 9. GRENDÁR, M. – GRENDÁR, Marian Jr. Collinearity and coherence. A Geometric view of complementarity of maximum entropy and maximum likelihood tasks. In: Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 52, 2001, pp. 34-35. 10. KOŇAKOVSKÝ, Anton - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - MAŇKA, Ján - BUCHTA, Štefan. Contactless measurement of transition characteristics of HTc superconductors. In: Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 53, 2002, no. 10/S, pp. 164-166. 11. TEPLAN, Michal. Fundamentals of EEG measurement. In: Measurement Science Review, Vol. 2, 2002, pp. 1-11. http://www.measurement.sk/ 12. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - TIŇOVÁ, Mária. Neinvazívna diagnostika ochorení srdca s využitím modelovania. In: Acta Mechanica Slovaca : trendy rozvoja biomedicínskeho inžinierstva. Roč. 6, 2002, č. 2, s. 146-153. 13. ORAVEC, V. - ROSÍK, Vladimír - TRNKOVÁ, M. - AMON, K. - VINCZE, D. - KUKUČKA, M. Problematika využívania biofyzikálnych metód v klinickej praxi. In: Acta Mechanica Slovaca : trendy rozvoja biomedicínskeho inžinierstva. Roč. 6, 2002, č. 2, s. 124-131. 14. RUBLÍK, František. On consistency of the maximum likelihood principle based tests and estimates in the case of exponential-like distributions. In: Tatra Mountains Mathematical publications. Vol. 22, 2001, pp. 115-141. 15. TYŠLER, Milan. Oddelenie biomeraní Ústavu merania SAV v Bratislave. In: Metrológia a skúšobníctvo : odborný časopis pre prax. Roč. 7, 2002, č. 2, s. 26-34. 16. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana. Repolarization changes displayed in surface ARI maps. A simulation study. In: International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism. Vol. 4, 2002, no. 2, pp. 99-100. 17. WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. On goodness-of-fit testing under small sample size. In: Tatra Mountains: mathematical publications. Vol. 22, 2001, pp. 67-77. 18. WIMMER, G. – WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Proper rounding of the measurement results under the assumption of uniform distribution. In: Measurement Science Review, Vol. 2, 2002, pp. 1-7. http://www.measurement.sk/ 19. WIMMER, G. – WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor – DUBY, T. Proper rounding of the measurement results under the assumption of traingular distribution. In: Measurement Science Review, Vol. 2, 2002, pp. 21-31. http://www.measurement.sk/ 20. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. On the solution to the Behrens-Fisher problem by the generalized p-values. In: Folia Facultatis scientarium naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis: Mathematica. Vol. 11, 2002, pp. 293-302. | ||||||
Vedecké práce v zborníkoch recenzovaných: 1. ACCARDO, A. - STROLKA, Igor - FROLLO, Ivan - JELLÚŠ, Vladimír - VITTUR, F. - TOFFANIN, R.: Different approaches to the segmentation of magnetic resonance microimages of trabecular bone. In: IFMBE Proceedings: the 12th Nordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. Sweden: IFMBE, 2002. 2. BOHÁKOVÁ, Fatima - ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan. Qantitative analysis of powdered ferromagnetic materials content in magnetopneumography. In: Proceedings of 12th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium : Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation. Zagreb, 2002, P. 249-254. 3. FARKAŠ, Igor – LI, P. A self-organizing neural network model of the development of lexicon. In: ICONIP`02 : Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Service Center, 2002. 4. FILIPOVÁ, S. - TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - ŠKULTÉTYOVÁ, D. The relation between ST-T ECG abnormalities and late potential parameters after coronary intervention. In: 4th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease: Advances in Coronary Artery Disease. Prague, 2001. P. 445-448. 5. FROLLO, Ivan: Electronic equipment for multiple blood withdrawal with telemetric control. In: Space Research in Slovakia 2000-2001: COSPAR, Slovak National Committee. Bratislava, 2002. P. 32-34. 6. ONDRIŠ, Ľubomír - KRUŠINSKÝ, Dušan - FROLOV, E. - GORCHENKO, V. - KIRICHENKO, A. - KOVALENKO, A. - SVESHNIKOV, B. - VOLKOV, V. Nuclotron extracted beams space parameters measuring system for low intensity levels. In: Proceedings of EPAC 2002 : 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference. Paris: Epac, 2002. P.1957-1959. 7. ROSÍK, Vladimír - RÁŠO, Róbert - TYŠLER, Milan. System for measurement of human stomach electrical activity. In: EMBEC`02: 2. European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2002. P. 1480-1481. 8. ROSÍK, Vladimír - TYŠLER, Milan - JURKO, Štefan - RÁŠO, Róbert - TURZOVÁ, Marie. Cardio 7 - portable system for high resolution ECG mapping. In: Health Data in the Information Society : Proceedings of MIE2002. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2002. P. 41-46. 9. TEPLAN, Michal - KRAKOVSKÁ, Anna - ŠTOLC, Svorad. Linear and nonlinear EEG measures in the context of brain training. In: EMBEC`02: 2. European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2002. P. 606-607. 10. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - FILIPOVÁ, S. Spatial distribution of QT-intervals in body surface potential maps from limited leads. In: Electrocardiology 2000 : Proceedings of the XXVII International Congress on Electrocardiology. Roma: Casa Editrice Scientifica Internazionale, 2001. P. 149-154. 11. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - SZATHMÁRY, V. Information on heart repolarization changes obtained from body surface ECG potentials. In: Health Data in the Information Society : Proceedings of MIE2002. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2002. P. 35-40. 12. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana. Heart repolarization changes projected to surface distribution of activation – recovery intervals. In: EMBEC`02: 2. European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2002. P. 1176-1177. 13. VOLKOV, V. - ANDREEV, V. - GORCHENKO, V. - ISSINSKY, I. - KIRICHENKO, A. - KOVALENKO, A. - KULIKOV, I. - LEONOV, L. - MIKHAILOV, V. - NOVIKOV, S. - ROMANOV, S. - RUKOYATKIN, P. - SELEZNEV, V. - SVESHNIKOV, B. - TSARENKOV, A. - VASILISHIN, B. - VOEVODIN, M. - KRUŠINSKÝ, Dušan - ONDRIŠ, Ľubomír. Nuclotron extracted beam diagnostics. In: Proceedings of EPAC 2002 : 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference. Paris, 2002. P.1989-1991. ![]() 14. FARKAŠ, Igor - LI, P. Modeling the development of lexicon with a growing self-organizing map. In: Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences. 2002. P. 553-556. | ||||||
Vedecké práce v zborníkoch nerecenzovaných: 1. BARTL, Ján. Aplikácia laserov pri meraní dĺžok. In: XVIII. zhromaždenie KZ SR: zborník prednášok. Banská Bystrica, 2002. P. 111-117. 2. BOHÁKOVÁ, Fatima – ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan – MAŇKA, Ján – CIGÁŇ, Alexander – BUCHTA, Štefan. SQUID magnetometry used to estimate the content of ferromagnetic and diamagnetic solid fraction in suspension and solid mixtures. In: 6. Steinfurter-Keramik-Seminar: Materialforschung und Anwendung. Steinfurt, Germany: Fachhochschule Münster, University of Applied Sciences, 2002. P. 1-5 (V16). 3. CIGÁŇ, Alexander - MAŇKA, Ján - BUCHTA, Štefan - KOŇAKOVSKÝ, Anton – ZRUBEC, Vladimír. Magnetic properties of substituted Y1-xEuxBa2Cu3O7-δ. In: 6. Steinfurter-Keramik-Seminar : Materialforschung und Anwendung. Steinfurt, Germany: Fachhochschule Münster, University of Applied Sciences, 2002. P. 1-5 (V7). 4. GRENDÁR, Marian Jr. - GRENDÁR, Marian. Frequency moment inverse problem and maximum (Shannon vs. Renyi-Tsallis) entropy. A case study in MaxProb. In: Preprint Series of Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences : No. 628. August 2002. 5. PLESCH, G. - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - MAŇKA, Ján - KLIMENT, J. - HANIC, František - ZRUBEC, Vladimír - KOŇAKOVSKÝ, Anton - GRITZNER, G. The influence of La(III) doping on the superconducting bulk TL-1223/Tl-1212 composite system. In: 6. Steinfurter-Keramik-Seminar: Materialforschung und Anwendung. Steinfurt, Germany: Fachhochschule Münster, University of Applied Sciences, 2002. P. 1-2 (V6). 6. ROSIPAL, Roman - TREJO, L.J. Kernel partial least squares regression in RKHS. In: Technical Report No.14 of Department of Computing and Information Systems. Paisley, Scotland: University of Paisley, 2001. 7. ROSIPAL, Roman - GIROLAMI, M. - TREJO, L.J. On kernel principal component regression with covariance inflation criterion for model selection. In: Technical Report No.13 of Department of Computing and Information Systems. Paisley, Scotland: University of Paisley, 2001. 8. TYŠLER, Milan. Modelovanie povrchových EKG potenciálov. In: Naše spoločné akademické projekty 2001. Bratislava, 2001. | ||||||
Recenzie vedeckých prác vo vedeckých časopisoch: 1. WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Sarkozyova, Z.: Cofidence intervals for variance components in balanced ANOVA models. TMMP, 22, 2001, 149-157. In: Zentralblatt fur Mathematik. 2. WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Kubáček, L.: Weak nonlinearity of growth curve models. Mathematica Slovaca, 52, 2002, 453-468. In: Zentralblatt fur Mathematik. | ||||||
Prednášky a vývesky na vedeckých podujatiach s min. 30% zahraničnou účasťou: 1. ACCARDO, A. - STROLKA, I. - FROLLO, I. - JELLÚŠ, V. - VITTUR, F. - TOFFANIN, R.: Different approaches to the segmentation of magnetic resonance microimages of trabecular bone. In: 12thNordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. Reykjavik, Iceland, 19.-22.6.2002. 2. ANDRIS, P. – WEIS, J. – FROLLO, I. – ERICSSON, A.: Magnetic field distribution of RF coil measurement using nuclear magnetic resonance. In: Magnetic Measurements `02. Bratislava, Slovakia, 11.-13.9.2002. 3. BARTL, J.: A laser-interferometric device for ring gauges calibration. In: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. XIII. Polish – Czech – Slovak Optical Conference. Krzyzova, Poland, 9.-13.9.2002. 4. BOHÁKOVÁ, F. – ŠIMÁČEK, I.: Estimation of the ferromagnetic particle contamination in human lungs by magnetopneumography. In: Joint Congress of two International Conferences: XVIth Electromagnetic Fields and Materials (EMFM) & Magnetic Measurements' 02 (MM). Bratislava, Slovakia, Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, 11.-13.9.2002. 5. BOHÁKOVÁ, F. – ŠIMÁČEK, I.: Quantitative analysis of powdered ferromagnetic materials content in magnetopneumography. In: IMEKO TC4. 12th International Symposium. Zagreb, Croatia, Sept. 25-27, 2002. 6. BOHÁKOVÁ, F. - ŠIMÁČEK, I. - CIGÁŇ, A. – MAŇKA, J.: Determination of the content of ferromagnetic and diamagnetic solid fraction in suspension and solid mixtures by SQUID system. In: Solid State Chemistry. 5th International Conference. Bratislava, SR, 1.–12.7 2002. 7. BOHÁKOVÁ, F. – ŠIMÁČEK, I. – MAŇKA, J. – CIGÁŇ, A. – BUCHTA, Š: SQUID magnetometry used to estimate the content of ferromagnetic and diamagnetic solid fraction in suspension and solid mixtures. In: 6. Steinfurter-Keramik-Seminar. Steinfurt, Germany, Fachhochschule Münster, University of Applied Sciences, 15.-19.12.2002. 8. CIGÁŇ, A. - MAŇKA, J. - BUCHTA, Š. - KOŇAKOVSKÝ, A. - HANIC, F. – ZRUBEC, V.: Substitution in Y1-xEuxBa2Cu3O7-δ and its influence on microstructure and magnetic properties. In: Solid State Chemistry. 5th International Conference. Bratislava, SR, 1.–12.7.2002. 9. CIGÁŇ, A. - MAŇKA, J. - BUCHTA, Š. - KOŇAKOVSKÝ, A. – ZRUBEC, V.: Magnetic properties of substituted Y1-xEuxBa2Cu3O7-δ. In: 6. Steinfurter-Keramik-Seminar. Steinfurt, Germany, Fachhochschule Münster, University of Applied Sciences, 15.-19.12.2002. 10. FARKAŠ, I. – LI, P.: A self-organizing neural network model of the development of lexicon. In: ICONIP`02. 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Singapore, 18.-22.11.2002. 11. FARKAŠ, I. – LI, P.: Modeling the development of lexicon with a growing self-organizing map. In: 6th Joint Conference on Information Sciences. Durham, North Carolina, March 8-12, 2002. 12. FROLLO, I. – ANDRIS, P. – STROLKA, I. – BAČIAK, L.: Optimisation method for magnetic field measurement and design in magnetic resonance imaging applications. In: Magnetic Measurements `02. Bratislava, Slovakia, 11.-13.9.2002. 13. FROLLO, I. - BANIC, B. – MRAVEC, B. - JURANI, M. – GREKSAK, M. – MACHO, L. - KVETNANSKY, R.: Remote controlled equipment for multiple blood withdrawal in gravitational physiology experiments. In: Life in Space for Life on Earth. 8th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space. 23rd Annual Inetrnational Gravitational Physiology Meeting. Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 2.-7.6.2002. 14. GRENDÁR, M. Jr. – GRENDÁR, M.: Another form of Chernoff`s bound. In: ProbaStat 2002. The Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, 4.-8.2.2002. 15. HAIN, M. - BARTL, J. – DORICA, J.: Infrared investigation of works of art. In: COST G 8. Non-Destructive Analysis and Testing of Museum Objects. Third Management Committee Meeting. Ghent, Belgium, 26.1.2002. 16. HANIC, F. - CIGÁŇ, A. - BRIANCIN, J. - VAN DRIESSCHE, I. - MAŇKA, J. - BUCHTA, Š. - BRUNEEL, E. – ZRUBEC,V.: Substitution of Ti4+ for Cun+ in YBa2Cu3-xTixO7-δ. In: Solid State Chemistry. 5th International Conference. Bratislava, SR, 1.-12.7.2002. 17. HANIC, F. – HARTMANOVÁ, M. – KUNDRACIK, F. – LOMONOVA, E.E.: Stabilization of high temperature forms of zirconia. In: Solid State Chemistry. 5th International Conference. Bratislava, SR, 1.–12.7 2002. 18. HANIC, F. - MORVOVÁ, M. - ŠMATKO, V. - MORVA, I. – ŽIVICA, V.: Carbon forms - their properties and practical application. In: Solid State Chemistry. 5th International Conference. Bratislava, SR, 1.-12.7.2002. 19. KOŇAKOVSKÝ, A. – CIGÁŇ, A. – MAŇKA, J. – BUCHTA, Š.: Contactless measurement of transition characteristics of HTc superconductors. In: Joint Congress of two International Conferences: XVIth Electromagnetic Fields and Materials (EMFM) & Magnetic Measurements' 02 (MM). Bratislava, Slovakia, Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, 11.-13.9.2002. 20. KRAKOVSKÁ, A. – TEPLAN, M. – ŠTOLC, S.: Nonlinear filtering of EEG and its effect on complex measures estimation. In: 22nd European Dynamics Days. International Conference. Heidelberg, Germany, 15.-19.7.2002. 21. MAŇKA, J.: Eu substitution in YBCO - microstructure and magnetic properties. In: Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry WE06V, University of Ghent, 22.11.2002. 22. MOJUMDAR, S.C. - RAY, A. - DRÁBIK, M. - CIGÁŇ, A. - HANIC, F. – CAPEK, P.: Macro-defect-free (MDF) cements with high moisture resistance: chemical, thermal, SEM and magnetometric analysis. In: Solid State Chemistry. 5th International Conference. Bratislava, SR, 1.-12.7.2002. 23. ONDRIŠ, Ľ. - KRUŠINSKÝ, D. - FROLOV, E. - GORCHENKO, V. - KIRICHENKO, A. - KOVALENKO, A. - SVESHNIKOV, B. - VOLKOV, V.: Nuclotron extracted beams space parameters measuring system for low intensity levels. In: EPAC 2002. 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference. Paris, France, 3.–7.6.2002. 24. ORAVEC, V. - ROSÍK, V. - TRNKOVÁ, M. - AMON K. - VINCZE D. - KUKUČKA M: Problematika využívania biofyzikálnych metód v klinickej praxi. In: Trendy rozvoja BMI. Konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou. Tatranská Lomnica, SR, 22.-23.5.2002. 25. PLESCH, G. - CIGÁŇ, A. - MAŇKA, J. - KLIMENT, J. - HANIC, F. - GRITZNER, G. - ZRUBEC, V. – KOŇAKOVSKÝ, A.: Effect of low level La(III) doping on the superconducting bulk Tl-1223 system. In: Solid State Chemistry. 5th International Conference. Bratislava, SR, 1.– 12.7.2002. 26. PLESCH, G. - CIGÁŇ, A. - MAŇKA, J. - KLIMENT, J. - HANIC, F. - ZRUBEC, V. - KOŇAKOVSKÝ, A. - GRITZNER, G.: The influence of La(III) doping on the superconducting bulk TL-1223/Tl-1212 composite system. In: 6. Steinfurter-Keramik-Seminar. Steinfurt, Germany, Fachhochschule Münster, University of Applied Sciences, 15.-19.12.2002. 27. ROSÍK, V. - RÁŠO, R. -TYŠLER, M.: Systém na povrchové meranie elektrickej aktivity žalúdka človeka na báze mikrokontroléra s pripojením na PC. In: Inteligentní systémy ve zdravotní péči. Česko-slovenská vědecká konference. Praha, FEL ČVUT, 23.–25.9.2002. 28. ROSÍK, V. - TYŠLER, M. - JURKO, Š. - RÁŠO, R. - TURZOVÁ, M.: Cardio 7 - portable system for high resolution ECG mapping. In: Health Data in the Information Society. MIE 2002. Budapest, Hungary, 25.-29.8.2002. 29. ROSÍK, V. - RÁŠO, R. - TYŠLER, M.: System for measurement of human stomach electrical activity. In: EMBEC '02. 2nd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference. Wien, Austria, 4.-6.12.2002. 30. ROSIPAL, R. – TREJO, L.J. – WHEELER, K. – TINO, P .: Locally based kernel PLS regression de-noising with application to event-related potentials. In: NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning Theory and Practice (LTP 2002). K.U. Leuven, Belgium, 8.-19.7.2002. 31. RUBLÍK, F.: A note on multiple comparisons. In: ProbaStat 2002. The Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, 4.-8.2.2002. 32. SATRAPINSKY, L. – PLECENIK, A. – KÚŠ, P. – JACKO, V. – GREGOR, M. – HALABICA, A. – HAIN, M. – XU, Y. – SOBOLEWSKI, R.: Study of MgB2 superconducting thin films properties by tunneling spectroscopy. In: Solid State Chemistry. 5th International Conference. Bratislava, SR, 7.-12.7.2002. 33. SENAJ, V.: Absolute calibration of applied gradients. In: Functional MRI of the Lung. Meeting. Madrid, Spain, 11.-13.1.2002. 34. SENAJ, V. – GUILLOT, G. – DARRASSE, L.: Stabilisation and acceleration of magnetic field gradients. In: HELION 02. International Workshop on Polarized He-3 Beams and Gas Targets and Their Applications. Oppenheim, Germany, 8.-13.9.2002. 35. STROLKA, I. - ACCARDO, A. - FROLLO, I. - JELLUS, V. - VITTUR, F. - TOFFANIN, R.: Projection reconstruction MR microscopy for the ex-vivo evaluation of trabecular bone structure. In: 15th International Bone Densitometry Workshop. Monterey, California, 21.-26.7.2002. 36. TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. – ŠTOLC, S.: Dynamics of EEG during brain training. In: 22nd European Dynamics Days. International Conference. Heidelberg, Germany, 15.-19.7.2002. 37. TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. – ŠTOLC, S.: Linear and nonlinear EEG measures in the context of brain training. In: EMBEC`02. 2. European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference. International Conference. Vienna, Austria, 4.-8.12.2002. 38. TINO, P. – SUN, Y. – NABNEY, I. – KABAN, A. – ROSIPAL, R.: Principled semi-supervised construction of visualization hierarchies. In: NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning Theory and Practice (LTP). K.U.Leuven, Belgium, 8.-19.7.2002. 39. TREJO, L.J. – WHEELER, K. – JORGENSEN, CH. – ROSIPAL, R.: Multimodal neuroelectric human-cputer interface development.In: Brain-Computer Interface Technology. Moving Beyond Demonstrations Workshop. Rensselaerville Institute, Albany, NY, 12.-16.6.2002. 40. TREJO, L.J. – WHEELER, K. – JORGENSEN, C. – ROSIPAL, R. – CLANTON, S. – MATTHEWS, B. - HIBBS, A. – MATTHEWS, R. – KRUPKA, M.: Multimodal neuroelectric interface development: a survey of research at NASA ames research center. In: Brain-Computer Interface Technology. Moving Beyond Demonstrations Workshop. Rensselaerville Institute, Albany, NY, 12.-16.6.2002. 41. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M.: Využitie modelovania elektrického poľa pri neinvazívnej diagnostike a terapii ochorení srdca. In: Inteligentní systémy ve zdravotní péči. Česko-slovenská vědecká konference. Praha, FEL ČVUT, 23.– 25.9.2002. 42. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - TIŇOVÁ, M.: Neinvazívna diagnostika ochorení srdca s využitím modelovania. In: Trendy rozvoja BMI. Konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou. Tatranská Lomnica, SR, 22.-23.5.2002. 43. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - SZATHMÁRY, V.: Information on heart repolarization changes obtained from body surface ECG potentials. In: Health Data in the Information Society. MIE 2002. Budapest, Hungary, 25.-29.8.2002. 44. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J.: Repolarization changes displayed in surface ARI maps. A simulation study. In: XXIX International Congress on Electrocardiology and the 4th International Conference on Biomagnetism. Montreal, Canada, 2.-5.6.2002. 45. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J.: Heart repolarization changes projected to surface distribution of activation - recovery intervals. In: EMBEC '02. 2nd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference. Wien, Austria, 4.-6.12.2002. 46. VanDRIESSCHE, I. - CIGÁŇ, A. - PLESCH, G. – MAŇKA, J. - BRUNEEL, E. – HOSTE, S.: The effect of processing on the properties of spray dried NdBa2Cu3Oy/Ag composite superconductors. In: 5th Conference on Solid State Chemistry. Bratislava, 1.-12.7.2002. 47. VOLAUFOVÁ, J.: Heteroscedastic mixed model approach to methods comparisons. In: Joint Session of 24th European Meeting of Statisticians and 14th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes. Prague, Czech Republic, 19.-23.8.2002. 48. VOLAUFOVÁ, J. – LAMOTTE, L.R. – REDMANN, S.: Is logistic regression the best for binomial response? In: ProbaStat 2002. The Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, 4.-8.2.2002. 49. VOLKOV, V. - ANDREEV, V. - GORCHENKO, V. - ISSINSKY, I. - KIRICHENKO, A. - KOVALENKO, A. - KULIKOV, I. - LEONOV, L. - MIKHAILOV, V. - NOVIKOV, S. - ROMANOV, S. - RUKOYATKIN, P. - SELEZNEV, V. - SVESHNIKOV, B. - TSARENKOV, A. - VASILISHIN, B. - VOEVODIN, M. - KRUŠINSKÝ, D. - ONDRIŠ, Ľ.: Nuclotron extracted beam diagnostics. In: EPAC 2002. 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference. Paris, France, June 3-7, 2002. 50. WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Behrens-Fisher distribution and its generalization to the pairwise multiple comparisons. In: Joint Session of 24th European Meeting of Statisticians and 14th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes. Prague, Czech Republic, 19.-23.8.2002. 51. WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Consensus mean and its consonance interval. In: ODAM`02. Olomoucké dny aplikované matematiky. Olomouc, ČR, Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci, 26.-27.6.2002. 52. WITKOVSKÝ, V.: On the Behrens-Fisher distribution and its generalization for the pairwise comparisons. In: Wisla 2002. XXVII Konferencja Statystyka Matematyczna. Poland, Wisla, 2.-6.12.2002. 53. WITKOVSKÝ, V. – WIMMER, G.: Consensus mean and its consonace intervals. In: ProbaStat 2002. The Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. Smolenice Castle, Slovak Republic, 4.-8.2.2002. | ||||||
Ostatné prednášky a vývesky: 1. BARTL, J.: Aplikácia laserov pri meraní dĺžok. In: XVIII. zhromaždenie KZ SR. Banská Bystrica, SR, 12.-13.11.2002. 2. BARTL, J.: Fyzikálny prieskum umeleckých diel. In: Odborný reštaurátorský seminár. Bojnice, Slovenské národné múzeum, 26.-27.9.2002. 3. BARTL, J. - HAIN, M.: Využitie infračerveného žiarenia pri reštaurátorskom prieskume umeleckých a historických diel. In: Zasadnutie komory reštaurátorov Slovenska. Bratislava, SR, 22.2.2002. 4. HAIN, M. – BARTL, J.: Infračervená reflektografia a iné metódy nedeštruktívnej analýzy muzeálnych objektov rozvíjané v rámci akcie COST G 8. In: Zasadnutie komory reštaurátorov Slovenska. Bratislava, SR, 22.2.2002. 5. HAIN, M. - BARTL, J. – JACKO, V.: Digitálna infračervená reflektografia. In: Odborný reštaurátorský seminár. Bojnice, Slovenské národné múzeum, 26.-27.9.2002. 6. HANIC, F.: Priebeh plazmochemických reakcií (vznik polypeptidov). In: Seminár Ústavu lekárskej chémie, biochémie a klinickej biochémie Lekárskej fakulty UK a Slovenskej spoločnosti pre biochémiu a molekulovú biológiu pri SAV. Bratislava, SR, 8.4.2002. 7. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J.: Patologická repolarizácia myokardu a jej obraz v povrchových mapách. In: Elektrokardiologický seminár. Medzinárodné laserové centrum FMFI UK, Bratislava, SR, 7.3.2002. | ||||||
Ostatné vydávané periodiká: 1. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW, Journal of the Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, ISSN 1335-8871, 1x ročne, http://www.measurement.sk. | ||||||
Vydané alebo editované zborníky z vedeckých podujatí: 1. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor (Ed.). ProbaStat 2002: The Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. Bratislava : FMFI Comenius University, 2002. | ||||||
Vedecké práce uverejnené na internete: 1. FROLLO, I.: Electronic equipment for multiple blood withdrawal with telemetric control. In: Space Research in Slovakia 2000-2001. COSPAR, Slovak National Committee, Life Science. nccospar.saske.sk/REPORT0001/PDFFORM/3LIFESCI.pdf 2. ROSÍK, V. - RÁŠO, R. -TYŠLER, M.: Systém na povrchové meranie elektrickej aktivity žalúdka človeka na báze mikrokontroléra s pripojením na PC. In: Inteligentní systémy ve zdravotní péči. Česko-slovenská vědecká konference. Praha, FEL ČVUT, 23.–25.9.2002. www.cbmi.cvut.cz/sbmili/ISZP_02_prog_all.html 3. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M.: Využitie modelovania elektrického poľa pri neinvazívnej diagnostike a terapii ochorení srdca. In: Inteligentní systémy ve zdravotní péči. Česko-slovenská vědecká konference. Praha, FEL ČVUT, 23. – 25.9.2002. www.cbmi.cvut.cz/sbmili/ISZP_02_prog_all.html | ||||||