Laboratory of Pneumometry
- Research Scope -

Project of a Grant of the Slovak Academy of Sciences:
The meausurement of new parameters in breathing process.
    Project VEGA No 02/6019/99.
Electronic instrumentation and systems for environment measurement and monitoring. Instruments and methods for dynamic measurement in pneumometry.
    Project VTP No 02/9006/98.
Research scope:
The activity of the laboratory is concentrated on the solution of the problems for dynamic analog and discrete measurement of volume, flow, gas concentration and diffusion, parameters of respiratory mechanic and the problems of signal processing in breathing process.
Scientific results:
In the area of pneumometry
- The desing and realiztion of the analog and digital pneumotachograph on PC base for the measurement of lung ventilation parameters of adultsm, childrens and experimental animals.
- The measurement methodics of the lung ventilation by the pneumotachograph and the right operation verification of the pneumotachograph befor the measurement.
- The methodic of the lung ventilation parameters evaluation from the volume and flow records of lung ventilation for a quiet and forced periodic breathing end forced single expiration.
- The analysis of the O2, CO2, N2 and H2O partial gases exchange in the lung ventilation process.
- The analysis of the volume and flow measurement conditions of breathing air and the calculation of measurement results for different temperature, pressure and humidity of breathing air ( ATPS, BTPS, STPD and general).
- The analysis of the O2 and CO2 exchange dynamics in the lung ventilation process from the measurement requirement aspect.
- The dynamic pneumatic model of the breathing mechanics and evaluating the measurement possibility of circuit quantities and parameters of the models.
- The new method of the pneumatic resistance and weight measurement of the breathing tract from the dynamic measured flow of lung ventilation and alveolar pressure.
- The dynamic model analysis for the alveolar pressure measurement by total-body plethysmograph.
- The method of the pneumotachograph pneumatic resistance measurement by the pneumotachograph and testing cylinder with known volume of air.
In the area of measurement technique
- The set of metrological characteristics of the measurement instrument and pneumotachograph.
- The evaluation of the pneumotachograph metrological characteristics.
- The measurement accuracy increasing by decreasing zero and sensitivity errors of the measurement instrument by the continuous and periodical zeroing and temperature dependent amplification function block with the linearised thermistor temperature sensor.
- The error model of a measurement instrument.
- The measurement of the volume, flow velocity and flow acceleration of the breathing air in lung ventilation process.
- The systematic nonlinearity errior correction of the measurement instrument by the static characteristic linearization.
- The software for a patient data input , measurement and evaluation of the lung ventilation parameters, archivation and printing a record with processed measurement results.
- The design of the pressure sensor for dynamic measurement of air pressure difference for the electric pressure gauge with measuring range ± 100 Pa (2 patents).
- The original electric and mechanic design of the analogue pneumotachograph.
- The linear pneumatic resistor design for the flow measurement of respiration air by the pneumotachograph.
In the area of signal processing
- The analysis of the measure carrier signals processing in the function block of the pneumotachograph.
- The analysis of the error signal transfer in function blocks chain of the pneumotachograph.
- The circuit design for the smoothing, derivation and integration of the analogue electric measure carrier signals.
- The methods for approximation by polynomial and rational functions and evaluation inverse function of the measurement instrument static characteristics.
- The methods for dynamic error evaluation for single signals by transfer function and for periodic signals by the amplitude and phase frequency characteristics.
- The method for transfer function evaluation by the measured data of amplitude-frequency characteristic.
- The smoothing, derivation and integration of the measured discrete measure carrier signals.
- The transfer property of a pneumatic pipe and its replacement by a two-port.
- The analysis of a registration equipment dynamic properties and the evaluation its properties from the dynamic measurement and dynamic error aspect.
- The elaborated methods for linear and nonlinear analogue circuit analysis, the method of node voltage and state variable method, for circuits analysis of hybrid systems with orientation on measurement technique requirement.
International cooperation:
Laboratory of Nuclear Reaction, Joint Institute for Nuctear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation (1992-1995).
Other activities:
- The assistance and cooperation with the research workers in pulmonology in clinical praxis.
- The contract cooperation on the design, realization and testing 5. analogue and one digital pneumotachograph on PC base for praxis.
- The contract cooperation on the design, realization and testing the electric micromanometer for dynamic measurement of the air difference with measurement range ± 100 Pa.
- The technical exercises in pneumometry for students of STU with biomedical orientation study.
- The regularly active attendance on periodic international conference on measurement MEASUREMENT and event active attendance on other conference with orientation on measurement.
- The publication of the scientific results in periodical journals.