
Institute of Measurement Science SAS, Department of Biomeasurements

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Reflexometer - Device for Measurement of Achilles Tendon Reflex Times

Thytest device Reflexometer device

Reflexometer is device for automatic measurement and evaluation of time intervals of the Achilles tendon reflex in clinical practice. It enables measurement of time intervals TK, TR and TH which correspond to the time of contraction, relaxation and so called half relaxation of the Achilles tendon reflex. The measuring system consists of a contactless optoelectronic sensor of the foot motion and an evaluating unit controlled by microcomputer or personal computer. The results are indicated on three 3-digit displays. The device is equipped with indication of acceptable amplitudeof measured signal. The reflexometer operates also in "screening test" mode based on sixfold measurement of the time interval TH with elimination of two extremal measurements and calculation of average value. The test results in identification of the measurement as 'NORM' or 'OUT OF NORM'.

Several modifications of the device have been developed. The M8082 device (above) has an additional 16x32 dot display for presentation of the signal shape, the Thytest device (above right) has the microcomputer and the sensor of the foot motion built in one integral unit. In the third modification (not in picture) the optoelectronic sensor is connected to a PC-based evaluating unit.



Currently a PC based version of the device can be delivered on request. Contact the Laboratory for additional information.
