Milan T y š l e r,  PhD  - Curriculum Vitae

BUSINESS ADDRESS:                                                        

Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences     

Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia                    

Phone: (+421-2) 5910 4550, fax: (+421-2) 5477 5943                     





- Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia on September 2, 1951,

- Nationality: Slovak

- Married in 1980, to Mária Pavellová, three children: Miroslav (1981), Eva (1983), Iveta (1983)

- Languages: English, German, Russian, Slovak, Czech



1969-1974  Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, specialization computers and automation  - Ing. (MS in electrical engineering)

1974 - 1978          Institute of Measurement Theory, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, study stay

1978 - 1982          Institute of Measurement Theory, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, postgraduate study Measurement science - CSc. (Ph.D. degree)




1981-                                      Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, managing researcher

1985-1989, 1991-                  Head of Department of Biomeasurements

1994-1998, 2002-                  Deputy director

1993-1998, 2002-2005          Director of the Scientific Board


Other :

1988-1989  Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, senior research worker (partial appointment)

1989-1993  Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, visiting professor

1989-1996  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, visiting professor

1991-2002  ProMed, Ltd., director

2001           SKQS (DQS Slowakei), external expert



1982         Department of BME, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA  (6 months)

1986         Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics, Catholic University, Nijmegen, Netherlands (1 month)

1988         Department of Biophysics, University Karlsruhe, Germany (1 month)



Biomedical measurements and instrumentation

·     Development of intelligent systems for biosignal measurement, processing and evaluation

·     Standardization of medical devices

·     Methods for biosignal measurement imaging and evaluation and their application in biology and medicine


Modelling and identification of biological processes, oriented to cardiovascular system:

·     Modelling of normal and pathological heart excitation using finite element methods, computer simulations of cardiac electric field

·     Non-invasive inverse methods in electrocardiology and their use for identification of arrhythmogenic foci or local ischemia of the myocardium



1988 - 1989          Chiramap, multichannel ECG measurement system for Chirana company, Stará Turá

1989 - 1991          ELMAKART, body surface mapping project for IPPI RAN Moscow

1994 - 1996          ABLAMAP, mapping device for L. Boltzmann Institut für Arrhytmienforschung, Wien

1994 - 1997          grant VEGA 2/1216/94 "Methods for multichannel measurement and identification of sources of bioelectric fields"

1995 - 1997          JUMP - Joint Unified Mapping Project with CRIP Research Institute for Material Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

1995 - 1997          grant of Slovak Grant Agency SGA 95/5305/469 "Measuring devices and methods for clinical electrocardiology, metrological support of medical devices"

1996 - 1998          project "Non-invasive measurement and information analysis of bioelectric signals" with IPPI RAN, Moscow

1997                     grant  VEGA and SAS 2/1216/97 “Methods for muktichannel measurement and identification of sources of  bioelectric fields.”

1997 - 1998          grant "Oberflächen - EKG - Mapping in der klinischen Physiologie des Herzens" with L. Boltzmann Institut für Arhytmienforschung, Wien in the frame of "Österreich-Slowakei" cooperation

1998 - 2000          grant VEGA 2/5089/98 "Methods of measurement and non-invasive localization of arrhythmia sources in the heart"

2001 - 2003          grant VEGA 2/1135/21 "Multichannel measurement and analysis of low-level bioelectric signals"

2002 – 2003         grant of Ministry of education SR and SAS for cooperation with the industry: “Modular measuring devices for biophysical examinations working in a local network.

2002 - 2005          grant of Science and Technology Assistance Agency APVT 51-017802 "New methods and devices for pulmonary, hepatic and gastro-intestinal diagnostics"

2004 - 2006          grant VEGA 2/4089/24 "Assessment of heart repolarization changes by multilead ECG easurements"



1988 - 1989          Faculty of Medicine, Comenius Univerzity Bratislava, (seminars)  

1989 - 1993          Faculty of Elektrical Engineering, Slovak Technical University Bratislava (seminars)

1989 - 1996          Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak Technical University Bratislava (seminars Measurements in Biology and Medicine)

1997-2001, 2002  External cooperation (seminars of Biomedical Engineering) , Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU Košice


1995 - 1999          member of the state examen commission, specialization Automation, Faculty of Elektrical Engineering, Slovak Technical University Bratislava

1996                     member of the commission for PhD defences in Measurement technology, Faculty of Elektrical Engineering, Slovak Technical University Bratislava and Slovak Academy of Sciences

1997 -                   member of the common commission for PhD study in Bionics and Biomechanics


- adviser of PhD students (3, 1 finished),

- reviewer of PhD theses (5), member of PhD defence commissions (5)

- afdviser for study stays, diploma projects (9) and semestral projects (62,



1983                     10th International Congress on Electrocardiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Organizing Committee member

1986 - 1990          Biosignal'86, '88, '90 conferences, Program Committee member

1990, 1993           Cardiac Electrical Field, international conferences, Smolenice, Slovakia, Program Committee member

1995                     IMEKO TC-13 Conference Model Based Biomeasurements, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, Organizing and Program Committee Chairman

1997                     XXIVth International Congress on Electrocardiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Secretary General

1997                     World Congress of Biomedical Engineering 1997, Nice, France, International Liaison Committee

1998                     8th IMEKO Conference on Measurement in Clinical Medicine, 1998, Dubrovnik, Croatia, International Committee member

1999, 2002           European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference 1999 and 2002, Vienna, International Scientific Advisory Board member

1999 - 2005          International Conference Measurement 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, Program Committee chairman

2001                     "MEDICON 2001", Pula, Croatia, Inernational Program Committee

2004 - 2005          European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, Prague 2005, International Scientific Advisory Committee member

2005                     „Trends in Biomedical Engineering“, Žilina 2005, program committee member



1994 - 1997          IFMBE Working Group for European Activities, member

1995 -                   IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, member

1996 -                   International Society of Electrocardiology, elected to International Council on Electrocardiology (2000-)

1996 -                   Slovak Society of Biomedical Engineering, Scientific secretary (1997- )

1997 -                   International Measurement Confederation IMEKO,

                             TC-13 Slovak technical committee "Measurement in medicine and biology", Chairman (1997- )   

1998 -                   IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, member

1998 -                   Slovak Metrological Society, member

2004 -                   Slovak Society of Cardiology, member