Laser interferometric measuring methods |
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developing of new interferometric methods |
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optical design of new interferometric systems for flatness
measurement of optical and engineering surfaces up to diameter 200mm |
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electronic hardware and computer software developing for
digital optical processing |
Research of selected theoretical and experimental
problems of infrared radiometry |
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analysis of interaction between measured object, sensor of
radiometric measuring system and surroundings |
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theoretical analysis of noise, dynamic and spectral properties
of infrared detectors |
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analysis of emissivity dependence on wavelength, temperature,
observing direction and other parameters of the surface |
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contactless measurement of temperature, visualisation of
temperature fields |
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development and realisation of automated measuring systems
and software |
Research of measuring methods and development of
systems for large objects space stability measurement |
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principle of joined vessels (hydrostatic levelling) and principle
of physical pendulum in quiet state (pendametry) are used |
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development and realisation of measuring sensors and computer
software |
Research of measuring methods and systems for diagnostics
of extracted nuclei beams from accelerators |
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spatial parameters measurment of extracted beams |
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emittance measurement of extracted beams |
Scientific Results: |
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Some new design of grazing incidence interferometers with anamorphote
attachments was developed and experimentally verified |
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A new phase sampling method for automatic evaluation of speckle
fringe was proposed and experimentally verified |
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A commercial visual workshop planinterferometer PI 160 was
equipped with own developed HW & SW to give automatic measuring
of flatness with accuracy of lambda/20 |
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In cooperation with I. Orthopedic University Clinic in
Bratislava an experimental setup for digitizing and processing
of coronal plane radiographs was realized and a study of angular
and linear measurement possibilities of bones and hips was
carried out |
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the new original method of liquid level position measurement
for hydrolevelling sensors was developed |
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the new original method of pendulum wire position measurements
in reference plane was developed |
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the new algorithm of liquid level position and pendulum wire
position determination from light intensity profile on the CCD
sensors was realised |
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the multisensor system for elements vertical position precise
measurement of Nuclotron supraconducting particle accelerator
with distributed intelligence was realised |
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nuclear reactor precise tilt measurements |
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development and realization of systems for profiles
measurement of extracted nuclei beams from Nuclotron accelerator |
International Cooperation: |
Laboratory of Neutron Physics,
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,
Russian federation |
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developing of digital signal processor systems |
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development of the system for data collection and processing based on digital
signal processors |
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development of measuring systems for accelerated nuclei beams from
accelerating complex Nuklotron |
Other Activities: |
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Optical hardware components (flats, spherical lenses and prisms) up to
diameter 200 mm with figure accuracy lambda/5 and angle accuracy 1 sec of arc
are produced in optical workshop that is an integral part of the Laboratory |
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Lecturing the course on Design of Optical Systems at the Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University Bratislava |