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Selected Application Results
  • Contactless method for scanning of surface defects in the precise mechanical engineering
  • System for evaluation of biophysical parameters from experiments on isolated animal hearts

Result 1: Contactless method for scanning of surface defects in the precise mechanical engineering

Project: Research cooperation contract

Investigators: J. Bartl, M. Hain, V. Jacko

The goal of this research, conducted in the frame of the cooperation contract with the company Mesing, Ltd., Brno, was the development of optical methods for micro-defects testing of functional surfaces of special mechanical components. A coaxial laser sensor for testing of surface micro-defects was developed by the researchers. The sensor was used in a new developed device for shaft testing, exhibited at the International Engineering Fair Brno 2007 and awarded by a gold medal. Main application of the results is in the precise mechanical engineering, car and bearing industry.


  • HAIN, M.- BARTL, J.- KŮR, J.- KŮR, B.: Patent SR č.285659. Spôsob vyhľadávania povrchových defektov, najmä ložiskových krúžkov a zariadenie na vykonávanie tohto spôsobu. (PP 272-2004, 8.7.2004) Int. Cl.6 G01 B11/30, 23.3.2007
  • BARTL, J.- JACKO, V.- HAIN, M.- SMUTNÝ, D.: Súčasné trendy kontroly povrchu presných strojárskych súčiastok. Metrologické listy, 33, 2007, č.1, s.75-84
  • BARTL, J.- JACKO, V.- HAIN, M.- SMUTNÝ, D.: Optické snímače povrchu presných strojárskych súčiastok. Jemná mechanika a optika, 52, 2007, č.5, s.139-143
  • BARTL, J.- JACKO, V.- HAIN, M.- SMUTNÝ, D.: Kontrola povrchu strojárskych súčiastok. Metrológia a skúšobníctvo, 12, 2007, č.2, s.5-10
  • BARTL, J.- JACKO, V.- HAIN, M.- SMUTNÝ, D.: Metódy rýchlej kontroly presných mechanických súčiastok. In: Zborník z XXVI. zhromaždenia KZ SR. Agroinštitút Nitra 18.-19.4.2007, Kalibračné združenie SR, Bratislava 2007, s. 68-76
  • BARTL, J.: Neúprosné laserové oko. Revue priemyslu 2007, č.7-8, s.58-59


Result 2: System for evaluation of biophysical parameters from experiments on isolated animal hearts

Project: Zmluvný výskum pre Ústav pre výskum srdca SAV

Investigators: V. Rosík, S. Karas, J. Švehlíková, M. Tyšler

Device for measurement of selected biophysical parameters (BioLab F) that enables to measure electrocardiogram, blood pressure and drug dosage during experiments on isolated hearts of small animals was designed and built. Core of the system is smart sensor attached to electrical outputs of the Langendorff measuring system that is used for investigations of blood pressure and blood flow changes in coronary vessels and electrograms on the surface of isolated hearts of small animals in "in vitro" experiments at pharmacological load. The sensor is connected to controlling PC via the Ethernet network and measured digital signals are saved to PC hard disk for subsequent processing. Special program implementing selected methods and algorithms for signal analysis in time and time-frequency domain was developed and enables to study dynamic processes in the heart induced by applied drugs. The device was designed for a project in the Institute of Heart Research, SAS and is in use in the Institute of Experimental Pharmacology, SAS.


  • ROSÍK V., KARAS S., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J., TYŠLER M., ŽDIŇÁK J.: Zariadenie na meranie a vyhodnotenie dlhotrvajúcich záznamov z farmakologických experimentov. Časopis pre elektrotechniku a energetiku, ročník 13, október 2007 (mimoriadne číslo, vydanie ku konferencii Elektrotechnika a informatika 2007, Veľtrh elektrotechniky, elektroniky a energetiky ELOSYS, Trenčín, 16.-19.10.2007), p.148-151, ISSN 1335-2547
  • ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J., KARAS S., ROSÍK V., TYŠLER M.: System for evaluation of biophysical parameters from experiments on isolated animal hearts. In: Trends in biomedical engineering. Proceedings of the 7th czech-slovak conference. FBMI CTU in Prague, Czech Republic, 2007, 82-85, ISBN 978-80-01-03777-5.
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)