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Home arrow Publications and Citations arrow Publications 2010
Publications 2010
  1. Technical monographs, academic textbooks published at home:

    1. BACHRATÝ, H. - GRENDÁR, Marián Jr. - BACHRATÁ, K. Ako sa počíta pravdepodobnosť? 1. vyd. Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 2010. 326 s. ISBN 978-80-554-0226-0.
  2. Chapters in scientific monographs published abroad:

    1. GRENDÁR, Marián Jr. - JUDGE, G. Large deviations theory and econometric information recovery. In Handbook of Empirical Economics and Finance. Editor  A. Ullah, D.E.A. Giles. - New York : CRC Press, 2010. ISBN 9781420070354, 26 p.
    2. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. Microintonation analysis of emotional speech . In Development of Multimodal Interfaces : Active Listening and Synchrony. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 5967. Editor A. Esposito, N. Campbell, C. Vogel, A. Hussain, A. Nijholt. - Berlin :  Springer-Verlag, 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-12396-2, p. 268-279.
  3. Publications in Current Contents registered periodicals:

    1. APPRICH, S. - WELSCH, G.H. - MAMISCH, T.C. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - MAYERHOEFER, M. - PINKER, K. - TRATTNIG, S. Detection of degenerative cartilage disease: Comparison of high-resolution morphological MR and quantitative T2 mapping at 3.0 Tesla . In Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2010, vol. 18, no. 9, p. 1211-1217. ISSN 1063-4584. (3.888 - IF2009).
    2. BILLIK, Peter - ČAPLOVIČOVÁ, M. - ČAPLOVIČ, Ľ. Mechanochemical-molten salt synthesis of Na2Ti6O13 nanobelts . In Materials Research Bulletin, 2010, vol. 45, p. 621-627. ISSN 0025-5408. (1.879 - IF2009).
    3. BREZOVÁ, V. - BILLIK, Peter - VRECKOVÁ, Z. - PLESCH, G. Photoinduced formation of reactive oxygen species in suspensions of titania mechanochemically synthesized from TiCl4 . In Journal of Molecular Catalysis A : Chemical, 2010, vol. 327, p. 101-109. ISSN 1381-1169. (3.135 - IF2009).
    4. DOMAYER, S.E. - WELSCH, G.H. - NEHRER, S. - CHIARI, C. - DOROTKA, R. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - MAMISCH, T.C. - YAYON, A. - TRATTNIG, S. T2 mapping and dGEMRIC after autologous chondrocyte implantation with a fibrin-based scaffold in the knee: Preliminary results . In European Journal of Radiology, 2010, vol. 73, p. 636-642. ISSN 0720-048X. (2.645 - IF2009). 
    5. GRENDÁR, Marián Jr. - NIVEN, R.K. The Pólya information divergence . In Information Sciences, 2010, vol. 180, p. 4189-4194. ISSN 0020-0255. (3.281 - IF2009).
    6. GRUWEL, M.L.H. - LATTA, Peter - MATWIY, B. - TOMANEK, B. Characterization of food stuffs using Magnetic Resonance Elastography. In Food Research International, 2010, vol. 43, no. 8, p. 2087-2092. ISSN 0963-9969. (2.414 - IF2009).
    7. HRACHOVÁ, J. - BILLIK, Peter - FAJNOR, V.Š. Influence of organic surfactants on structural stability of mechanochemically treated bentonite . In Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2010, vol. 101, p. 161-168. ISSN 1388-6150. (1.587 - IF2009).
    8. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - ZBÝŇ, Š. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - TRATTNIG, S. Regression error estimation significantly improves the region-of-interest statistics of noisy MR images. In Medical Physics, 2010, vol. 37, no. 6, p. 2813-2821. ISSN  0094-2405. (2.704 - IF2009). (abstact)
    9. LATTA, Peter - GRUWEL, M.L.H. - JELLÚŠ, V. - TOMANEK, B. Bloch simulations with intra-voxel spin dephasing . In Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2010, vol. 203, p. 44-51. ISSN 1090-7807. (2.531 - IF2009).
    10. NOEBAUER-HUHMANN, I.M. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - JURÁŠ, Vladimír - KRAFF, O. - LADD, M.E. - TRATTNIG, S. Gadolinium-based magnetic resonance contrast agents at 7 tesla : in vitro T1 relaxivities in human blood plasma. In Investigative Radiology, 2010, vol. 45, no. 9, p. 554-558. ISSN 0020-9996. (4.850 - IF2009). (abstract)
    11. ŠKRÁTEK, Martin - ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan - MAŇKA, Ján. Experimental liver iron measurement with the SQUID gradiometer systém . In Acta Physica Polonica A, 2010, vol. 118, no. 5, p. 1062-1064. ISSN 0587-4246. (0.433 - IF2009).
    12. TRATTNIG, S. - STELZENEDER, D. - GOED, S. - REISSEGGER, M. - MAMISCH, T.C. - PATERNOSTRO-SLUGA, T. - WEBER, M. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - WELSCH, G.H. Lumbar intervertebral disc abnormalities: comparison of quantitative T2 mapping with conventional MR at 3.0T. In European Radiology, 2010, vol. 20, p. 2715-2722. ISSN 0938-7994. (3.589 - IF2009).  
    13. TRATTNIG, S. - WELSCH, G.H. - JURÁŠ, Vladimír - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - MAYERHOEFER, M.E. - STELZENEDER, D. - MAMISCH, T.C. - BIERI, O. - SCHEFFLER, K. - ZBÝŇ, Š. 23Na MR imaging at 7 T after knee matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation : Preliminary results. In Radiology, 2010, vol. 257, no. 1, p. 175-184. ISSN 0033-8419. (6.341 - IF2009). (abstract)
    14. VANCO, P. - FARKAŠ, Igor. Experimental comparison of recursive self-organizing maps for processing tree-structured data. In Neurocomputing, 2010, vol. 73, no. 7-9, p. 1362-1375. ISSN 0925-2312. (1.440 - IF2009).
    15. VEJMELKA, M. - PALUŠ, M. - ŠUŠMÁKOVÁ, Kristína. Identification of nonlinear oscillatory activity embedded in broadband neural signals. In International Journal of Neural Systems, 2010,  vol. 20, no. 2, p. 117-128. ISSN 0129-0657. (2.988 - IF2009).
  4. Scientific and technical papers in other periodicals:

    1. AMANN, A. - SCHWARZ, K. - WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Model based determination of detection limits for proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer. In Measurement Science Review, 2010, vol. 10, no. 6, p. 180-188. ISSN 1335-8871. (WOS, Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Copernicus International)
    2. ARENDACKÁ, Barbora. Jednofaktorová heteroskedastická ANOVA - intervaly pre variančné komponenty. In Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti, 2010, roč. 22, č. 3, s. 1-8. ISSN 1210-8022. 
    3. BARTL, Ján - HAIN, Miroslav - JACKO, Vlado. Vplyv emisivity v procese bezkontaktného merania teploty. In Metrologické listy, 2010, roč. 33, č. 1, s. 39-54.
    4. BARTOŠOVÁ, Katarína. Aplikácia Fisherovej lineárnej diskriminačnej analýzy na analýzu dychu. In Forum Statisticum Slovacum, 2010, Roč. 6, č. 4, s. 15-20. ISSN 1336-7420. (PDF journal)
    5. CIMERMANOVÁ, Katarína. Generalized confidence intervals for breath-concentrations of selected volatile organic compounds in smokers. In Aplimat : Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2008, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 363-372. ISSN 1337-6365.
    6. CIMERMANOVÁ, Katarína. Klasifikácia pre rôzne tvary šumu vstupných dát. In Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti, 2010, roč. 22, č. 3, s. 9-16. ISSN 1210-8022.
    7. FROLLO, Ivan - ANDRIS, Peter - PŘIBIL, Jiří - VOJTÍŠEK, Lubomír - DERMEK, Tomáš - VALKOVIČ, Ladislav. Measurement and imaging of planar electromagnetic phantoms based on NMR imaging methods. In Measurement Science Review, 2010, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 96-100. ISSN 1335-8871. (WOS, Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Copernicus International­)
    8. GRUWEL, M.L.H. - LATTA, Peter - MATWIY, B. - SBOTO-FRANKENSTEIN, U. - GERVAI, P. - TOMANEK, B. Measurement of viscoelastic properties of condensed matter using magnetic resonance elastography . In Measurement Science Review, 2010, vol. 10, no. 5, p. 147-152. ISSN 1335-8871. (WOS, Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Copernicus International)
    9. HORNIŠOVÁ, Klára. Neparametrická kalibrácia - prehľad. In Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti, 2010, roč. 22, č. 3, s. 33-40. ISSN 1210-8022.
    10. CHVOSTEKOVÁ, Martina. Determination of two-sided tolerance interval in a linear regression model. In Forum Statisticum Slovacum, 2010, Roč. 6, č. 5, s. 79-84. ISSN 1336-7420.
    11. CHVOSTEKOVÁ, Martina. Simultaneous tolerance intervals in a linear regression. In Aplimat : Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2010, vol. 3, no. 3, p. 223-230. ISSN 1337-6365.  
    12. CHVOSTEKOVÁ, Martina. Simultánne obojstranné tolerančné intervaly v lineárnom regresnom modeli. In Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti, 2010, roč. 22, č. 3, s. 57-64. ISSN 1210-8022.  
    13. CHVOSTEKOVÁ Martina. Stanovenie simultánnych obojstranných tolerančných intervalov v lineárnom modeli založené na oblasti spoľahlivosti parametrov modelu. In Forum Statisticum Slovacum, 2010, Roč. 6, č. 4, s. 73-78. ISSN 1336-7420. (PDF journal)
    14. JANKOVÁ, Mária. Confidence interval for common mean - a comparison of two methods. In Aplimat : Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2010, vol. 3, no. 3, p. 232-238. ISSN 1337-6365.
    15. JANKOVÁ, Mária. Interlaboratory comparison under heteroscedastic ANOVA model for the observed data. In Informační bulletin České statistické společnosti, 2010, roč. 22, č. 3, s. 65-72. ISSN 1210-8022.
    16. PETRÁK, J. - JURÁNI, M. - BARANOVSKÁ, M. - HAPALA, I. - FROLLO, Ivan - KVETŇANSKÝ, R. Plasma catecholamines (CA) and gene expression of CA biosynthetic enzymes in adrenal medulla and sympathetic ganglia of rats exposed to single or repeated hypergravity. In Journal of Gravitational Physiology : a Journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology, 2008, vol. 15, no. 1, p. P143-P144. ISSN 1077-9248.
    17. PŘIBIL, Jiří - PŘIBILOVÁ, A. An experiment with evaluation of emotional speech conversion by spectrograms. In Measurement Science Review, 2010, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 72-77. ISSN 1335-8871. (WOS, Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Copernicus International­)
    18. RUBLÍK, František. A note on simultaneous confidence intervals for ratio of variances.  In Communications in Statistics : Theory and Methods, 2010, vol. 39, p. 1038-1045. ISSN 0361-0926. (WOS, Zentralblatt MATH) (0.406 - IF2009). (abstract) 
    19. SAROV, Y. - SAROVA, V. - CAPEK, Ignác - RANGELOW, I. Near-IR micro-fluidic sensing by total internal reflective diffraction . In Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 2010, vol. 253, p. 012051. ISSN 1742-6588. (IOP, WOS, Scopus)
    20. ŠKRÁTEK, Martin - DVUREČENSKIJ, Andrej - ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan. Application of the model based biosusceptometric system in human liver iron content measurement. In Lékař a technika : biomedicínské inženýrství a informatika. ISSN 0301-5491, 2010, roč. 40, č. 2, s. 45-48.
    21. ŠTOLC, Svorad - BAJLA, I. On the optimum architecture of the biologically inspired hierarchical temporal memory model applied to the hand-written digit recognition. In Measurement Science Review, 2010, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 28-49. ISSN 1335-8871. (Invited Paper) (WOS, Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Copernicus International­) 
    22. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - WINDISCHBERGER, C. Method for geometric distortion correction in fMRI based on three echo planar phase images . In Measurement Science Review, 2010, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 116-119. ISSN 1335-8871. (WOS, Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Copernicus International)
    23. ZDRAŽIL, T. - HOLČÍK, Jiří. Modelling of cancer dynamics and comparison of methods for survival time estimation. In IFMBE Proceedings, 2010, vol. 29, no. 4, p. 819-822. ISSN 1680-0737. (INSPEC)
  5. Scientific papers in reviewed proceedings:

    1. BROSKOVÁ, Z. - KARAS, Slavomír - KNEZL, V. Účinok pyridoindolového derivátu SMe1EC2 na ischemicko-reperfúzne poškodenie srdca potkana. In Pokroky vo farmakológii v Slovenskej republike 5. Editor P. Švec, J. Kyselovič, M. Kuželová. - Bratislava : Farmaceutická fakulta UK, 2010. ISBN 978-80-223-2883-8, s. 41-46.
    2. KARAS, Slavomír - HEBLÁKOVÁ, Eva - ROSÍK, Vladimír - MUŽÍK, J. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. System for real-time mapping of body surface potential changes. In ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2009 : Proceedings of the 36th International Congress on Electrocardiology and 50th International Symposium on Vectorcardiography. Editor M. Sobieszczańska, J. Jagielski, P.W. Macfarlane. - Wroclaw, Poland : JAKS Publishing Company, 2010. ISBN 978-83-928209-5-6, p. 175-181.
    3. MAČUGOVÁ, Jana - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. Infuence of torso model on the two dipoles solution of the inverse problem of electrocardiography. In ELITECH '10 : 12th Conference of Doctoral Students. Editor A. Kozáková. - Bratislava : Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology, 2010. ISBN 978-80-227-3303-8. CD-ROM. 
    4. ŠTOLC, Svorad - BAJLA, I. Application of the computational intelligence network based on Hierarchical Temporal Memory to face recognition. In Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2010) : 10th IASTED International Conference. Editor M.H. Hamza. - ACTA Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-88986-817-5, p. 185-192.
    5. ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - MAČUGOVÁ, Jana - TURZOVÁ, Marie - TYŠLER, Milan. Inverse identification and localization of two ischemic lesions in homogeneous or inhomogeneos torso model. In Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images : 20th International EURASIP Conference BIOSIGNAL 2010. Editor J. Jan, R. Jiřík, R. Kolář, J. Kolářová, J. Kozumplík, I. Provazník. - Brno, Czech Republic : VUTIUM Press, 2010. ISBN 978-80-214-4106-4. CD-ROM.
    6. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - JURÁŠ, Vladimír - DERMEK, Tomáš - VOJTÍŠEK, Lubomír - FROLLO, Ivan. The effect of stress on MR image contrast in the human hand at low field NMR. In ELITECH '10 : 12th Conference of Doctoral Students. Editor A. Kozáková. - Bratislava : Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology, 2010. CD-ROM.
  6. Scientific papers in not reviewed proceedings:

    1. BARTL, Ján. Fyzikálne základy merania dĺžky a geometrických veličín. In Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. - Bratislava : KZ SR, 2010, 36-46.
    2. BARTL, Ján. Úvod do merania dĺžky a geometrických veličín. In Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. . - Bratislava : KZ SR, 2010, 29-35.
    3. BARTL, Ján - HAIN, Miroslav - JACKO, Vlado. Meranie priemeru malých otvorov a prievlakov. In Zborník prednášok z XXXII. Zhromaždenia Kalibračného združenia SR a XXXVIII. Fóra metrológov. - Bratislava : KZ SR a SMS, 2010, 103-109.
    4. KARAS, Slavomír - TYŠLER, Milan. Matlab software for high-resolution multichannel ECG measurement. In Instrumentation for the Information and Communication Technology Era : 17th  Symposium IMEKO TC 4 - Measurement of Electrical Quantities, 15th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, 3rd Symposium IMEKO TC 19 - Environmental Measurements. -Košice, Slovakia : Technical University of Košice, 2010. ISBN 978-80-553-0424-3. CD-ROM.
  7. Chapters in academic textbooks:

    1. PŘIBIL, Jiří. Úvod do TTS systémů. In Řeč a počítač : principy hlasové komunikace, úlohy, metody a aplikace. - Liberec : Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2009, s. D-43-D-59. ISBN 978-80-732-548-8.
    2. PŘIBIL, Jiří. Základní principy a metody zpracování řečového signálu. In Řeč a počítač : principy hlasové komunikace, úlohy, metody a aplikace. - Liberec : Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2009, s. C-25-C-40. ISBN 978-80-732-548-8.
  8. Scientific papers published on internet:

    1. GRENDÁR, Marián Jr. - JUDGE, G. Maximum likelihood with estimating equations. In CUDARE Working Paper No. 1094. University of California, Berkeley : Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/1r45k876
    2. GRENDÁR, Marián Jr. - JUDGE, G. Revised empirical likelihood. In CUDARE Working Paper No. 1106. University of California, Berkeley : Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/6gs579r0
  9. Published periodicals:

    1. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW. Editor in chief [2001-2010] I. Frollo, executive editor [2001-2010] V. Witkovský. London, GB : Versita, 2001-. ISSN 1335-8871. http://www.measurement.sk/.
  10. Lectures and posters from international scientific events:

    1. ARENDACKÁ, Barbora. Jednofaktorová heteroskedastická ANOVA - intervaly pre variančné komponenty. In ROBUST 2010 : 16. zimní škola JČMF. Králíky, ČR, 31.1.-5.2.2010.  
    2. BARTL, Ján. Laserové snímače parametrov strojárskych súčiastok. In LASER 50 : multioborová konference. Třešť, ČR, 4.-6.10.2010.
    3. BILLIK, Peter - ČAPLOVIČOVÁ, M. Mechanochemical synthesis of nanostructured materials. In Nanoved & Nanotech & Techtransfer 2010 : 5th International Conference on Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Nanomaterials, Nanomedicine and Technology Transfer. Bratislava, Slovakia, May 16-19, 2010.
    4. CIMERMANOVÁ, Katarína. Klasifikácia pre rôzne tvary šumu vstupných dát. In ROBUST 2010 : 16. zimní škola JČMF. Králíky, ČR, 31.1.-5.2.2010.
    5. GRENDÁR, Marián Jr. Revidovaná empirická vierohodnosť. In: Seminář KPMS. Praha, ČR, Katedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistiky, Matematicko fyzikálni fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 10. 11. 2010. (invited lecture)
    6. GRENDÁR, Marián Jr. - JUDGE, G. Existence problems with Empirical Likelihood and related econometric methods. In The Econometric Society World Congress 2010. Shanghai, China, August 17-21, 2010.
    7. GRENDÁR, Marián Jr. - NIVEN, R.K. The Polya information divergence. In Colloquium in Memory of Igor Vajda. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha, ČR, 12.-13.11.2010.
    8. HAIN, Miroslav - BARTL, Ján. Active infrared thermography as a method for non-destructive testing. In 17th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. Liptovský Ján, SR, 6.-10.9.2010.
    9. HORNIŠOVÁ, Klára. Neparametrická kalibrácia - prehľad. In ROBUST 2010 : 16. zimní škola JČMF. Králíky, ČR, 31.1.-5.2.2010.
    10. CHVOSTEKOVÁ, Martina. Simultaneous tolerance intervals in a linear regression. In APLIMAT 2010 : 9th International Conference on Applied Mathematics. Bratislava, Slovakia, February 2-5, 2010.
    11. CHVOSTEKOVÁ, Martina. Simultánne obojstranné tolerančné intervaly v lineárnom regresnom modeli. In ROBUST 2010 : 16. zimní škola JČMF. Králíky, ČR, 31.1.-5.2.2010. 
    12. JANKOVÁ. Mária. Confidence interval for common mean - a comparison of two methods. In APLIMAT 2010 : 9th International Conference on Applied Mathematics. Bratislava, Slovakia February 2-5, 2010. 
    13. JANKOVÁ, Mária. Interlaboratory comparison under heteroscedastic ANOVA model for the observed data. In ROBUST 2010 : 16. zimní škola JČMF. Králíky, ČR, 31.1.-5.2.2010.
    14. JURÁŠ, Vladimír - ZBYN, S. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - FROLLO, Ivan - TRATTNIG, S. The improvement of region-of-interest statistics in musculoskeletal MRI. In ISMRM-ESMRMB 2010 : Joint Annual Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden, May 1-7, 2010.
    15. KARAS, Slavomír - TYŠLER, Milan. Matlab software for high-resolution multichannel ECG measurement. In Instrumentation for the Information and Communication Technology Era : 17th  Symposium IMEKO TC 4 - Measurement of Electrical Quantities, 15th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, 3rd Symposium IMEKO TC 19 - Environmental Measurements. Košice, Slovakia, September 8-10, 2010. 
    16. KNEZL, V. - BAČOVÁ, B. - RADOŠINSKÁ, J. - KARAS, Slavomír - TRIBULOVÁ, N. Atorvastatin and omega-3 fatty acids exert an acute antiarrhythmic and defibrillating effects in isolated heart preparation. In Advances in Cardiovascular Research : Red Alert to Women's Heart. From Genes and Molecules to Clinical Applications. International Symposium Dedicated to 70th Anniversary of Prof. Jan Slezak. Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, June 6-9, 2010.
    17. KNEZL, V. - BAČOVÁ, B. - RADOŠINSKÁ, J. - KARAS, Slavomír - TRIBULOVÁ, N. Both atorvastatin and omega-3 fatty acids exibit acute antiarrhythmic effects in hypertriglyceridemic rats. In TOXCON 2010 : Borderless Toxicology. 15th Interdisciplinary Toxicological Conference & Advanced Toxicological Course. Stará Lesná, Slovakia, September 6-10, 2010.
    18. KÖNING, R. - KAROVIČ, K. - WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, V. Estimating the uncertainty contributions of the standard algorithm used to determine the position and width of a graduation line. In NANOSCALE 2010 : 9th Seminar on Quantitative Microscopy (QM) and 5th Seminar on Nanoscale Calibration Standards and Methods Dimensional and Related Measurements in the Micro- and Nanometre Range. Brno, ČR, 27.-29.10.2010.
    19. MAČUGOVÁ, Jana - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. Influence of integration of lungs to the torso model on the inverse localization of ischemic lesions. In YBERC 2010 : The 4th Biomedical Engineering Conference of Young Biomedical Engineers and Researches. Košice, Slovakia, July 1-3, 2010.
    20. NOEBAUER-HUHMANN, I.M. - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - JURÁŠ, Vladimír - KRAFF, O. - LADD, M.E. - TRATTNIG, S. Gadolinium-based MR contrast agents at 7 tesla : in vitro T1 relaxivities in human blood plasma. In ISMRM-ESMRMB 2010 : Joint Annual Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden, May 1-7, 2010.
    21. STELZENEDER, D. - ZBYN, S. - NEGRIN, L. -  WELSCH, G.H. - JURÁŠ, Vladimír - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - DOMAYER, S. - DOROTKA, R. - MAMISCH, T.C. - TRATTNIG, S. Sodium MRI at 7.0 Tesla in patients after matrix associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation and microfracturing in the knee: correlation to morphological scoring and clinical data - preliminary results. In ICRS 2010 : International Cartilage Repair Society World Congress. Sitges/Barcelona, Spain, September 26-29, 2010.
    22. ŠKRÁTEK, Martin - DVUREČENSKIJ, Andrej - ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan. Application of the model based biosusceptometric system in human liver iron content measurement. In YBERC 2010 : The Fourth Biomedical Engineering Conference of Young Biomedical Engineers and Researches. Košice, Slovakia, July 1-3, 2010.
    23. ŠKRÁTEK, Martin - ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan - MAŇKA, Ján. Experimental liver iron measurement with the SQUID gradiometer system. In CSMAG'10 : 14th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism. Košice, Slovakia, July 6-9, 2010.
    24. ŠTOLC, Svorad - BAJLA, I. Application of the computational intelligence network based on Hierarchical Temporal Memory to face recognition. In Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2010) : 10th IASTED International Conference. Innsbruck, Austria, February 15-17, 2010. 
    25. ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - MAČUGOVÁ, Jana - TURZOVÁ, Marie - TYŠLER, Milan. Influence of torso inhomogeneities on inverse localization of two ischemic lesions. In 37th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Lund, Sweden, 2010. 
    26. ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - MAČUGOVÁ, Jana - TURZOVÁ, Marie - TYŠLER, Milan. Inverse identification and localization of two ischemic lesions in homogeneous or inhomogeneos torso model. In Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images : 20th International EURASIP Conference BIOSIGNAL 2010. Brno, Czech Republic, June 27-29, 2010.
    27.  ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - MAČUGOVÁ, Jana - TURZOVÁ, Marie - TYŠLER, Milan - KANIA, M. - MANIEWSKI, R. Influence of individual torso geometry on inverse solution of two dipoles. In 37th International Congress on Electrocardiology. Lund, Sweden, 2010.
    28. TRATTNIG, S. - STELZENEDER, D. - JURÁŠ, Vladimír - SZOMOLÁNYI, Pavol - WELSCH, G.H. - MAMISCH, T.C. - ZBYN, S. Sodium imaging of patients after matrix-associated chondrocyte transplantation at 7 Tesla: preliminary results and comparison with dGEMRIC at 3 Tesla. In ISMRM-ESMRMB 2010 : Joint Annual Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden, May 1-7, 2010.  
    29. TRIBULOVÁ, N. - KNEZL, V. - SHYSH, A. - RADOŠINSKÁ, J. - BAČOVÁ, B. - LIN, H. - IMANAGA, I. - KARAS, Slavomír - MOIBENKO, A. Both acute and long-term application of omega-3 fatty acids exhibits protection against malignant arrhythmias. In Lifestyle and Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases : ESH Satellite Symposium. Bratislava, Slovakia, June 14-16, 2010.
    30. TYŠLER, Milan. Modeling of cardiac electrical activity as possible tool for diagnostics of heart diseases. In YBERC 2010 : The 4th Biomedical Engineering Conference of Young Biomedical Engineers and Researches. Košice, Slovakia, July 1-3, 2010. (invited lecture)
    31. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Využitie funkcie vierohodnosti na konštrukciu pibližných a exaktných konfidenčných oblastí. In ROBUST 2010 : 16. zimní škola JČMF. Králíky, ČR, 31.1.-5.2.2010.  
    32. ZDRAŽIL, T. - HOLČÍK, Jiří. Modelling of cancer dynamics and comparison of methods for survival time estimation. In MEDICON 2010 : XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. Chalkidiki, Greece,  May 27-30, 2010.
  11. Other lectures and posters:

    1. BARTL, Ján. Fyzikálne základy merania dĺžky a geometrických veličín. In Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. Detva, SR, 28.-30.9.2010.
    2. BARTL, Ján. Participácia Ústavu merania SAV na projekte CEKOMAT. In Podnety vedy a techniky a ich uplatnenie v praxi. Bratislava, SR, 30.11.2010.
    3. BARTL, Ján. Úvod do merania dĺžky a geometrických veličín. In Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. Detva, SR, 28.-30.9.2010. 
    4. BARTL, Ján - HAIN, Miroslav - JACKO, Vlado. Meranie priemeru malých otvorov a prievlakov. In XXXII. Zhromaždenie Kalibračného združenia SR a XXXVIII. Fórum metrológov. Ružomberok, SR, 17.-18.3.2010.
    5. BARTOŠOVÁ, Katarína. Aplikácia Fisherovej lineárnej diskriminačnej analýzy na analýzu dychu. In Regionálna štatistika : 15. Slovenská štatistická konferencia. Galanta, SR, 7.-8.10.2010.
    6. CHVOSTEKOVÁ Martina. Stanovenie simultánnych obojstranných tolerančných intervalov v lineárnom modeli založené na oblasti spoľahlivosti parametrov modelu. In Regionálna štatistika : 15. Slovenská štatistická konferencia. Galanta, SR, 7.-8.10.2010.  
    7. MAČUGOVÁ, Jana - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. Infuence of torso model on the two dipoles solution of the inverse problem of electrocardiography. In ELITECH '10 : 12th Conference of Doctoral Students. Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology, 26.5.2010.
    8. VALKOVIČ, Ladislav - JURÁŠ, Vladimír - DERMEK, Tomáš - VOJTÍŠEK, Lubomír - FROLLO, Ivan. The effect of stress on MR image contrast in the human hand at low field NMR. In ELITECH '10 : 12th Conference of Doctoral Students. Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology, 26.5.2010.
  12. Dissertation works:

    1. BARTOŠOVÁ, Katarína. Štatistické metódy a algoritmy na výskum molekulovo orientovanej diagnostiky pľúcnych chorôb. Bratislava, Ústav merania SAV, 2010.
    2. HAIN, Miroslav. Príspevok k rozvoju infračervených metód merania vybraných fyzikálnych veličín. Bratislava, Ústav merania SAV, 2010.
    3. KARAS, Slavomír. Metódy a meracie systémy na analýzu EKG signálov s využitím vlnkovej transformácie. Bratislava, Ústav merania SAV, 2010.
    4. ŠKRÁTEK, Martin.Príspevok k problematike neinvazívneho merania obsahu železa v pečeni. Bratislava, Ústav merania SAV, 2010.
  13. Patents:

    1. KNEPPO, P. - TYŠLER, Milan - HÁNA, K. - ROSÍK, Vladimír - SMRČKA, P. - KARAS, Slavomír - MUŽÍK, J. Systém na polygrafické snímanie a vyhodnocovanie biologických signálov v reálnom čase. Úžitkový vzor SK 5565 Y1. Majiteľ: Fakulta biomedicínskeho inženýrství, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Kladno, CZ; Ústav merania SAV, Bratislava, SK. Dátum nadobudnutia účinkov úžitkového vzoru: 30.8.2010. ÚV vydal Úrad priemyselného vlastnictva SR.
    2. ROSÍK, Vladimír - KULIŠOV, Andrej - TYŠLER, Milan - HÁNA, K. - KNEPPO, P. Aktivna elektróda na snímanie bioelektrických signálov. Úžitkový vzor SK 5598 Y1. Majiteľ: Ústav merania SAV, Bratislava, SK; Fakulta biomedicínskeho inženýrství, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Kladno, CZ. Dátum nadobudnutia účinkov úžitkového vzoru: 30.9.2010. ÚV vydal Úrad priemyselného vlastnictva SR.
    3. ROSÍK, Vladimír - KULIŠOV, Andrej - TYŠLER, Milan - HÁNA, K. - KNEPPO, P. Aktivní elektroda pro snímání bioelektrických signálů. Úžitný vzor CZ 20692 U1. Majitel patentu: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství, Kladno 2, CZ; Ústav merania SAV, Bratislava, SK. Zapsáno: 29.3.2010. UV vydal Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví ČR.
    4. ROSÍK, Vladimír - SMRČKA, P. - TYŠLER, Milan - HÁNA, K. - KNEPPO, P. - KARAS, Slavomír - MUŽÍK, J. Systém pro polygrafická snímání a vyhodnocování biologických signálů v reálném čase. Úžitný vzor CZ 20781 U1. Majitel: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta biomedicínskeho inženýrství, Kladno, CZ; Ústav merania SAV, Bratislava, SK. Zapsáno: 19.4.2010. UV vydal Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví ČR.
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)