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Home arrow Publications and Citations arrow Publications 2005
Publications 2005

1. Chapters in scientific monographs published at home

  1. FARKAŠ, Igor. Konekcionistické modelovanie jazyka. In Jazyk a kognícia. Bratislava: Kalligram, 2005. ISBN 80-7149-716-9. P. 262-305.
  2. MARKOŠOVÁ, Mária. Jazyk ako sieť malého sveta. In Jazyk a kognícia. Bratislava: Kalligram, 2005. ISBN 80-7149-716-9. P. 306-322.

2. Chapters in scientific monographs published abroad:

  1. FROLLO, Ivan - ANDRIS, Peter - STROLKA, Igor - BAČIAK, L. A least square method for measurement and optimisation in selected physical experiments. In Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments VI. Uetikon-Zuerich, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2005. ISBN 0-87849-977-6. P. 681-686.
  2. MORVOVÁ, M. - MORVA, I. - HANIC, František. The model for origin of life precursors based on exhaust utilisation in the electric discharge. In Plasma Processes and Polymers. Weinheim: Wiley, 2005. ISBN 3-527-40487-2. P. 403-411.

3. Chapters in scientific book publications published abroad:

  1. FROLLO, Ivan - HALAJ, M. Meranie frekvencie otáčania. In Technické meranie. Zväzok II. Viedeň, Rakúsko, 2005. ISBN 80-89112-04-8. S. 436-454.
  2. FROLLO, Ivan - HALAJ, M. Measurement of frequency of rotation. In Meaurement in Technology: a textbook from the multimedia courseware Metromedia-Online. Volume II. Vienna, Austria, 2005. ISBN 80-89112-05-6. P. 445-466.

4. Publications in Current Contents registered periodicals:

  1. ARENDACKÁ, Barbora. Generalized confidence intervals on the variance component in mixed linear models with two variance components. In Statistics. ISSN 0233-1888. Vol. 39, no. 4 (2005), p. 275-286. (0.323 - IF2004).
  2. CIGÁŇ, Alexander - PLESCH, G. - MAŇKA, Ján - HANIC, František - KOPČOK, Michal - KOŇAKOVSKÝ, Anton - KLIMENT, J. Effects of post-oxygen annealing and lanthanum doping on inter- and intra-grain properties of (TLPb)-1223 superconductors. In Ceramics-Silikáty. ISSN 0862-5468. Vol. 49, no. 1 (2005), p. 23-28. (0.385 - IF2004).
  3. FROLLO, Ivan - ANDRIS, Peter - STROLKA, Igor - BAČIAK, L. A least square method for measurement and optimisation in selected physical experiments. In Key Engineering Materials. ISSN 1013-9826. Vol. 296 (2005), p. 681-686. (0.278 - IF2004).
  4. GRENDÁR, Marian Jr. - GRENDÁR, M. Maximum probability / entropy translating of contiguous categorical observations into frequencies. In Applied Mathematics and Computation. ISSN 0096-3003. Vol. 161 (2005), p. 347-351. (0.567 - IF2004).
  5. ONDRIŠ, Ľubomír - RUSINA, Viktor - BUZÁSI, Ján - TRUTZ, Marián - PAŠKALA, M. - LUKÁČ, Š. - ŠKRABÁLEK, M. Tilting at pressure vessels. In Nuclear Engineering International. ISSN 0029-5507. Vol. 50, no. 609 (2005), p. 14-17. (0.059 - IF2004).
  6. PLECENÍK, A. - GREGOR, M. - PLECENÍK, T. - KÚŠ, P. - KUBINEC, M. - ŠTEFEČKA, M. - JACKO, Vlado - GAŠPARÍK, V. Micro- and nanostructures for cryoelectronics. In Acta Physica Slovaca. ISSN 0323-0465. Vol. 55, no. 4 (2005), p. 367-371. (0.513 - IF2004).
  7. PLESCH, G. - KLIMENT, J. - BILLIK, P. - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - MAŇKA, Ján - PLEWA, J. - ALTENBURG, H. YBa2Cu3O7-x melt-textured thick films deposited on alumina-toughened zirconia substrate. In Ceramics-Silikáty. ISSN 0862-5468. Vol. 49, no. 1 (2005), p. 19-22. (0.385 - IF2004).
  8. RUBLÍK, František. The multisample version of the Lepage test. In Kybernetika. ISSN 0023-5954. Vol. 41, no. 6 (2005), p. 713-733. (0.224 - IF2004)                               --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. BAJLA, Ivan - HOLLÄNDER, I. - FLUCH, S. - BURG, K. - KOLLÁR, M. An alternative method for electrophoretic gel image analysis in the GelMaster software. In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. ISSN 0169-2607. Vol. 77 (2005), p. 209-231. (0.686 - IF2004).
  10. BAJLA, Ivan - HOLLÄNDER, I. - GMEINER, G. - REICHEL, CH. GASepo-a software solution for quantitative analysis of digital images in Epo doping control. In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. ISSN 0169-2607. Vol. 80 (2005), p. 246-270. (0.686 - IF2004).
  11. BAJLA, Ivan - HOLLÄNDER, I. - GMEINER, G. - REICHEL, CH. Quantitative analysis of images in erythropoietin doping control. In Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. ISSN 0140-0118. Vol. 43, no. 3 (2005), p. 403-409. (1.070 - IF2004).
  12. BREZOVÁ, V. - PIGOŠOVÁ, Júlia - HAVLINOVÁ, B. - DVORANOVÁ, D. - DUROVIOC, M. EPR study of photochemical transformations of triarylmethane dyes. In Dyes and Pigments. ISSN 0143-7208. Vol. 61, no. 2 (2004), p. 177-198. (1.610 - IF2004).
  13. PARK, J. - ZHANG, Q. - JELLÚŠ, Vladimír - SIMONETTI, O. - LI, D. Artifact and noise suppression in GRAPPA imaging using improved k-space coil calibration and variable density sampling. In Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. ISSN 0740-3194. Vol. 53 (2004), p. 186-193. (3.468 - IF2004).
  14. PIGOŠOVÁ, Júlia - GATIAL, A. - MILATA, V. - ČERNUCHOVÁ, P. - PRÓNAYOVÁ, N. - LIPTAJ, T. - MATĚJKA, P. The isomers and conformers of some push-pull enamines studied by vibrational and NMR spectroscopy and by ab initio calculations. In Journal of Molecular Structure. ISSN 0022-2860. Vol. 744 (2005), p. 315-324. (1.200 - IF2004).
  15. POLOVKOVÁ, Júlia - GATIAL, A. - MILATA, V. - PRÓNAYOVÁ, N. Conformational analysis of cyclopropyl derivatives of two push-pull enamines. In Chemické listy. ISSN 0009-2770. Vol. 99, no. 14 (2005), p. 602-604. (0.348 - IF2004).
  16. QIAO, M. - LATTA, Peter - FONIOK, T. - BUIST, R. - MENG, S. - TOMANEK, B. - TUOR, U.I. Cerebral blood flow response to a hypoxic-ischemic insult differs in neonatal and juvenile ratsmagnetic. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine. ISSN 0968-5243. Vol. 17, no. 3-6 (2004), p. 117-124. (1.431 - IF2004).
  17. TINO, P. - FARKAŠ, Igor. On non-Markovian topographic organization of receptive fields in recursive self-organizing map. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN 0302-9743. Vol. 3611 (2005), p. 676-685. (0.513 - IF2004).
  18. TINO, P. - FARKAŠ, Igor - VAN MOURIK, J. Recursive self-organizing map as a contractive iterative function system. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISSN 0302-9743. Vol. 3578 (2005), p. 327-334. (0.513 - IF2004).
  19. WEBER, M.H. - SHARP, J.C. - LATTA, Peter - SRAMEK, M. - HASSARD, H.T. - ORR, F.W. Magnetic resonance imaging of trabecular and cortical bone in mice: comparison of high resolution in vivo and ex vivo MR images with corresponding histology. In European Journal of Radiology. ISSN 0720-048X. Vol. 53, no. 1 (2005), p. 96-102. (1.745 - IF2004).

5. Scientific papers in periodicals registered in other international databasis:

  1. HUBKA, P. - ROSÍK, Vladimír - ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav - TYŠLER, Milan - HULÍN, I. Electrogastrographic signals analyzed by independent component analysis. In IFMBE Proceedings. ISSN 1727-1983. Vol. 11, no. 1 (2005), p. 2211. CD-ROM. (INSPEC, ISI Proceedings)
  2. ROSÍK, Vladimír - KNEPPO, P. - TYŠLER, Milan - ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana. Modular system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state - BIOLAB. In IFMBE Proceedings. ISSN 1727-1983. Vol. 11, no. 1 (2005), p. 2210. CD-ROM. (INSPEC, ISI Proceedings)
  3. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - HEBLÁKOVÁ, Eva - FILIPOVÁ, S. Noninvasive detection of ischemic regions in the heart. In IFMBE Proceedings. ISSN 1727-1983. Vol. 11, no. 1 (2005), p. 2207. CD-ROM. (INSPEC, ISI Proceedings)

6. Scientific papers in other periodicals:

  1. ARENDACKÁ, Barbora. Problémy spojené s inferenciou o variančnom komponente v zmiešaných lineárnych modeloch. In Forum Statisticum Slovacum. ISSN 1336-7420. Roč. 1, č. 3 (2005), s. 99-105.
  2. BARTL, Ján. Realizácia jednotky dĺžky. In Metrologické listy. Roč. 30, č. 2 (2005), s. 57-73.
  3. BARTL, Ján - BARÁNEK, Martin. Rádiometrické vlastnosti skla. In Metrológia a skúšobníctvo: odborný časopis pre prax. ISSN 1335-2768. Roč. X, č. 2 (2005), s. 4-8.
  4. BREZINA, I. - BARTL, Ján. Základné charakteristiky meradiel a ich význam v praxi. In Metrologické listy. Roč. 30, č. 2 (2005), s. 52-56.
  5. GRENDÁR, Marian. Patrí Kalmanov filter do základného kurzu analýzy časových radov? In Forum Statisticum Slovacum. ISSN 1336-7420. Roč. 1, č. 3 (2005), s. 13-19.
  6. GUTTENOVÁ, Jana - VOJTEK, P. Analýza priečneho profilu laserového zväzku transformovaného šošovkou. In Jemná mechanika a optika: vědecko - technický časopis. ISSN 0447-6441. Roč. 50, č. 3 (2005), s. 76-79.
  7. HAIN, Miroslav - BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado. The use of infrared radiation in measurement and non-destructive testing. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 5 (2005), p. 10-14.
  8. HORNIŠOVÁ, Klára. Klasifikácia erytropoetínových obrazcov metódou oporných bodov (support vector machines). In Forum Statisticum Slovacum. ISSN 1336-7420. Roč. 1, č. 3 (2005), s. 174-183.
  9. HUBKA, P. - ROSÍK, Vladimír - ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav - TYŠLER, Milan - HULÍN, I. Independent component analysis of electrogastrographic signals. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 5 (2005), p. 21-24.
  10. KNEPPO, P. - ROSÍK, Vladimír - ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - TYŠLER, Milan. ATR BIOLAB - system for Achilles tendon reflex measurement. In Elektronika. ISSN 0033-2089. No. 8 (2005), p. 45-47.
  11. KNEPPO, P. - TYŠLER, Milan - ROSÍK, Vladimír - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana. Modulární měřící systém pro biofyzikální vyšetření. In Lékař a technika: biomedicínské inženýrství a informatika. ISSN 0301-5491. Vol. 35 (2005), p. 40-44.
  12. ROSÍK, Vladimír - TYŠLER, Milan - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav. Modular measuring system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state. In ADVANCES in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. ISSN 1336-1376. Vol. 4, no. 3 (2005), p. 128-131.
  13. RUBLÍK, František. On rank based multiple comparisons for the balanced sample sizes. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 5 (2005), p. 23-26.
  14. SAVIN, Alexander. Confidence intervals for common mean in one-way classification model with fixed effects. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 5 (2005), p. 27-30.
  15. SAVIN, Alexander. Niektoré konfidenčné intervaly pre spoločný stred. In Forum Statisticum Slovacum. ISSN 1336-7420. Roč. 1, č. 3 (2005), s. 68-80.
  16. SZATHMÁRY, V. - TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie. Model study of the relationship between the heart and vectorcardiographic vectors. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 5 (2005), p. 41-44.
  17. STROLKA, Igor - TOFFANIN, R. - GUGLIELMI, G. - FROLLO, Ivan. Image registration in the T2* measurements of the calcaneus used to predict osteoporotic fractures. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 5 (2005), p. 79-81.
  18. ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan - MARTINICKÁ, Fatima - JURDÁK, Peter. Quantification of the magnetic dust deposition in the magnetopneumographic diagnostic of the human respiratory tract. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 5 (2005), p. 57-61.
  19. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - HEBLÁKOVÁ, Eva. Localization of ischemic lesions from QRST integral maps. In Folia Cardiologica. ISSN 1507-4145. Vol. 12, suppl. D (2005), p. 478-480. CD-ROM.
  20. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - HEBLÁKOVÁ, Eva. Modeling as a tool for noninvasive assessment of cardiac lesion with abnormal repolarisation. In Acta Mechanica Slovaca: časopis Strojníckej fakulty Technickej univerzity v Košiciach. ISSN 1335-2393. Roč. 9, č. 2-A (2005), s. 23-28.
  21. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - HEBLÁKOVÁ, Eva. Noninvasive identification of ischemic lesions in the heart. In ADVANCES in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. ISSN 1336-1376. Vol. 4, no. 3 (2005), p. 124-127.
  22. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - TIŇOVÁ, Mária - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - HEBLÁKOVÁ, Eva - SZATHMÁRY, V. - FILIPOVÁ, S. Use of body surface potential maps for model-based assessment of local pathological changes in the heart. In Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: technical sciences. ISSN 0239-7582. Vol. 53, no. 3 (2005), p. 207-215.
  23. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Comparison of some exact and approximate interval estimators for common mean. In Measurement Science Review. ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 5 (2005), p. 19-22.
  24. ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav - ROSÍK, Vladimír - TYŠLER, Milan - HUBKA, P. Non invasive measurement of electrical activity of human stomach. In Acta Mechanica Slovaca: časopis Strojníckej fakulty Technickej univerzity v Košiciach. ISSN 1335-2393. Roč. 9, č. 2-A (2005), s. 265-268.

7. Scientific papers in reviewed proceedings:

  1. ANDRIS, Peter - FROLLO, Ivan. Magnetic field measurement by NMR method. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 174-177.
  2. ANDRIS, Peter - FROLLO, Ivan. Sensitivity of NMR receiving coil with varicaps. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 178-181. 
  3. ARENDACKÁ, Barbora. Classification of objects in segmented EPO images. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 194-198.
  4. ARENDACKÁ, Barbora. Konfidenčné intervaly pre variančný komponent v modeli s dvomi variančnými komponentami. In ROBUST 2004: sborník prací 13. letní školy JČMF. Praha: JČMF, 2004. ISBN 80-7015-972-3. P. 1-8.
  5. BARTL, Ján - HAIN, Miroslav. Physical methods in preservation of cultural heritage. In SREN 2005: solar renewable energy news - research and applications. Bratislava, Slovakia: Comenius University, 2005. ISBN 80-223-2099-4. P. 132-142.
  6. CIGÁŇ, Alexander - MAŇKA, Ján - VAN DRIESSCHE, I. - KOPČOK, Michal - BUCHTA, Štefan - HANIC, František - BRUNEEL, E. - MAJEROVÁ, Melinda. Effects of the Ti-substitution of Cu in YBa2Cu3O7-δ system on surface and volume properties. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 354-358.
  7. FROLLO, Ivan - ANDRIS, Peter - JURAŠ, Vladimír - STROLKA, Igor. Thin-layer magnetic resonance imaging based on magnetic susceptibility pattern projections. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 501-505. 
  8. GRENDÁR, Marian. Criterion choise problem: concluding considerations In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 52-55.
  9. HAIN, Miroslav - BARTL, Ján - JACKO, Vlado. The use of infrared radiation in measurement and non-destructive testing. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 312-316.
  10. HANIC, František - DANIELIK, Ľ. Phase and valence stability of superconducting compounds in the system Bi - Sr - Pb - Ca - Cu - O. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 446-449.
  11. HORNIŠOVÁ, Klára. Approximation of intrinsic curvature in one dimensional nonlinear regression model by moments of prior distribution of parameter. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 60-64.
  12. HORNIŠOVÁ, Klára. Linearizácia nelineárnej regresie a oblasti spoľahlivosti. In ROBUST 2004: sborník prací 13. letní školy JČMF. Praha: JČMF, 2004. ISBN 80-7015-972-3. P. 117-124.
  13. HUBKA, P. - ROSÍK, Vladimír - ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav - TYŠLER, Milan - HULÍN, I. Independent component analysis of electrogastrographic signals. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 199-202.
  14. CHROMIK, Š. - ŠTRBÍK, V. - POLÁK, M. - GAŽI, Š. - DE BARROS, D. - ODIER, P. - HANIC, František. (Hg,Re)Ba2CaCu2O6+δ films on CeO2 / sapphire substrate using sputtered precursor films. In Applied Superconductivity 2003: proceedings of the sixth European conference on applied superconductivity - EUCAS. Bristol: IoP, 2004. P. 1507-1513.
  15. KNEPPO, P. - TYŠLER, Milan - ROSÍK, Vladimír - ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav. Modular measuring system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state. In 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC`05): inovation from biomolecules to biosystems. IEEE, 2005. ISBN 0-7803-8741-4. P. 1220. CD-ROM.
  16. MAJEROVÁ, Melinda - MAŇKA, Ján - KOPČOK, Michal - BUCHTA, Štefan - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - BODOROVÁ, Petra. Effect of homogenization on volume superconducting properties of polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 450-454.
  17. ONDRIŠ, Ľubomír - RUSINA, Viktor - BUZÁSI, Ján - TRUTZ, Marián - PAŠKALA, M. - LUKÁČ, Š. - ŠKRABÁLEK, M. Tilt measurement of VVER 440 nuclear reactors. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 492-496.
  18. ŐSZI, Zs. - BEŇAČKA, Š. - ŠPANKOVÁ, M. - CIGÁŇ, Alexander. Magnetic field dependence of ramp-type Josephson junctions. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 434-437.
  19. PLESCH, G. - CIGÁŇ, Alexander - KLIMENT, J. - MAŇKA, Ján - BILLIK, P. - PLEWA, J. - ALTENBURG, H. Microstructure and magnetic properties of YBa2Cu3O7 melt-textured thick films deposited on some ceramic substrates. In Applied Superconductivity 2003: proceedings of the 6th European conference on applied superconductivity - EUCAS. Bristol: IoP, 2004. P. 1381-1385.
  20. PŘIBIL, Jiří - FROLLO, Ivan. Smoothing method of NMR phase images. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 182-185.
  21. PŘIBIL, Jiří - KOVAČIČ, Štefan. Optoelectric method of gravitation force measurement in centrifuge device. In Radioelektronika 2005: 15 th international Czech - Slovak scientific conference. Brno, Czech Republic: University of Technology, 2005. P. 283-286.
  22. RUBLÍK, František. On rank based multiple comparisons for the balanced sample sizes. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 56-59.
  23. SAVIN, Alexander. Confidence intervals for common mean in one-way classification model with fixed effects. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 65-68.
  24. SAVIN, Alexander. Testy a konfidenčné intervaly pre strednú hodnotu v modeloch jednoduchého triedenia. In ROBUST 2004: sborník prací 13. letní školy JČMF. Praha: JČMF, 2004. ISBN 80-7015-972-3. P. 355-362.
  25. STROLKA, Igor - TOFFANIN, R. - GUGLIELMI, G. - FROLLO, Ivan. Image registration in the T2* measurements of the calcaneus used to predict osteoporotic fractures. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 186-189.
  26. SZATHMÁRY, V. - TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie. Model study of the relationship between the heart and vectorcardiographic vectors. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 262-265.
  27. ŠIMÁČEK, Ivan - MARTINICKÁ, Fatima - JURDÁK, Peter. Quantification of the magnetic dust deposition in the magnetopneumographic diagnostic of the human respiratory tract. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 295-299.
  28. ŠTOLC, Svorad - BAJLA, I. Improvement of objects segmentation and classification via correction of Epo image distortions. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 212-215.
  29. ŠTOLC, Svorad - KRAKOVSKÁ, Anna. Power-law decay vs. fractal complexity of EEG. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 155-159.
  30. ŠUŠMÁKOVÁ, Kristína. Complexity of EEG during sleep onset process. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 217-220.
  31. TEPLAN, Michal - KRAKOVSKÁ, Anna - ŠTOLC, Svorad. Measures of EEG in the context of long-term audio-visual stimulation. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 225-228.
  32. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - HEBLÁKOVÁ, Eva. Detection of local ischemic changes in the heart from body surface potential measurements. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 266-270.
  33. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - FILIPOVÁ, S. Assessment of local repolarization changes using model based BSPM interpretation. In Advances in Electrocardiology 2004: 31st international congress on electrocardiology. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2005. ISBN 981-256-107-2. P. 158-162.
  34. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - TIŇOVÁ, Mária - SZATHMÁRY, V. - FILIPOVÁ, S. Possible use of high resolution BSPM data for model-based methods for heart state assessment. In High Resolution ECG and MCG Mapping: lecture notes of the ICB seminars. Warszawa, Poland: MCB PAN, 2004. P. 27-38.
  35. WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Konfidenčné intervaly pre ošetrenia v klinických pokusoch. In ROBUST 2004: sborník prací 13. letní školy JČMF. Praha: JČMF, 2004. ISBN 80-7015-972-3. P. 427-434.
  36. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. Comparison of some exact and approximate interval estimators for common mean. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 43-46.
  37. ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav - ROSÍK, Vladimír - TYŠLER, Milan - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana. BioLab system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state. In MEASUREMENT 2005: 5th international conference on measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-8-8. P. 203-207. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. BAJLA, Ivan - HOLLÄNDER, I. - HEISS, D. - GRANEC, R. - MINICHMAYR, M. Object classification in images for Epo doping control based on fuzzy decision trees. In Electronic Imaging, Applications of Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Image Processing IX: proceedings of the international conference. SPIE Vol. 5673. San Jose, USA, 2005. P. 42-56.
  39. PIGOŠOVÁ, Jana. On solving optical problems using genetic algorithms. In Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics: 14th Slovak-Czech-Polish optical conference. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5945. Bellingham, USA: SPIE, 2005. P. 445-453.
  40. PIGOŠOVÁ, Júlia - GATIAL, A. - MILATA, V. - LIPTAJ, T. - MATĚJKA, P. Conformational behaviour of some push-pull ethylenes. In 5th Workshop of Physical Chemists and Electrochemists. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita v Brně, Přírodovědecká fakulta, 2005. P. 71-73.
  41. TIŇO, P. - FARKAŠ, Igor - VAN MOURIK, J. Recursive self-organizing map as a contractive iterative function system. In Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2005: 6 th international conference. Springer Verlag, 2005. ISBN 3-540-26972-X. P. 327-334.
  42. TIŇO, P. - FARKAŠ, Igor. On non-markovian topographic organization of receptive fields in recursive self-organizing map. In Advances in Natural Computation - ICNC 2005: first international conference. Springer Verlag, 2005. ISBN 3-540-28320-X. P. 676-685.

8. Scientific papers in not reviewed proceedings

  1. BARTL, Ján. Fyzikálne základy merania geometrických veličín. In Zborník prednášok z kurzu Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. Bratislava: Kalibračné združenie SR, 2005. P. 3-16.
  2. HAIN, Miroslav. Súčasný stav a trendy v bezkontaktnom meraní teploty. In Medzinárodná konferencia spojená s XXIII. zhromaždením KZ SROV: zborník prednášok. Bratislava: Kalibračné združenie SR, 2005. P. 39-49.
  3. KNEPPO, P. - TYŠLER, Milan - ROSÍK, Vladimír - ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana. ATR BIOLAB - system for achilles tendon reflex measurement. In Proceedings of Workshop 2005: CTU reports. Prague, CR: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2005. P. 790-791. CD-ROM.
  4. KRAKOVSKÁ, Anna. Ťažkosti s hľadaním chaosu v EEG a EKG. In.Determinismus a chaos: sborník 6. ročníku semináře. Praha, ČR: JČMF, 2005. ISBN 80-01-03269-8. P. 90-91.
  5. MARKOŠOVÁ, Mária - HREBČÍK, M. - OROSI, P. Modelling language as a small world network. In IPSI-2005 Conference. Amsterdam, 2005. CD-ROM.
  6. ROSÍK, Vladimír - TYŠLER, Milan - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - ŽDIŇÁK, Jaroslav. Modular measuring system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state. In Trends in Biomedical Engineering: conference proceedings. Žilina, SK: University of Žilina, 2005. ISBN 80-8070-443-0. P. 83-86. CD-ROM.
  7. TYŠLER, Milan - TURZOVÁ, Marie - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, Jana - HEBLÁKOVÁ, Eva. Noninvasive identification of ischemic lesions in the heart. In Trends in Biomedical Engineering: conference proceedings. Žilina, SK: University of Žilina, 2005. ISBN 80-8070-443-0. P. 87-90. CD-ROM.
  8. WITKOVSKÝ, Viktor. MANOVA: úvod do mnohorozmernej analýzy rozptylu. In Biometrické metódy a modely v pôdohospodárskej vede, výskume a výučbe: XVI. letná škola biometriky. Nitra: Agentúra Slovenskej akadémie pôdohospodárskych vied, 2004. ISBN 80-89162-06-1. S. 35-44.

9. Scientific papers in extended abstracts proceedings:

  1. BARTL, Ján - HAIN, Miroslav. Physical methods in preservation of cultural heritage. In Brief Proceedings of the SREN 2005. Solar Renewable Energy News - Research and Applications: international conference. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2005. P. 92-95.
  2. HAIN, Miroslav - BARTL, Ján. Selected optical method for in-situ testing of cultural heritage artefacts. In Workshop COST G8. In-situ Non-destructive Analysis and Testing of Museum Objects. Bratislava: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. P. 43-44.
  3. TEPLAN, Michal - KRAKOVSKÁ, Anna - ŠTOLC, Svorad. Long-term effects of audio-visual stimulation on human EEG. In: Coherence and Electromagnetic fields in Biological System: Fröhlich centernary international symposium. Abstract book. Prague: Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2005. P. 60-62.

10. Lectures and posters from scientific events with at least 30% foreign attendance:

  1. ANDRIS, P. - FROLLO, I.: Magnetic field measurement by NMR method. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  2. ANDRIS, P. - FROLLO, I.: Sensitivity of NMR receiving coil with varicaps. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  3. ARENDACKÁ, B.: Classification of objects in segmented EPO images. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  4. ARENDACKÁ, B.: Generalized pivots for variance components in mixed linear models. In: The 14th European Young Statisticians Meeting. Debrecen, Hungary, August 22-27, 2005.
  5. ARENDACKÁ, B.: Problémy spojené s inferenciou o variančnom komponente v zmiešaných lineárnych modeloch. In: PRASTAN 2005. Spoločná slovensko-česká štatistická konferencia. Tajov, SR, 10-15.6.2005.
  6. BAJLA, I. - HOLLÄNDER, I. - HEISS, D. - GRANEC, R. - MINICHMAYR, M.: Object classification in images for Epo doping control based on fuzzy decision trees. In: Electronic Imaging, Applications of Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Image Processing IX. International Conference. San Jose, USA, January 19-20, 2005.
  7. BARTL, J. - HAIN, M.: Physical methods in preservation of cultural heritage. In: SREN 2005. Solar Renewable Energy News - Research and Applications. International Conference. Florence, Italy, April 2-8, 2005.
  8. BAUMJOHANN, D. - HESS, A. - BUDINSKÝ, Ľ. - BRUNE, K. - SCHULER, G. - LUTZ, M.B.: In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of dendritic cell migration into the draining lymph nodes of mice. In: 19th Meeting of the European Macrophage and Dentritic Cell Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2005.
  9. BUDINSKÝ, Ľ. - KANDLER, M. - CHADA, M. - MÜCKSTEIN, M. - BRUNE, K. - HESS, A.: Aerosolized perfluorcarbon kinetic in the pig lung measured in-vivo 19F MRI. In: European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting. Basle, Switzerland, September 15-18, 2005.
  10. CIGÁŇ, A. - MAŇKA, J. - VAN DRIESSCHE, I. - KOPČOK, M. - BUCHTA, Š. - HANIC, F. - BRUNEEL, E. - MAJEROVÁ, M.: Effects of the Ti-substitution of Cu in YBa2Cu3O7-δ system on surface and volume properties. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  11. FILIPOVÁ, S. - TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M.: „Norms" for ECG integral mapping - the mode how to improve the diagnostics of myocardial ischemia. In: ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2005. 11th Congress of the ISHNE and the 32nd Congress of the ISE. Gdansk, Poland, June 2-4, 2005.
  12. FROLLO, I. - ANDRIS, P. - JURAŠ, V. - STROLKA, I.: Thin-layer magnetic resonance imaging based on magnetic susceptibility pattern projections. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  13. GRENDÁR, M.: Criterion choise problem: concluding considerations. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  14. HAIN, M. - BARTL, J. - JACKO, V.: The use of infrared radiation in measurement and non-destructive testing. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  15. HANIC, F. - DANIELIK, L.: Phase and valence stability of superconducting compounds in the system Bi - Sr - Pb - Ca - Cu - O. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  16. HESS, A. - MOTZKUS, N. - PAMBERG, A.M. - SERGEJEVA, M. - BUDINSKÝ, Ľ. - BRUNE, K.: Measuring nociception by fMRI in anesthetised animals. In: 5th World Congress on Alternative & Animal Use in the Life Science. Berlin, Germany, August 21-25, 2005.
  17. HORNIŠOVÁ, K.: Approximation of intrinsic curvature in one dimensional nonlinear regression model by moments of prior distribution of parameter. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  18. HORNIŠOVÁ, K.: Klasifikácia erytropoetínových obrazcov metódou oporných bodov (support vector machines). In: PRASTAN 2005. Spoločná slovensko-česká štatistická konferencia. Tajov, SR, 10-15.6.2005.
  19. HUBKA, P. - ROSÍK, V. - ŽDIŇÁK, J. - TYŠLER, M. - HULÍN, I.: Electrogastrographic signals analyzed by independent component analysis. In: EMBEC`05. 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference. IFMBE European Conference on Biomedical Engineering. Prague, Czech Republic, November 20-25, 2005.
  20. HUBKA, P. - ROSÍK, V. - ŽDIŇÁK, J. - TYŠLER, M. - HULÍN, I.: Independent component analysis of electrogastrographic signals. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  21. KNEPPO, P. - TYŠLER, M. - ROSÍK, V. - ŽDINÁK, J.: Modular measuring system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state. In: 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC`05). Inovation from Biomolecules to Biosystems. Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005.
  22. KNEPPO, P. - TYŠLER, M. - ROSÍK, V. - ŽDIŇÁK, J. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J.: ATR BIOLAB - system for achilles tendon reflex measurement. In: Workshop 2005. 14th Annual University-wide Seminar. Prague, Czech Technical University in Prague, March 21-25, 2005.
  23. KRAKOVSKÁ, A.: Ťažkosti s hľadaním chaosu v EEG a EKG. In: Determinismus a chaos. 6. očníku semináře. Herbertov, ČR, 5.-7.9.2005.
  24. KVETNANSKÝ, R. - PETRÁK, J. - MRAVEC, B. - JURÁNI, M. - BARANOVSKÁ, M. - HAPALA, I. - FROLLO, I.: Effect of hypergravity on catecholamine levels in telemetrically collected blood of rats during centrifugation. In: 9th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space and 26th Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting. Cologne, Germany, 26 June - 1 July, 2005.
  25. MAJEROVÁ, M. - MAŇKA, J. - KOPČOK, M. - BUCHTA, Š. - CIGÁŇ, A. - BODOROVÁ, P.: Effect of homogenization on volume superconducting properties of polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  26. MARKOŠOVÁ, M. - HREBČÍK, M. - OROSI, P.: Modelling language as a small world network. In: IPSI-2005 Conference. Amsterdam, Hotel Okura, September 1-4, 2005.
  27. MARTINICKÁ, F. - ŠIMÁČEK, I. - JURDÁK, P. - CIGÁŇ, A. - MAŇKA, J.: SQUID method of lung contamination testing. In: WWS '05. Workshop on Weak Superconductivity. Satellite Workshop of EUCAS '05. Bratislava, September 16-19, 2005.
  28. ONDRIŠ, Ľ. - RUSINA, V. - BUZÁSI, J. - TRUTZ, M. - PAŠKALA, M. - LUKÁČ, Š. - ŠKRABÁLEK, M.: Tilt measurement of VVER 440 nuclear reactors. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  29. ŐSZI, ZS. - BEŇAČKA, Š. - ŠPANKOVÁ, M. - CIGÁŇ, A.: Magnetic field dependence of ramp-type Josephson junctions. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  30. PIGOŠOVÁ, J.: A real-coded genetic algorithm for the determination of liquids refraction index. In: GCCP 2005. International Workshop on Grid Computing for Complex Problems. Bratislava, 29 November - 1 December, 2005.
  31. PIGOŠOVÁ, J. - GATIAL, A. - MILATA, V. - LIPTAJ, T. - MATĚJKA, P.: Conformational behaviour of some push-pull ethylenes. In: 5th Workshop of Physical Chemists and Electrochemists. Brno, Masarykova Univerzita v Brně, Přírodovědecká fakulta, 8.2.2005.
  32. POLOVKOVÁ, J. - GATIAL, A. - MILATA, V. - PRÓNAYOVÁ, N.: Conformational analysis of cyclopropyl derivatives of two push-pull enamines. In: 3rd Meeting on Chemistry & Life. Brno, University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, September 20-22, 2005.
  33. PŘIBIL, J. - BRUTOVSKÝ, E.: Modifikácia metódy určovania gravitačnej sily centrifúgy. In: SEKEL 2005. Mezinárodní odborný seminář. Zlín, ČR, 14.-16.9.2005.
  34. PŘIBIL, J. - FROLLO, I.: Smoothing method of NMR phase images. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  35. PŘIBIL, J. - KOVAČIČ, Š.: Optoelectric method of gravitation force measurement in centrifuge device. In: Radioelektronika 2005. 15th International Czech - Slovak Scientific Conference. Brno, Czech Republic, May 3-4, 2005.
  36. ROSÍK, V. - KNEPPO, P. - TYŠLER, M. - ŽDIŇÁK, J. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J.: Modular system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state - BIOLAB. In: EMBEC`05. 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference. IFMBE European Conference on Biomedical Engineering. Prague, Czech Republic, November 20-25, 2005.
  37. ROSÍK, V. - TYŠLER, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J. - ŽDIŇÁK, J.: Modular measuring system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state. In: Trends in Biomedical Engineering. Conference proceedings. Žilina, Slovak Republic, University of Žilina, September 7-9, 2005.
  38. RUBLÍK, F.: On rank based multiple comparisons for the balanced sample sizes. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  39. SAVIN, A.: Confidence intervals for common mean in one-way classification model with fixed effects. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  40. SAVIN, A.: Niektoré konfidenčné intervaly pre spoločný stred. In: PRASTAN 2005. Spoločná slovensko-česká štatistická konferencia. Tajov, SR, 10-15.6.2005.
  41. STROLKA, I. - TOFFANIN, R. - GUGLIELMI, G. - FROLLO, I.: Image registration in the T2* measurements of the calcaneus used to predict osteoporotic fractures. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  42. SZATHMÁRY, V. - TYŠLER, M. -TURZOVÁ, M.: Model study of the relationship between the heart and vectorcardiographic vectors. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  43. Šimáček, I. - Martinická, F. - Jurdák, P.: Quantification of the magnetic dust deposition in the magnetopneumographic diagnostic of the human respiratory tract. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  44. ŠTOLC, S. - BAJLA, I.: Improvement of objects segmentation and classification via correction of Epo image distortions. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  45. ŠTOLC, S. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A.: Power-law decay vs. fractal complexity of EEG. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  46. ŠUŠMÁKOVÁ, K.: Complexity of EEG during sleep onset process. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  47. TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Long-term effects of audio-visual stimulation on human EEG. In: Coherence and Electromagnetic fields in Biological Systems. Fröhlich Centernary International Symposium. Prague, Czech Republic, July 1-4, 2005.
  48. TEPLAN, M. - KRAKOVSKÁ, A. - ŠTOLC, S.: Measures of EEG in the context of long-term audio-visual stimulation. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  49. TIŇO, P. - FARKAŠ, I. - VAN MOURIK, J.: Recursive self-organizing map as a contractive iterative function system. In: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2005. 6 th International Conference. Brisbane, Australia, July 6-8, 2005.
  50. TIŇO, P. - FARKAŠ, I.: On non-markovian topographic organization of receptive fields in recursive self-organizing map. In: Advances in Natural Computation - ICNC 2005. First International Conference. Changsha, China, August 27-29, 2005.
  51. TYŠLER, M.: Localization of acute ischemic lesions from QRST integral maps. In: ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2005. The 11th Congress of the ISHNE and the 32nd Congress of the ISE. Gdansk, Poland, June 2-4, 2005. (vyžiadaná prednáška)
  52. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J. - HEBLÁKOVÁ, E.: Detection of local ischemic changes in the heart from body surface potential measurements. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  53. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J. - HEBLÁKOVÁ, E.: Localization of ischemic lesions from QRST integral maps. In: ELECTROCARDIOLOGY 2005. 11th Congress of the ISHNE and the 32nd Congress of the ISE. Gdansk, Poland, June 2-4, 2005.
  54. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J. - HEBLÁKOVÁ, E.: Modeling as a tool for noninvasive assessment of cardiac lesion with abnormal repolarisation. In: Young Biomedical Engeneers and Researchers Conference (YBERC 2005). Stará Lesná, High Tatras, Slovakia, July 13- 15, 2005.
  55. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J. - HEBLÁKOVÁ, E.: Noninvasive identification of ischemic lesions in the heart. In: Trends in Biomedical Engineering. Conference proceedings. Žilina, Slovak Republic, University of Žilina, September 7-9, 2005.
  56. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J. - HEBLÁKOVÁ, E. - FILIPOVÁ, S.: Noninvasive detection of ischemic regions in the heart. In: EMBEC`05. 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference. IFMBE European Conference on Biomedical Engineering. Prague, Czech Republic, November 20-25, 2005.
  57. WIMMER, G. - WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Scheffé-type confidence region for the calibration line. In: Perspectives in Modern Statistical Inference III. Mikulov, Czech Republic, July 18-22, 2005.
  58. WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Comparison of some exact and approximate interval estimators for common mean. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.
  59. ZRUBEC, V. - MAŇKA, J.: Sensitivity of superconducting quantum RF magnetic field receivers for NMR spectroscopy and tomography. In: WWS '05. Workshop on Weak Superconductivity. Satellite Workshop of EUCAS '05. Bratislava, September 16-19, 2005.
  60. ŽDIŇÁK, J. - ROSÍK, V. - TYŠLER, M. - HUBKA, P.: Non invasive measurement of electrical activity of human stomach. In: Young Biomedical Engeneers and Researchers Conference (YBERC 2005). Stará Lesná, High Tatras, Slovakia, July 13- 15, 2005.
  61. ŽDIŇÁK, J. - ROSÍK, V. - TYŠLER, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J.: BioLab system for assessment of the thyroid gland functional state. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovak Republic, May 15-19, 2005.

11. Other lectures and posters:

  1. BARTL, J.: Fyzikálne základy merania geometrických veličín. In: Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. Hotel Detva, Detva, september 2005.
  2. BARTL, J.: Realizácia jednotky dĺžky. XXX. Fórum metrológov. Poprad, 5.-6.12.2005.
  3. BREZINA, I. - BARTL, J.: Základné charakteristiky meradiel a ich význam v praxi. Fórum metrológov. Poprad, 5.-6.12.2005.
  4. HAIN, M.: Súčasný stav a trendy v bezkontaktnom meraní teploty. In: Medzinárodná konferencia spojená s XXIII. zhromaždením KZ SR. Hotel Tatra, Trenčín, október 2005.
  5. KOPČOK, M.: The synthesis and the structure of YBCO systems with the substitution of Ti for Cu and Y. In: Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry WE06V, University of Ghent, October 12, 2005. (vyžiadaná prednáška)
  6. MAJEROVÁ, M.: Ti- effects of the substitution of Cu in YBa2Cu3O7-δ system on surface and volume properties. In: Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry WE06V, University of Ghent, October 12, 2005. (vyžiadaná prednáška)
  7. MAŇKA, J.: Magnetic biopsy of liver tissue - general introduction and state of the art results. In: Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry WE06V, University of Ghent, October 12, 2005. (vyžiadaná prednáška)
  8. PIGOŠOVÁ, J. - KLEIN, E. - CIBULKOVÁ, Z. - LUKEŠ, V.: FTIR study of gamma-irradiated cis-1,4-polyisoprene. In: 57. Zjazd chemických spoločností. Tatranské Matliare, 4.-8.9.2005.
  9. TYŠLER, M. - TURZOVÁ, M. - TIŇOVÁ, M. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J.: Možnosť neinvazívnej lokalizácie arytmogénneho substrátu pomocou modelovej interpretácie povrchových máp. In: 3. slovenské a české sympózium o arytmiách a kardiostimulácii. Piešťany, 23.-25.1.2005.
  10. KLEIN, E. - RIMARČÍK, J. - LUKEŠ, V. - PIGOŠOVÁ, J.: Applicability of PM3 and AM1 semi-empirical methods for the study of N-H and O-H bond dissociation enthalpies of primary antioxidants. In: 57. Zjazd chemických spoločností. Tatranské Matliare, 4.-8.9.2005.

12. Published periodicals:

  1. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW, Journal of the Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Supported by Slovak National Committee IMEKO. Bratislava, ISSN 1335-8871, http://www.measurement.sk.

13. Published or edited proceedings from scientific events:

  1. RYBÁR, J. (editor) - KVASNIČKA, V. (editor) - FARKAŠ, Igor (editor). Jazyk a kognícia. Bratislava: Kalligram, 2005. ISBN 80-7149-716-9. (samostatná knižná publikácia)
  2. FROLLO, Ivan (editor) - TYŠLER, Milan (editor) - JURAŠ, Vladimír (editor). MEASUREMENT 2005 : 5th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, Slovakia: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. 578 s. ISBN 80-967402-8-8.
  3. HAIN, Miroslav (editor). Workshop COST G8: in-situ non-destructive analysis and testing of museum objects. Bratislava: Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005. ISBN 80-967402-9-6.

14. Technical reports:

  1. BARTKOVJAK, J.: Príprava experimentu a spracovanie výsledkov merania. Technická spáva. Bratislava, september 2005.
  2. HANIC, F. - Koňakovský, A.: Aktivácia uhlíkového plynu vonkajšími elektromagnetickými poliami. Záverečná odborná správa projektu APVT-51-036101 „Vyspelé uhlíkaté materiály na báze surovín Slovenska pre trvale udržateľný rozvoj". Bratislava, august 2005.
  3. RUBLÍK, F.: Generalization of the discrimination rule of Broffitt, Randles and Hogg to the case of q>2 populations. Technical Report, Bratislava, 2005.
  4. RUBLÍK, F.: Tests based on ranks in the case of discrete distributions. Technical Report, Bratislava, 2005.
  5. STROLKA, I. - JURAŠ, V.: NMR - He3 zobrazovanie. Metódy rekonštrukcie obrazu pri tomografickom zobrazení. Technická spáva. Bratislava, november 2005.
  6. ŠTOLC, S.: Improvements in image processing algorithms for the GASepo software. Technical Report. Seibersdorf, Austria, December 2005.
  7. TYŠLER, M. - ROSÍK, V. - ŽDIŇÁK, J. - RÁŠO, R. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J.: BIOLAB. Modulárne meracie prístroje pre biofyzikálne vyšetrenia pracujúce v lokálnej sieti vyšetrovne. Technická správa. Bratislava, júl 2005.
  8. TYŠLER, M. - ROSÍK, V. - ŽDIŇÁK, J. - RÁŠO, R. - ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J.: BIOLAB. Návod na použitie. Bratislava, júl 2005.
  9. WITKOVSKÝ, V. - RUBLÍK, F. - ARENDACKÁ, B. - FARKAŠ, I. - ŠTOLC, S. - HORNIŠOVÁ, K.: Refinement of segmentation and classification of bands in EPO images. Technical Report, Bratislava, May 2005.
  10. WITKOVSKÝ, V. - RUBLÍK, F. - ARENDACKÁ, B. - GRENDÁR, M. - FARKAŠ, I. - BAJLA, I. - HOLLÄNDER, I.: Alternative approaches to band classification in Epo images for the GASepo software. Technical Report, Seibersdorf, Austria, January 2005.

15. Research reports:

  1. PŘIBIL, J. - DERMEK, T.: Automatizované riadenie diaľkového odberu krvi pokusných zvierat na centrifúge. Výskumná správa. Bratislava, november 2005.

16. Popularization activity:

  1. BARTL, J.: 5. medzinárodná konferencia Measurement 2005. Metrológia a skúšobníctvo, X, 2005, 2, 35.
  2. BARTL, J.: XXIX. Fórum metrológov. Metrológia a skúšobníctvo, X, 2005, 2, 33-35.
  3. FROLLO, I.: Measurement 2005. Správy SAV, 2005, 5, 14.
  4. KAROVIČ, K.: Výsledok spolupráce vedcov a pedgógov. Správy SAV, 2005, 11, 11.
  5. STROLKA, I. - TOFFANIN, R. - FROLLO, I.: Nové možnosti v diagnostike osteoporózy. Quark, 4, 2005.

17. Dissertation work:

  1. MARTINICKÁ, F.: Magnetometrická metóda identifikácie a kvantifikácie feromagnetických častíc v ľudských orgánoch. Dizertačná práca. Bratislava, júl 2005.
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)