Home Conferences Past Conferences Winter Workshop on Mathematical Statistics 2008
Winter Workshop on Mathematical Statistics 2008 |
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Publications of Andrej Pázman
- Bayesovská štatistika (Bayesian Statistics - textbook in Slovak). Comenius University Press, Bratislava, 2003
- Nonlinear Statistical Models. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht 1993
- Foundations of Optimum Experimental Design. Reidel Publ. Comp., Dodrecht 1986
- Riešené situácie z navrhovania experimentov (Solved Situations in Experimental Design - in Slovak). ALFA, Bratislava 1986, (with J. Mikulecká, V. Raffaj, M. Tokošová)
Základy optimalizácie experimentu (Foundations of Optimum Experimental Design - in Slovak). Veda, Bratislava 1980
Štatistické metódy v meraní (Statistical Methods in Measurement - in Slovak). Veda, Bratislava 1979 (with L. Kubáček)
Proc. of the International Conference on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Probastat'91. Eds. A.Pázman, J. Volaufovoá. Printing House of the Technical University, Liptovský Mikuláš, 1992.
Proc. of the Second Int. Conf. on Mathematical Statistics, ProbaStat'94. Eds. A.Pázman, V.Witkovský. Tatra Mount. Math. Publ. Vol. 7, 1996.
Proc. of the Third Int. Conf. on Mathematical Statistics, ProbaStat'98. Eds. A.Pázman, G.Wimmer.. Tatra Mount. Math. Publ. Vol.17, 1999.
Year 2007
- Quantile and probability-level criteria for nonlinear experimental design (with L. Pronzato). In: Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis (Eds. J. Lopéz-Fidalgo, J.M. Rodríguez-Díaz, B. Torsney) p. 157-164, Physica-Verlag, Springer, Heildelberg, 2007
- Criteria for optimal design of small-sample experiments with correlated observations. Kybernetika 43 (2007), p. 453-462
Year 2006
- On the irregular behaviour of LS estimators for asymptotically singular designs (with L. Pronzato). Statistics & Probability Letters 76 (2006), p. 1089-1096
- Asymptotic criteria for design in nonlinear regression with model errors (with L. Pronzato). Math. Slovaca 56 (2006), p. 543-553
- Designs in nonlinear regression by stochastic minimization of functionals of the mean square error matrix (with J.P.Gauchi). J. Statist. Planning & Inference 236 (2005), p. 1135-1152
Year 2005
- Elimination of Less Informative Design Points in Regression Models with a Known or Parametrized Covariance Function Report No. 18, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, June 2005
Year 2004
- Correlated optimum design with parametrized covariance function: Justification of the use of the Fisher information matrix and of the method of virtual noise. Report No. 5, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, June 2004
- Moindres carrés pondérés récursifs dans les modèles de régression à variance paramétrée (with L.Pronzato). In: Proc. Journees Francaises de Statistiques (2004), Monpellier, France
- Recursively re-weighted least-squares estimation in regression models with parametrized variance (with L.Pronzato). In: Proc. of EUSIPCO 2004 (Eds. F.Hlawatsch, G.Matz, M.Rupp, B.Wistavel) CRYPTAS it-Security&Media GmbH, Wien 2004, pp. 621-624.
- Simultaneous choice of design and estimator in nonlinear regression with parametrized variance (with L.Pronzato). In Proc. mODa 7 conference, Physica-Verlag (Springer), Heilderberg 2004, p. 117-124
- Small-size designs in nonlinear models computed by stochastic optimization (with J.P. Gauchi). In Proc. mODa 7 conference, Physica-Verlag (Springer), Heilderberg 2004, p. 71-79.
Year 2003
- Optimum design of nonlinear experiments based on linear Bayesian estimators(with K.Hornišová). Tatra Mount. Math.Publ., vol. 26 (2003), 69-77
- Measures for designs in experiments with correlated errors. (With W.G.Müller). Biometrika 90 (2003), 423-434
Year 2002
- Results on nonlinear least squares estimators under nonlinear equality constraints. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 103 (2002), p. 401-420.
- Measures of nonlinearity for biadditive models. (with J.-B. Denis). Metrika 55 (2002), p. 233-246
- Optimal design of nonlinear experiments with parameter constraints. Metrika 56 (2002), 113-130
- Statistical experiment and optimal design. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, EOLSS publishers Co Ltd., Oxford (electronic publication)
Year 2001
- Using densities of estimators to compare pharmacocitetic experiments.(with L. Pronzato). Computers in Biology and Medicine 31 (2001), p. 179-195.
- Optimal design of experiments subject to correlated errors (with W.G. Müller). Statistics & Probability Letters, 52 (2001), p. 29-34.
- Linearization of nonlinear regression models by smoothing. Tatra Mountains Mathem.Publ. 22 (2001), p. 13-25.
Year 2000
- Concentration sets, Elfving sets and norms in optimum experimental design. In: Optimum Design 2000 (Eds. A.C.Atkinson et al.), p. 101-102. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht 2000.
Year 1999
- Bias of the M.L.E. in singular nonlinear regression models. Tatra Mountains Math. Publications 17 (1999), p. 55-63
- Some properties and improvements of the saddlepoint approximation in nonliear regression. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 51 (1999), p. 463-478
- An algorithm for the computation of optimum designs under a given covariance structure. (with W.G. Müller) Computational Statistics 14 (1999), 197-211
- Bias of LS estimators in nonlinear regression models with constraints. Part I : General case. (with J.-B.Denis) Applications of Mathematics 44 (1999), 359-374
- Bias of LS estimators in nonlinear regression models with constraints. Part II : Biaditive models. (with J.-B.Denis) Applications of Mathematics 44 (1999), 375-403
- Some geometrical aspects of the nonlinear least squares method. Acta Physice Universitatis Comenianae XI (1999), 69-90
Year 1998
- Aplications of neccessary and sufficient conditions for maximum efficient design (with Ch.H. Müller). Metrika 48 (1998), p. 1-19
- Design measures and approximate information matrices for experiments without replications (with W.G. Müller). Journal Statist. Plan. & Inference 71 (1998), p. 349-362
- A new interpretation of design measures. (with W.G. Müller). In MODA 5 (Eds. A.C. Atkinson, L. Pronzato, H.P. Wynn) (1998), p. 240-245,
- Approximate densities of two bias-corrected nonlinear LS estimators. (with L. Pronzato). In MODA 5 (Eds. A.C. Atkinson, L. Pronzato, H.P. Wynn) (1998), p. 146-151
Year 1996
- On modified information matrices in nonlinear regression. Tatra Mountains Math. Publ. 7 (1996), p. 215-221
- A Dirac-function method for densities of nonlinear statistics and for marginal densities in nonlinear regression (with L. Pronzato). Statistics & Probability Letters 26 (1996), p. 159-167
- Distribution of estimators and optimal experimental design in nonlinear regression. Kybernetika 32 (1996), p. 491-499
- The density of the parameter estimators when the observations are distributed exponentially. Metrika 44 (1996), p. 9-26
Year 1994
- The geometry of nonlinear inference : accounting of prior and boundaries. LINSTAT 93, p. 159-170 (Eds. T. Calinski, R. Kala) Kluwer Acad.Publ. Dordrecht 1994
- Second order approximation of the entropy in nonlinear least-squares estimation (with L. Pronzato). Kybernetika 30 (1994), p. 187-198 Erratum: Kybernetika 32 (1994) p. 104
Year 1993
- Higher dimensional nonlinear regression - a statistical use of the Riemannian curvature tensor. Statistics 25 (1993), p. 17-25
Year 1992
- Nonlinear experimental design based on the distribution of estimators (with L. Pronzato). Journal Statist. Plan. and Inference 33 (1992), p. 382-407
- A classification of nonlinear regression models and parameter confidence regions. Kybernetika 28 (1992), p. 444-453
- Geometry of the nonlinear regression with prior. Acta Physice Universitatis Comenianae LXI (1992), p. 263-276
Year 1991
- Curvatures and the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator in nonlinear exponential models. Revista Brasileira de Probabilidade e Estatística 5 (1991), p. 43-63
- Pivotal variables and confidence region in flat nonlinear regression models with unknown sigma. Statistics 22 (1991), p. 177-189
Year 1990
- Almost exact distributions of estimators I - flat nonlinear regression models. Statistics 21 (1990), p. 9-19
- Almost exact distributions of estimators II - flat nonlinear regression models. Statistics 21 (1990), p. 21-33
- Small sample distributional properties of nonlinear regression estimators (a geometric approach). Statistics 21 (1990), p. 323-367
Year 1989
- A sufficient statistic and a nonstandard linearization in nonlinear regression. Kybernetika 25 (1989)
- On information matrices in nonlinear experimental design. Journal of Statistical Planning & Inference 21 (1989), p. 253-263
Year 1988
- Distribution of the weighted L.S. estimates in nonlinear models with symmetrical errors. Kybernetika 24 (1988), p. 413-427
- On the non-asymptotic distribution of the M.L. estimates in curved exponetial families. In: Trans. of 10th Prague Conf. on Information Theory, p. 117-132. Academia Publ. House, Prague 1988.
- Some statistical consequences of the geometry of nonlinear regression. In: Proc. 5th Panonian Symp. on Math. Stat., Visegrád/Hung. 1985 (W Grossman et al., eds.), Physica Verlag, Heildelberg, 1988, p. 273-283
Year 1987
- On formulas for the distribution of nonlinear LS estimates. Statistics 18, (1987), p. 3-15
- Discussion to the paper by Dr. Jorgensen. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B 49 (1987), p. 155-156
- Flat Gaussian nonlinear regression models. In: Model Oriented Data Analysis (V. Fedorov, H. Lauter, eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Econom. and Math. Systems, Vol. 297 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987, p. 120-124
Year 1986
- On the uniqueness of the M.L. estimates in curved exponential families. Kybernetika 22 (1986), p. 124-132.
Year 1985
- Sequential and iterative designs of experiments. In: Banach Center Publ., Vol. 16, Warsaw, 1985, p. 443-453.
Nonlinear least squares - uniqueness versus ambiguity. Math. Operationsforsch. u. Statist., Ser. Statistics 15 (1984), p. 323-336.
Probability distribution of the multivariate nonlinear least squares estimates. Kybernetika 20 (1984), p. 209-230.
Optimal designs for the estimation of polynomial functionals. Kybernetika 17 (1981), p. 16-31.
Some features of the optimal design theory - a survey. Math. Operationsforsch. u. Statist., Ser. Statistics 11(1980), p. 415-446
Singular experimental designs. Math. Operationsforsch. u. Statist., Ser. Statistics 11 (1980), p. 137-149
Computation of the optimum designs under singular information matrices. Ann. Statist. 6
(1978), p. 465-467.
Hilbert space methods in experimental design. Kybernetika 14 (1978), p. 73-84.
Plans d'expérience pour les estimations de fonctionnelles non-linéaires. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare XIII (1977), p. 259-267
Optimum experimental designs with a lack of a priori information. Kybernetika 11 (1975), p. 355-367.
The ordering of experimental designs (A Hilbert space approach). Kybernetika 10 (1974), p. 373-388
A convergence theorem in the theory of D-optimum experimental designs. Ann. Statist. 2
(1974), p. 216-218
Optimum nets (with L.Kubácek). Studia geoph. et geod. 18 (1974), p. 91-102
Testing of analycity of πN forward scattering amplitude and the determination of the πN coupling constant. Nuclear Physics B46 (1972), p. 637-643 (with J. Pišút, P. Prešnajder, P. Lichard)
The problem of the unambiguity of phase-shift analysis I. - Description of a powerful discriminating criterion (with S.Bilenkaya, J.Bystricky, Z.Janout, F.Lehar). Czech. J. Phys. B 19 (1969), p. 882-890.
Design of Physical experiments (Statistical methods) (with V.V.Fedorov). Fortschritte der Physik 16 (1968), p. 325-355.
Sequential design of experiments performed in several measurement points. Theory. Veroyatn. Primen. 13 (1968), p. 479-489
Planning of regression and discriminating experiments on the NN scattering (with V.V.Fedorov). Journal of Nuclear Physics 6 (1967), p. 853-857 (In Russian)