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Past Conferences
Measurement 2009

The 7th International Conference on Measurement was traditionally held in the conference center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the beautiful Smolenice castle on May 20-23, 2009.

Annual Meeting PHeLINet 2009

International meeting to the project of the 6th FP of the EU - Annual Meeting PHeLINet took place in the Congress Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Smolneice on March 25 - 28, 2009.

Winter Workshop on Mathematical Statistics 2008

The Winter Workshop on Mathematical Statistics Bratislava 2008 was held in Bratislava, Slovakia, from 15 - 16 of December 2008.


The ROBUST 2008 conference that is devoted to selected trends of mathematical statistics and probability theory was held for the first time in Slovakia, in Rohace mountains, in hotel Mier in Pribylina from 8 - 12 of September 2008.

Meditech 2008

Dissemination conference of an Eurpean Social Fund project MEDITECH - Innovative Program of Modern Biomedical Technologies was held on the whole-European level and with international participance on May 26, 2008 at Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.

Measurement 2007

The 6th international conference on measurement - MEASUREMENT 2007 was held in the Congress Center of SAS in the Smolenice castle on May 20 -24, 2007.


The 5th international conference on probability and statistics PROBASTAT 2006 was held in the Congres Center of the SAS in Smolenice on June 5 - 9, 2006.

Days of the Medical Biophysics 2006

The XXIXth conference Days of the Medical Biophysics 2006 (Dni lekárskej biofyziky 2006) was held on May 16 - 18, 2006 in the ExpoClub Incheba in Bratislava.

Measurement 2005

The 5th international conference  MEASUREMENT 2005 was held in the Congress Center od the Slova Academy of Sciences in Smolenice on May 15 - 19, 2005.

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Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)