Open Doors Day will be organized on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 in the Institute of Measurement Science SAS in Bratislava within the Week of Science and Technology. Detailed information on the event can be found in the invitation (in Slovak). Additional information on Laboratories in the IMS SAS (in Slovak) can help you to select what would be most interesting for you.
Open Doors Day Program:
Introducing the Institute and presentations of selected research topics
Place: Seminar room on the 4th floor, from 9:00 to 10:00
9:00 Institute of Measurement Science and its Research Activities (Dr. Tyšler, director of the Institute)
9:20 Diagnostics of Heart Diseases using Computer Models (Dr. Tyšler)
9:40 Mathematic-statistical Methods for Evaluation of Measured Data (Dr. Witkovský)
Excursions to selected laboratories, introduction of new technologies and examples of scientific results
Place: laboratories according individual selection, from 10:00 to 15:00, excursions start every hour
- Laboratory of X-ray microtomography (room 002)
- Laboratory of X-ray difractometry (room 003, lab of Inst. of Electrical Enigeering)
- Laboratory of electron microscopy (room 007a, lab of Inst. Materials and Machine Mechanics)
- FIB Laboratory for nanostructures preparation (room 007b, lab of Inst. of Electrical Enigeering)
- Laboratories of the National NMR Center (rooms.009 to 012)
- Laboratory for measurement of weak magnetic fields (external lab, departures from the institute entrance)
- Laboratory of biomeasurements (room 506)
- Laboratory of the department of theoretical methods (room 505)