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(This page contains in time sequence also older information published in the section News)

MEASUREMENT 2013 Conference


9th Internation Conference on measurement MEASUREMENT 2013 organized by Institute of Measurement Science will take place in the Congress Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences on May 27.-30, 2013. Scientific program of the conference will include three main areas: Theory of Measurement, Measurement of Physical Quantities, Measurement in Biology and Medicine. Basic information on the conference can be found in the 1st announcement.

For more information visit the conference web page http://www.measurement.sk/M2013.

Awards of the Slovak Literary Fund


We are pleased to announce that Ing. Mgr. Roman Rosipal, PhD. and Assoc. Prof. RNDr. František Rublík, CSc., senior research fellows of the Institute of Measurement Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, were awarded by the Slovak Literary Fund for exceptional scientific response (citations) to one publication, and for scientific publication of the year 2011 in the category of natural and technical sciences. 

Memorial Medal of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Košice to Prof. Frollo


On June 19, 2012 dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University in Košice Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. František Trebuňa, CSc. awarded Professor Ing. Ivan Frollo, DrSc. with memorial medal to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty.

Visit from Belgium in the IMS SAS


On June 5, 2012, Dr. Dominique Neerinck, representative of the Belgian company Bekaert visited the Institute of Measurement Science SAS accompanied by Ing. Juraj Lapin, DrSc., vicepresident of the SAS for Section I and  prof. PharmDr. Daniela Ježová, DrSc., vicepresident of the SAS. The visit was a continuation of the visit of SAS representatives in Belgium and a visit in the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SAS and the Polymere Institute SAS. 

Entrance Selection 2012 for Doctoral Study in Measurement Science


Director of the Institute of Measurement Science SAS announces selection procedure for PhD study in the field of study No. 5.2.54 "Measurement Science". The study will start on September 3, 2012. Applications have to be submitted until June 15, 2012. Entrance interviews will take place on July 3, 2012. Detailed information can be found in section Entrance selection (in Slovak).

SAS plaquette of Aurel Stodola to Assoc.prof. Tyšler


On Thursday, December 15, 2011 distinguished award was presented to the director of the Institute of Measurement Science SAS.

During the small ceremony in the Office of SAS in Bratislava vicepresident of SAS SAV Juraj Lapin presented the Honorary SAS plaquette of Aurel Stodola for the deserts in technical sciences to the distinguished specialist in biomedical engineering, director of Institute of Measurement Science SAS, doc. Ing. Milan Tyšler, CSc.

Julia Volaufova - Fellow of the American Statistical Association


Julia Volaufova, PhD, former Head of the Department of Theoretical Methods at the Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, now Professor of Biostatistics at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Public Health, has been selected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) which is the world's largest community of statisticians. See more...

Analysis of high-dimensional time series from complex systems: Overview, methods, tools


Ing. Martin Vejmelka, PhD., from the Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, will present his lecture on July 1, 2011, at the Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Methods, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Sparkling Science: FEM Trace Conference Bratislava


The Austrian-Slovak seminar for students of the grammar schools, entitled "Sparkling Science: FEM Trace Conference Bratislava", has been held at the Institute of Measurement Science on June 9, 2011. The seminar was organized by the Breath Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dornbirn, Austria, and the Institute of Measurement Science in co-operation with the Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava and the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava. The aim of the seminar was to popularize science and its applications, especially for talented students of the grammar schools in Austria and Slovakia. The Seminar has been attended by students of the following schools: Bundesgymnasium Dornbirn, Gymnasium Adolf Pichler Platz, Innsbruck, Gymnázium Jura Hronca, and Gymnázium Grösslingová 18, Bratislava.

Golden Medal of SAS for prof. Ivan Frollo


Based on proposal of the management and Scientific Board of the Institute of Measurement Science SAS, Presidium of Slovak Academy of Sciences awarded prof. Ivan Frollo the Golden Medal of SAS. The Medal will be presented  to him on Februar 1, 2010 president od SAS Dr. Jaromir Pastorek.
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Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)