New methods and devices for pulmonary, hepatal and gastro-intestinal noninvasive diagnostics |
Project supported by the Agency for Science and Technology APVT-51-017802
Duration of the project: 09/2002 11/2005
Principal investigator: Dr. Milan Tyler
Financial support: 1 023 000 SKK
Project was focused on the research of new measuring methods, methods for processing and evaluation of measured data and development of necessary diagnostic measuring devices for noninvasive diagnostics of diseases connected with effects of the working and living environment on the human organism. In concordance with the aims of the project, 3 selected methods were investigated: (1) diagnostics of lungs and liver with the use of SQUID magnetometry, (2) analysis of lung diseases with the help of MR imaging using hyperpolarized He3 and (3) investigation of functions and motility of the gastro-intestinal tract based on electrogastrographic signals analysis. Three partials workpackages corresponding to these areas were organized.