Modeling of cardiac electrical field for the study of manifestation of funtional and structural changes in myocardium in measured ECG signals |
Project of the Scientific Grant Agency VEGA 2/0071/16
Duration of the project: 01/2016 - 12/2018
Principal investigator: Ing. Jana Švehlíková, PhD.
The aim of the project is to gain new knowledge about the relation between the electrical activation of the ventricular myocardium and the surface electrocardiogram that can be obtained by a multichannel measurement.
The model of heart ventricles created in previous VEGA projects will be extended and possibilities to change the velocity of propagation of the activation wavefront and the model geometry, and anisotropic properties of the activation wavefront propagation will be added. The model will be implemented in software with graphical user interface. Thanks to visualization of individual simulation steps it will be possible to use it in the research of the impact of functional and structural changes in the myocardium on the ECG signals, as well as a didactic tool. The heart model will be employed also in solution of the inverse problem of electrocardiology with the use of simplified equivalent electrical generators or with probabilistic models.