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Tyšler, Milan, Assoc.prof., Ing., PhD.

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Doc. Ing. Milan Tyšler, CSc.

Information Page of SAS Employee

Milan Tyšler, SAS

Personal data

  • born on September 2, 1951 in Prague, Czech Republic
  • citizenship: Slovak Republic
  • nationality: slovak
  • marital status: married (1980), wife Maria, children: Miroslav (1981), Eva and Iveta (1983)
  • languages: english, russian, german, czech

Education and qualification

  • 1969 - 1974    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, computer science, Ing. (M.S.)
  • 1974 - 1978    Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, study stay
  • 1978 - 1982    Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, PhD study, CSc. (PhD.)
  • 1997               Senior researcher
  • 2006               Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Košice, Dept. of Instrumentation and Biomedical Engineering, lecturer (Assoc.prof.)    

Affiliation and functions

  • 1981 -  (continues)            Institute of Measurement Science SAS
  • 1985 -1989, 1991 -           head of the Department of Biomeasurements
  • 1994 -1998, 2002 - 2006  deputy director
  • 2006 -                               director

Pedagogic activities

  • 1988 - 1989    School of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava   
  • 1989 - 1993    Faculty of Electrical Engineering, STU in Bratislava
  • 1989 - 1996    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava
  • 1997 -             Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU Košice, Department of Instrumental and Biomedical Engineering
  • 2005 -             Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering in Kladno
  • 2007 -              Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Univarsity of Zilina, preparation of excursions

International projects

  • 1989 - 1991          project ELMAKART, contract with IITP RAS in Moscow, Russia
  • 1994 - 1996          project ABLAMAP, contract with L.Boltzmann Institut für Arrhytmienforschung, Wien, Austria  
  • 1996 - 2013          international cooperation on the topic "Noninvasive measurement and information analysis of bioelectric signals" with IITP RAS in Moscow, Russia
  • 1997 - 1998          grant "Oberflächen - EKG - Mapping in der klinischen Physiologie des Herzens" with L.Boltzmann Institut für Arhytmienforschung, Wien in the frame of Austria-Slovakia cooperation 
  • 2006 - 2011          cooperation in education and research in biomedical engineering with Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU in Prague, Kladno
  • 2010 - 2012          project "Model based analysis and diagnostic interpretation of cardiac electric field measured by HR ECG" with Institute of Biocybernetics adn Biomedical Engineering (IBBE PAS), Warszaw, Poland (continuation of the projects from years 2004-06, 2007-09)    
  • 2010 - 2012          project "Measurement and Information Processing for Diagnosic Imaging of Cardiac and Brain Electrical Field" with Resaerch Inst. for Technical Physics and Material Science (MFA HAS) Budapest, Hungary ((continuation of the projects from years 2000-03, 2004-06, 2007-09)
  • 2011                    project "centrope-tt - Tools for Transnational Innovation Support in Centrope" with JIC Brno and ChipInvest a.s., Brno, Czech Republic
  • 2011                    topic "Improvement and development of HR ECG measurement processing and evaluation methods" in project TÁMOP-4.2.2-08/1/2008-0018 with University of Panonia, Veszprém, Hungary
  • 2011 - 2013         project CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0093 (OP Education for competitivness) at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU in Prague, foreign expert.
  • 2013 - 2015        project "High Resolution Multiple-lead ECG measurement for model based interpretation of cardiac electrical field", Polish-Slovak joint research project, IBIB PAV, Warsaw, Poland

Supervised national projects

  • 1988 - 1989      project Chiramap, contract with Chiranou Stará Turá company
  • 1995 - 1997      cience&technology project 95/5305/469 "Measuring devices and methods for clinical electrocardiology, metrology of medical devices"
  • 1997                 grant od the Scientific Grant Agency "Methods for multichannel measurement and identification of the sources of bioelectric fields"
  • 1998 - 2000       science&technology grant "Electronic devices and systems for measurement and monitoring of selected effexts and parameters of the environment"
  • 1998 - 2000        grant od the Scientific Grant Agency 2/5089/98 "Methods of measurement and noninvasive localization of arrhythmogenic sources in the heart"
  • 2001 - 2003        grant od the Scientific Grant Agency 2/1135/21 "Multichannel measurement and analysis of low-level bioelectric signals"
  • 2002 - 2003        grant of the Ministry of education and SAS for cooperation with industry 51-51-9014-00/2002  "Modular measuring devices for biophysical examination working in local network"
  • 2002 - 2005        grant of the Agency for Science and Technology 51-017802 "New methods and devices for pulmonary, haepatal and gastrointestinal nonivasive diagnostics"
  • 2004 - 2006         grant of the VEGA agency 2/4089/24 "Evaluation of heart  repolarization changes using miltichannel ECG measurements"
  • 2007 - 2009         grant of the VEGA agency 2/7092/27 "Measurement and model/based analysis of bioelectric fields"
  • 2010 - 2012         grant of the VEGA agency 2/0210/10 "Methods and systems for multichannel measurement and evaluation of bioelectric signals of the heart and brain
  • 2011 - 2014          grant of the Agency for Science and Technology APVV-0513-10 "CARDINFO - Measuring, communication and information systems for monitoring of cardiovascular risc in hypertension patients"
  • 2013 - 2015          grant of the VEGA agency 2/0131/13 "Methods and systems for measurement, displaying and evaluation of cardiac electrical field in hypertension and hypertrophy"
  • 2015 - 2018          grant of the Agency for Science and Technology APVV-14-0875, LoRyCard, "Noninvasive localization of ectopic arrhythmias of heart ventricles using ECG mapping and its use for causal therapy "

Membership in scientific and engineering societes

  • 1995 -   IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
  • 1996 -   International Society of Electrocardiology
  •             member of the International Council of Electrocardiology (2000- )
  • 1996 -   Society of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics, Slovak Medical Association, scientific secretary (1997- 2008), president (2008 - )
  • 1997 -   International Measurement Confederation IMEKO,
  • Slovak committee TC-13 "Measurement in medicine and biology", chairman (1997- )       
  • 1998 -   IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
  • 1998 -   Slovak Metrological Society    

Other memberships

  • 2001 - Editorial board of the journal Measurement Science Review
  • 2007 - Scientific board of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, STU in Bratislava
  • 2007 - Scientific board of the Slovak Institute of Metrology, Bratislava
  • 2008 - Scientific board of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, CTU in Prague, Kladno
  • 2009 - Editorial board of the journal Metrology and Testing
  • 2012 - 2014 working gropu of the Sloavk Ministry for Education, Science and Sports for information and communication technologies
  • 2014 - Board for technical sciences, Agency for Science and Technology 

Selected publications

  • SVEHLIKOVA J., ZELINKA J., BACHAROVA L., TYSLER M.: Modeling and visualization of the activation wavefront propagation to improve understanding the QRS complex changes indicationg left ventricular hypertrophy. Journal of ELectrocardiology, 2016, vol. 49, p.755-762. ISSN 0022-0738
  • ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J., TEPLAN M., TYŠLER M.: Noninvasive identification of two lesions with local repolarization changes using two dipoles in inverse solution simulation study. In Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2015, vol. 57, p. 96-102. ISSN 0010-4825.
  • SVEHLIKOVA J., POTSE M., TYSLER M.: Inverse Localization of the Latest-Activated Areas in the Ventricles from Body Surface potential Maps. In Computing in Cardiology 2014; 41:129-132 (ISSN 2325-8861).
  • KOZMANN Gy., TUBOLY G., SZATHMÁRY V., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J., TYŠLER M.: Computer modelling of beat-to-beat repolarization heterogeneity in human cardiac ventricles. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2014, 14, 285-290. ISSN: 1746-8094, (IF2013 1,532).
  • KOZMANN Gy., TUBOLY G., TARJÁNYIA Zs., SZATHMÁRY V., SVEHLIKOVA J., TYSLER M.: Model interpretation of body surface potential QRST integral mapvariability in arrhythmia patients. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2014, 12 (SI), 3-9. ISSN: 1746-8094, (IF2013 1,532). DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2013.06.016.
  • TYSLER M., SVEHLIKOVA J.: Noninvasive finding of local repolarization changes in the heart using dipole models and simplified torso geometry. J. of Electrocardiology, 2013, vol. 46, p.284-288, ISSN (printed): 0022-0736. ISSN (electronic): 1532-8430. (1.093 IF2012). 
  • LENKOVA J., SVEHLIKOVA J., TYSLER M.: Individualized model of torso surface for the inverse problem of electrocardiology. J. of Electrocardiology, 2012, vol. 45, p. 231-236, ISSN (printed): 0022-0736. ISSN (electronic): 1532-8430. (1.109 IF2010)
  • SVEHLIKOVA J., LENKOVA J., TURZOVA M., TYSLER M., KANIA M., MANIEWSKI R.: Influence of individual torso geometry on inverse solution to 2 dipoles. J. of Electrocardiology, 2012, vol. 45, p. 7-12, ISSN (printed): 0022-0736. ISSN (electronic): 1532-8430. (1.109 IF2010)
  • ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J., LENKOVÁ J., DRKOŠOVÁ A., FOLTÍN M., TYŠLER M.: ECG based assessment of the heart position in standard torso model. In IFMBE Proceedings, 2012, vol. 37, p. 474-477. ISSN 1680-0737. (INSPEC) 
  • ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J., KANIA M., TURZOVÁ M., HEBLÁKOVÁ E., TYŠLER M., MANIEWSKI R.: Identification of Ischemic Lesions Based on Difference Integral Maps, Comparison of Several ECG Intervals. Measurement Science Review, Vol. 9, No. 5, 2009, 117-121. ISSN 1335 - 8871.
  • TYSLER M., SVEHLIKOVA J., ROSIK V., KARAS S., HEBLAKOVA E., KNEPPO P., MUZIK J., KANIA M., ZACZEK R., KOBYLECKA M.: Model-based Method and Instrumentation for Noninvasive Identification of Local Ischemic Lesions in the Heart.  IFMBE Proceedings, Vol.25/IV, pp. 1403-1406, 2009. ISSN 1680-0737, ISBN 978-3-642-03897-6.
  • TYSLER M., KNEPPO P., ROSIK V., KARAS S., HEBLAKOVA E. and MUZIK J.: Body Surface Potential Mapping for Noninvasive Ischemia Detection. IFMBE Proceedings, vol.20, 2008 (NBC - 14th Nordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics), 339-342, ISSN 1680-0737, ISBN 978-3-540-69366-6 [CD-ROM].
  • KNEPPO P., TYŠLER M., HÁNA K., SMRČKA P., ROSÍK V., KARAS S., HEBLAKOVA E.: Flexible Multichannel System for Bioelectrical Fields Analysis. IFMBE Proceedings, 2007, Vol.16, 86-89. (Medicon 2007, Ljubljana) ISSN 1727-1983, ISBN 978-3-540-73043-9 [CD-ROM].
  • TYŠLER M., KNEPPO P., TURZOVÁ M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J., KARAS S., HEBLÁKOVÁ E., HÁNA K., FILIPOVÁ S.: Non-invasive Assessment of Local Myocardium Repolarization Changes using High Resolution Surface ECG Mapping. Physiological Research, Vol. 56, Suppl 1, 2007, S133-S141, ISSN 0862-8408.
  • KNEPPO P. – ROSIK V. – TYSLER M. – KARAS S. – HANA K. – SMRCKA P. – JULENY A.: High Resolution ECG Mapping System for Noninvasive Cardiac Diagnostics. (World Congres on Medical Physics an Biomedical Engineering. Series Eds. Joachim Nagel, Ratko Magjarevic). IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 14, 2006, 1171-3374. ISSN 1727-1983.
  • TYŠLER, M., TURZOVÁ, M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J., HEBLÁKOVÁ, E.: Noninvasive identification of ischemic lesions in the heart. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol.4, 2005, 124-127. ISSN 1336-1376.
  • TYŠLER, M., TURZOVÁ, M., TIŇOVÁ, M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ, J., HEBLÁKOVÁ, E., SZATHMÁRY, V., FILIPOVÁ, S.: Use of body surface potential maps for model-based assessment of local pathological changes in the heart. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, vol. 53, No. 3, 2005, 207-215. ISSN 0239-7582.
  • TYSLER M., TURZOVA M., FILIPOVA S.: Assessment of Local Repolarization Changes Using Model Based BSPM Interpretation. In: Advances in Electrocardiology 2004, Editors: M. Hiraoka, S. Ogawa,. I.Kodama, H. Inoue, H. Kasanuki, T. Katoh, World Scientific, New Jersey,  London, Singapore, 2005, 158-162.
  • ROSÍK V., TYŠLER M., ŽDIŇÁK J., RÁŠO R.: Modular measuring system for biomphysical examinations. In: Measurement 2003, Proceedings of the 4th international conference. Institute of Measurement Science SAS, 2003
  • TYŠLER M., SZATHMARY V., TURZOVÁ M.: Model study of assessment of local heart repolarization changes by several ECG methods. Advances in electrocardiology, International journal of Bioelectromagnetism, Vol.5. No.1, 2003
  • TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J.: Repolarization Changes Displayed in Surface ARI Maps. A Simulation Study. ICE 2002. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, vol.4, No.2, 2002.
  • TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., SZATHMÁRY V.: Information on Heart Repolarization Changes Obtained from Body Surface ECG Potentials. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Health Data in the Information Society, Proceedings of MIE 2002, Ed.: Surján G., Engelbrecht R., Mc Nair P.,  2002, 90, 35-40.
  • TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., SZATHMÁRY V.: Projection of local changes of ventricular action potential to surface distribution of activation-recovery intervals. Biomedizinische Technik, 46, Ergänzungsband 2, 2001
  • TYŠLER M., KNEPPO P., TURZOVÁ M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J.: Localization of accessory pathway in the heart using body surface potentials. Automatika 40 (1-2), 1999
  • TYŠLER M., TURZOVÁ M., TIŇOVÁ M., KNEPPO P.: Inverse localization of early ventricular activation using multiple dipole model. Cardiologia Hungarica 24, 1995, Suppl.4.
  • TURZOVÁ M., TYŠLER M., ŠVEHLÍKOVÁ J., TIŇOVÁ M.: Model study of the influence of extracardial factors on the inverse localization of preexcitation sites. Brat Lek Listy 1996; 97, 9
  • TYŠLER, M., TIŇOVÁ, M., TURZOVÁ, M., KNEPPO, P.: Model Study on Inverse Localization of Preexcitation Sites. Japan. Heart J., Vol.35/Suppl.1, 1994
  • TURZOVÁ, M., TYŠLER, M., KNEPPO, P.: A Model Study of Sensitivity of Body Surface Potential Distribution to Variations of Electrode Placement. Journal of Electrocardiology, Vol.27, č.3, 1994
  • TYŠLER, M., TIŇOVÁ, M., KUŽMOVÁ, J., KNEPPO, P.: Modelling of the  influence of cardial and extracardial factors on generated surface  potentials. In: Electrocardiology'92, Macfarlane, P.W., de Padua,  F., Eds., World Scientific, Singapore etc., 1993, p. 11-14
  • TYŠLER, M., ROSÍK, V., TURZOVÁ, M.: A personal computer based  system for cardiac electric field investigation in the clinic and  inresearch. Advances in Biomedical Research. Ed. E.R. Carson,  P.Kneppo, I.Krekule. Plenum press, New York and London, 1988.  p.21-30.
  • KNEPPO, P., ROSÍK, V., TYŠLER, M., VICENÍK, K., TITOMIR, L.I.:  Avtomatizirovannyj kompleks dlja izmerenija električeskogo polja  serdca. Avtometria, 14, 1979, č.6, p.4-17
  • KNEPPO, P., ROSÍK, V., TYŠLER, M.: A new method for measuring the  cardiac electric field and the geometrical configuration of the  chest. In: Progress in Electrocardiology. Glasgow, Ed. P. MacFarlane. Pitman Medical 1979, p.212-214.
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)
Staff of Department of Biomeasurements