Principal investigator: Dr.Milan Tyšler
Financial support: 543 000 SKK
A method for noninvasive identification of local myocardial ischemia was proposed based on multilead ECG measurements and knowledge of the chest geometry and structure. Dipolar model of the cardiac electric generator representing the ischemic lesion with changed repolarization of myocytes and measured surface ECG potentials in the situation with and without manifestation of the ischemia were used. The method enables to localize the lesion in one of preselected segments of the myocardium with resolution better than .6 cm.
Based on simulation experiments, requirements for the number of measured leads, quality of the measurement and knowledge of the chest geometry were set (at least 62 leads, random disturbances in integral maps less than 2, knowledge of the chest shape and heart position with accuracy better than 1 cm) so that the expected mean lesion localization error was less than 1.5 cm and dipole orientation error less than 20°.
Parameters enabling to appreciate applicability of the method for particular measured data and to estimate the reliability of the obtained result were proposed. The method was experimentally used to determine affected myocardial region in patients after coronary intervention.
Multichannel measuring system enabling implementation of the method in experimental clinics was developed. |