Home Departments Theoretical Methods Department Staff Krakovská, Anna, RNDr. CSc.
Krakovská, Anna, RNDr. CSc. |
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Information Page of SAS Employee
Anna Krakovská, SAS
Work and study
1987 - MSc. in mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University in Bratislava and start of work at Institute of Measurement Science SAS
1993 - PhD. in bionics (thesis titled Nonlinear dynamics of selected biological systems) On the present - deputy head of the Department of Theoretical Methods.
Current research interests
Methods of nonlinear dynamics in signal processing:
signal and time series analysis by methods of nonlinear dynamics; applications to complex physiological systems - reconstruction of multi-dimensional state portraits, noise reduction, modeling, prediction, study of causal relations
biological signals processing (ECG, EEG)
complexity estimation using measures known from the fractal theory and theory of chaos
Currently working on research projects
Analysis of causal relationships in complex systems with an emphasis on biomedical applications
(2/0011/16, Sc. Grant Agency of Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2016-2018)
Synchronization and causality in complex systems: Methods based on time series analysis (bilateral project between Slovak Academy of Sciences and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic no. 15-18, 2015-2017)
Advanced statistical and computational methods for measurement and metrology
(METSTAT APVV-15-0295, July 2016 - June 2020)
Selected publications
Krakovská A., Jakubík J., Chvosteková M., Coufal D., Jajcay N., Paluš M. (2017): Comparing
five methods for detection of causality in bivariate time series, submitted to Physical Review E
Journal publications
Coufal D., Jakubík J., Jajcay N., Hlinka J., Krakovská A., Paluš M. (2017): Detection of coupling delay: a problem not yet solved, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27(8), 083109 ( http://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/1.4997757)
Krakovská H., Krakovská A. (2016): Fractal Dimension of Self-Affine Signals: Four Methods of Estimation. arXiv:1611.06190 ( full text)
Krakovská A., Mezeiová K., Budáčová H. (2015): Use of False Nearest Neighbours for Selecting Variables and Embedding Parameters for State Space Reconstruction, Journal of Complex Systems, 2015, Article ID 932750, 12 pages
( full text) or ( http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/932750)
Krakovská A., Jakubík J., Budáčová H., Holecyová M. (2015): Causality studied in reconstructed state space. Examples of uni-directionally connected chaotic systems, arXiv:1511.00505v1 [nlin.CD] 2 Nov 2015
( full text)
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Špajdel (2014): Spectral EEG Features of a Short Psycho-physiological Relaxation, Measurement Science Review, 4, 2014, 237-242.
( full text)
Krakovská A., Mezeiová K. (2011): Automatic sleep scoring. Search for optimal combination of measures, Artificial Intelligence of Medicine, 53, 2011, 25–33. (see abstract or ask for preprint)
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2011): Direct effects of audio-visual stimulation on EEG, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 102, 2011, 17–24. (see abstract or ask for preprint)
Krakovská A. (2009): Vplýva cukrovka na mentálne schopnosti? Diabetik, 7-8 2009, 22-25. ( full text - slovak)
Šušmáková K., Krakovská A. (2008): Discrimination ability of individual measures used in sleep stages classification. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 44, 2008, 261-277. (see abstract or ask for preprint)
Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2008): Spectral decay vs. correlation dimension of EEG. Neurocomputing, 71, 2008, 13-15, 2978-2985 (see abstract or ask for preprint).
Šušmáková K., Krakovská A. (2007): Classification of Waking, Sleep Onset and Deep Sleep by Single Measures. Measurement Science Review, ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 7, 2007, p. 34-38. ( full text)
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2006): EEG responses to long-term audio-visual stimulation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 59, 2006, 81-90. (see abstract or ask for preprint)
Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2006): Fractal complexity of EEG signal. Measurement Science Review, ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 6, 2006, p. 63-66. ( full text)
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2006): Short-term effects of audio-visual stimulation on EEG. Measurement Science Review, ISSN 1335-8871. Vol. 6, 2006, p. 67-70. ( full text)
Štolc S., Krakovská A., Teplan M. (2003): Audiovisual stimulation of human brain: linear and nonlinear measures. Measurement Science Review, 3(2), 2003, 95-98
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2003): EEG in the context of audiovisual stimulation. Measurement Science Review, 3(2), 2003, 17-20
Krakovská A. (2001): Noise reduction based on dynamics reconstruction. Measurement Science Review, vol. 1, 2001, 21-24
Krakovská A. (2001): Teória chaosu a fyziológia srdca. Československá fyziologie (Databases: In-Process, MEDLINE), vol. 50, no. 4, 2001, pp. 192-200. ( full text - slovak)
Krakovská A. (1995): Correlation dimension underestimation. Acta Physica Slovaca ISSN: 0323-0465, 45(5), pp. 567-574. ( full text)
Conference proceedings (since 2005)
Krakovská, A. (2017): Predictability improvement as a tool to detect causality. In Measurement, 11th International Conference on, pp. 39-42. IEEE.
( ieeexplore.ieee.org)
Krakovská A., Škoviera R., Rosipal R. (2017): Spectral, complexity and interdependence measures of sleep EEG after ischemic stroke. In Measurement, 11th International Conference on, pp. 245-249. IEEE.
( ieeexplore.ieee.org)
Krakovská A., Škoviera R., Dorffner G., Rosipal R. (2015): Does the Complexity of Sleep EEG Increase or Decrease with Age?
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Measurement. Smolenice, Slovakia, 2015, pp. 77-80. ( full text)
Škoviera R., Rošťáková Z., Krakovská A., Rosipal R. (2014): Spectral and Complexity Characteristics of Sleep EEG Following Ischemic Stroke. Proceedings of YBERC: The Sixth Biomedical Conference of Young Biomedical Engineers and Researchers.
2014, pp. 108-111. ( full text)
Krakovská A., Budáčová H. (2013): Interdependence Measure Based on Correlation Dimension. Proceedings of 98th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, 2013, pp. 31-34. ( full text)
Mezeiová K., Krakovská A. (2011): Choice of Measurement for Phase-Space Reconstruction: Decision Based on False Nearest Neighbors Method. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, 2011, pp. 55-58. ( full text)
Krakovská A. (2009): Discrimination ability of individual measures used in sleep stages classification. Summer school From nonlinear dynamics to biomedicine, Sept. 2009 - Université de Rouen (pozvaná prednáška)
Krakovská A. (2009): Two decades of search for chaos in brain. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, 2009, pp. 90-94. ( full text)
Šušmáková K., Krakovská A. (2009): Selection of Measures for Sleep Stages Classification. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, 2009, pp. 86-89. ( full text)
Teplan M., Krakovská A. (2009): EEG features of psycho-physiological relaxation. ISABEL 2009, 2nd International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies. Bratislava, 2009, ISBN 978-80-227-3216-1. ( full text)
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2009): EEG Characterization of Psycho-Physiological Rest and Relaxation. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, 2009, pp. 161-164. ( full text)
Šušmáková K., Krakovská A., Cimermanová K. (2008): Spectral and nonlinear measures computed for all-night sleep EEG, ECG, EOG, and EMG. In: MEDITECH. Proceedings of the ESF Project Conference. Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology, 2008, 137-141.
Krakovská A., Šušmáková K., Cimermanová K. (2007): Spectral and nonlinear measures computed for all-night sleep EEG, ECG, EOG, and EMG. Technical report. Inst. of Measurement science, SAS, Bratislava, 2007, p. 103.
Šušmáková K., Krakovská A. (2007): Sleep stages from wake to deep sleep: classification ability of single measures. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, 2007, pp. 404-407.
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2005): Long-term effects of audio-visual stimulation on human EEG. Coherence and Electromagnetic fields in Biological Systems. Fröhlich Centernary International Symposium. Abstract book. Prague, 2005, 60-62.
Krakovská A. (2005): Ťažkosti s hľadaním chaosu v EEG a EKG. Sborník semináře Determinismus a chaos, Herbertov 5.-7.9.2005, ISBN 80-01-03269-8, 90-91. ( full text - slovak)
Štolc S., Krakovská A. (2005): Power-law decay vs. fractal complexity of EEG. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, 2005, pp. 155-159. ( full text)
Teplan M., Krakovská A., Štolc S. (2005): Measures of EEG in the context of long-term audio-visual stimulation. In: MEASUREMENT 2005. 5th International Conference on Measurement. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Institute of Measurement Science, SAS, 2005, 225-228. ( full text)
Staff of Department of Theoretical Methods |
- Rošťáková, Zuznana, Mgr.
- Jakubík, Jozef, Mgr.
- Bajla, Ivan, prof. RNDr. Ing. PhD.
- Chvosteková, Martina, Mgr.
- Bartošová, Katarína, Ing. PhD.
- Grendár, Marián, Mgr. PhD
- Hornišová, Klára, Mgr. PhD
- Krakovská, Anna, RNDr. CSc.
- Rosipal, Roman, Ing. Mgr. PhD
- Rublík, František, Doc. RNDr. CSc.
- Štolc, Svorad, Mgr. PhD
- Mezeiová, Kristína, Mgr. PhD.
- Teplan, Michal, Mgr. PhD
- Witkovský, Viktor, Doc. RNDr. CSc.