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Home arrow Departments arrow Theoretical Methods arrow Department Projects arrow Analysis of causal relationships in complex systems with an emphasis on biomedical applications
Analysis of causal relationships in complex systems with an emphasis on biomedical applications

Project of the Scientific Grant Agency VEGA 2/0011/16

Duration of the project: 01/2016 - 12/2018

Principal investigator: RNDr. Anna Krakovská, CSc.
The project is focused on the analysis of causal relationships in complex systems, with particular applications in the field of biomedicine. Its main task is to verify the practical applicability of recently proposed methods, and topropose new algorithms to detect the presence and direction of the causal links (in the sense of Granger's definition). Existing, often fundamentally different approaches to detect causality will be analysed, tested on computer-generated systems and modified. The resulting methodology will be used for the analysis of realsystems. The main application area is functional brain connectivity, detected in different contexts from EEG signals and their inverse cortical mapping. Applications will also concern other types of physiological signals and experimental time series.
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)
Staff of Department of Theoretical Methods