Methods and systems for contacless measurement of iron content in the liver |
Project of the Scientific Grant Agency VEGA 2/7084/27
Project duration: 01/2007 – 12/2009
Head of project: Ing. Ján Maňka, CSc.
Financial support:
Aims of the project
Noninvasive methods and devices for specific examination of liver. Research of methods and design of systems for magnetic measurement of iron content in the liver. The contactless method - magnetic biopsy - will be designed. For this purpose a specialized SQUID magnetometric system will be developed. We shall analyze possible new correlations between the diseases (risk states) of the liver and the iron content in it. By common methods (biochemical blood examination and classical biopsy) the liver diseases are often diagnosed in the late stage due to fact that the healthy part of the liver can, to a certain extent, supply the diseased parts. Designed liver magnetic biopsy could provide an “integral” picture about its state and after the standard clinical tests (in cooperation with Slovak Healthcare University) could be a contribution to early diagnostics of the specific illnesses.