Project of the Slovak Grand Agency APVT-51-0121-02
Project Duration: 09/2002 - 12/2005
Head of the project: RNDr. Ing. Ján Bartl CSc
In the frame of the project the mechanical arrangement of optical table with prismatic holders of optical components has been realised. The functionality of regulation electronic components of ECD (extended cavity diode) lasers in Littman and Littrow arrangement, i.e. DM, I, TC, PZ modules in MLD 1000 composition and laser tuning control by PC, had been verified. The TCP module of iodine cell cold finger electronic cooling by Peltier element (PE) had been designed constructed and verified. After the laboratory with high-resolution fiber optics spectrometer HR 2000 by Ocean Optics Company had been equipped, the setting up of the software and spectrophotometer calibrating constants setting was made. The output signal of HR 2000 had been processed and evaluated by special software in PC. By measuring the laser power the transmitting constant between photodiode current and optical output power had been determined. Its value for semiconductor laser TEC-500-635-05 LION is 0.03 mW/mA. It is necessary to find the power curve peak by coarse tuning and subsequently by fine-tuning of tuning voltage keep the system on this peak for given iodine absorption line.
For this purpose the testing apparatus consisting of electronic blocks, tuning oscillator, testing generator and light detector had been designed and realized. With mentioned equipment first beet frequency measurements had been realized. Following the agreement with Slovak Metrological Institute (SMI) the SMÚ 4 standard of HeNe/I2 Slovak National Length Standard was borrowed and the generator of 1f and 3f modulation signal was designed and devised as a part of it. After implementation the HeNe laser was used as a optical source for beat frequency monitoring with diode laser. The experimental electronics allowing to lock (to stop laser tuning) the laser at specific wavelength/frequency f was designed by Ing. Jacko. Except of 1f and 3f generator the electronics includes the 3f preamplifier and filters, the lock-in-amplifier LIA-MV-150 was inserted as a demodulator. The tuning block and manual locking block were realized.
The original mechanic-optical arrangement was renewed by the part used for optical following up of HeNe/I2 laser with ECDL, as pictured on Fig. 1 (on the right). For completing the ECDL configuration the National Length Standard - SMÚ 4 laser developed by solvers (Fig. 1), avalanche photodiode (APD) with amplifier and HP spectral analyzer ESA-L 1500 A (9 kHz - 1.5 GHz) were used. These devices and some mechanic-adjustable parts were borrowed from SMI. Mutual comparisons of lasers indicated, that the spectral region of interest is only around 0.2 nm broad. Dr. Hain designed and developed a new software and hardware based on microcomputer AduC 831 (the controlling program in assembler, the controlling and communicating program with PC), which enables fine tuning of ECDL in small region of 0.1 - 0.2 nm with 0.05 nm increment and locking of the laser at specific wavelength too.
Constructed arrangement and performed measurements allow analyzing of the ECDL features in the configuration with iodine cell. By solving of the project it was showed up, that for tuning of the laser system at given wavelength it is necessary to set up the specific laser power and laser chip temperature.
Publications created during solving the project:
Current contents publications
BARTL, J.: Preparation of depth setting standards of
type A1 at the Slovak Institute of Metrology. Metrologia 2002, Vol.39,
No.4, p.355-360
BARTL, J.- FIRA, R.: Laser-interferometric device
for calibration of ring gauges. Optica Applicata, 23, 2003, No. 2-3, pp
GUTTENOVA, J.- BARTL, J.: Theory of Doppler-free
Saturation Spectroscopy (Prispevok zaslaný v r. 2005 do CC časopisu
Optica Applicata).
Publication in no current journals
BARTL, J.-FÍRA, R.- JACKO, V.: Tuning of the laser diode. Measurement Science Review, 2002, Vol.2, Section 3, p.9-15
BARTL, J.: Laserové metódy merania tvaru 3-D telies. Metrologické listy, 27, 2004, č.2, s.17-22
HAIN, M.- BARTL, J.- JACKO, V.: Laserový merací
systém pre rýchle meranie geometrických parametrov funkčných plôch
komutátorových teliesok elektromotorov. Metrológia a skúšobníctvo, 9,
2004, č.3, s.4-6
HAIN, M.- BARTL, J.- JACKO, V.: Laser measuring
system for the fast measurement of functional geometric parameters of
electric motor commutator. Jemná mechanika a optika, 49, 2004, č.11-12,
BARTL, J.- BARANEK, M.: Emissivity of aluminium and
its importance for radiometric measurement. Measurement Science Review,
4, Section 3, 2004, p.31-36,
GUTTENOVÁ, J.- VOJTEK, P.: Analýza priečneho
laserového zväzku transformovaného šošovkou. Jemná mechanika a optika,
50, 2005, č.3, s.76-79
BARTL, J.: Realizácia jednotky dĺžky. Metrologické listy, 30, 2005, č.2, s.57-75
GUTTENOVÁ, J.: Vyšetrovanie laserových zväzkov
mechanickými skanovacími zariadeniami alebo CCD kamerou. Metrológia a
skúšobníctvo, 10, 2005, č.4, s.4-11
BARTL, J.: Aplikovaná fyzika. Bratislava, VŠVU 2005, 102 s., ISBN 80-88675-98-7
Proceedings of scientific conferences reports (oral speeches, posters)
BARTL, J.: Aplikácia laserov pri meraní dĺžok. In:
XVIII. Zhromaždenie KZ SR, Zborník prednášok, kalibračné združenie SR,
Bratislava 2002, s.111-117
BARTL, J.: Fyzikálne základy merania dĺžky a
geometrických veličín. In: Zborník prednášok kurzu Škola dĺžky,
Kalibračné združenie SR, Bratislava 2003, s. 23-29
BARTL, J.: A Laser-interferometric Device for Ring
Gauges Calibration. In: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary
Optics, Krzyźowa, Poland, 2002, Proc. the Abstracts of XIIIth
Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference, s.D4
BARTL, J.: Polovodičový injekčný laser. [Interný seminár riešiteľov projektu APVT]. Bratislava, Ústav merania SAV 16.7.2004, 6s.
HAIN, M.: Bezdoplerovská spektroskopia. [Interný
seminár riešiteľov projektu APVT]. Bratislava, Ústav merania SAV
16.7.2004, 6 s.
GUTTENOVÁ, J.: Laser Beam Scanning by Mechanical
Principle or by CCD Camera. . In: Proceedings Wave and Quantum Aspects
of Contemporary Optics, Nitra, SPIE CS & Katedra fyziky Slovenskej
poľnohospodárskej univerzity 2004, s.49
GUTTENOVÁ, J.: Laser Beam Scanning by Mechanical
Principle or by CCD Camera. In: Mechanical Engineering 2004, Proceeding
of abstracts, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of
Technology, Bratislava 2004, s. S2-36
BARTL, J.: Fyzikálne základy merania geometrických
veličín. In: Meranie dĺžky a kalibrácia meradiel dĺžky v praxi. Hotel
Detva, Kalibračné združenie SR, Bratislava 2005, s. 3-16
Dizertation and diploma projects
GUTTENOVÁ, J.: Priestorové charakteristiky laserových zväzkov. [Rigorózna práca] Bratislava, FMFI UK 2004, 62 s.
Research reports
NAVRÁTIL, V.- GÖNCZÖL, T.: Analýza metrologických
parametrov lasera SMU 4, porovnanie s NE dĺžky s následným vyhodnotením
č.ú 210 011 ,Výskum stabilizácie optickej frekvencie diódových laserov.
Bratislava: SMÚ, sept.2003, 8s.
NAVRÁTIL, V.- GÖNCZÖL, T.: Výročná správa 2003 úlohy
210 011. Časť laser SMU 4 a Projekt APVT-51-012102: Výročná správa 2003
úlohy 210 011. Bratislava: SMÚ, dec.2003, 13s.
BARTL, J.: Výskum stabilizácie optických frekvencií
diódových laserov. [Správa 2. etapy riešenia projektu APVT-51-012102]
Bratislava, Ústav merania SAV 2004, 7 s.
BARTL, J.: Výskum stabilizácie optických frekvencií
diódových laserov. [Správa 3. etapy riešenia projektu APVT-51-012102]
Bratislava, Ústav merania SAV 2005, 6 s.