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Institute of Measurement Science SAS Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS)
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Home arrow Departments arrow Optoelectronics arrow Department Staff arrow Karovič Karol, RNDr. DrSc. (emeritus)
Karovič Karol, RNDr. DrSc. (emeritus)

Tel.: +421 2 591045 19, Room: 101, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it


  • Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, 1961

Study stays

  • 1963 – Berlin GDR, Academy of Sciences of the GDR
  • 1969-70, 1983, 1985, 2007 – Braunschweig GFR, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

Affiliation and significant functions

  • Institute of Measurement Science (since 1961-)
  • Office of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (1998-2005)
  • Director of the Institute of Measurement Science (1990-1998)
  • Vice president of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, responsible for the Section I - Unliving Nature
  • Member of the Joint Commission for defense of Doctoral Thesis (PhD., DrSc.) in Bionic, Biomechanics, Measurement Science and Metrology
  • Member of the National technical expert team for appraisal of goods and technologies of dual usege (2009-)

Important results

  • Contribution to solving of theoretical and experimental problems of structure position and width measurement in micrometrology
  • The linearisation of the photoelectric microscope output at the precise comparison of the line length measuring devices
  • The original line setting methods exploited in the world metrological institutes
  • Evaluation of the line structure digital setting by differential interferometer
  • Science and research management
  • Uncertainty of microstructure dimensional measurements

Publications, patents, quotations

  • 74 scientific publications
  • coauthor of 9 patents
  • at least 54 quotations, hereof 46 abroad
  • 232 written request references

Pedagogic activities

  • Special practicum – 4 terms, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University (1960-62)
  • selected lectures for students in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University; Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak Technical University; Faculty of Electrotechnics and Informatics, Slovak Technical University (1966-1997)
  • Lectures and tutorials for doctoral students in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak Technical University; Faculty of Electronitechnics and Informatics, Slovak Technical University (1991-1997)

PhD study supervisor

  • in the scientific field Measurement Science supervised 6 doctor students
  • now supervise one doctor student


  • SAS Gold plaque of Aurel Stodola for deserts in the technical sciences (1989)
  • Silver Medal of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University (1989)
  • Medal Nr. 13. of the Faculty of Electrotechnics and Informatics, Slovak Technical University (2001)
  • The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University Košice, Platinum Medal (2002)
  • Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for Science Promotion (2005)
  • Gold medal of Johann Andrea von Segner from the Office of Normalization, Standards, Metrology and Testing (2005)
Measurement Science Review (On-Line Journal)
Staff of Department of Optoelectronic Measuring Methods