Apparatus for magnetic field cycle control of Nuclotron accelerator |
SÚJV Dubna, contract N 08626319/041653-74
Duration of the project: 01/2005 - 06/2008
Head of the project: Ing. Ľubomír Ondriš CSc.
Financing: SÚJV Dubna, Russian Federation, in 2006 with 160 000,- Sk
Partner laboratory: High Energies Laboratory, SÚJV Dubna, Russian Federation
The measuring system of magnetic field cycle of Nuclotron accelerator field was designed. Further on, the electronic blocks for this system were realized. They were put into operation for trial in High Energies Laboratory in Dubna in Novebmer 2006
Obr.1 - Developed electronics based on gate arrays for magnetic field cycle control of superconducting Nuclotron accelerator.